Your sleep is disturbed by horribledreams. You dream that a great evil keptdormant for eons has just been unleashedon the world. A powerful voice- too realto be a nightmare- speaks to you fromthe darkness of your sleep- Like the Night I have come But at dawn I shall stay To reap of the land that Once was my own. The Ancients that banished me One thousand eons past To spaceless void Now are gone And leave no fickle trace behind. Come the morrow the sun shall rise But never again as bright Until the land in icy winter Returns to face the Night*The Orb of Evertime now is yours But your quest remains in vainI was alive before mortals touched the Earth And no mortal there can touch me.It is true that with the Demon crystal I can lay not tooth nor claw upon youBut I can make you wish you were never bornLet these the words of Malifon be heard-The sky shall Flame The Earth shall BleedAll that is Dark shall rise up in glory And all that is Light Shall be trampled underfoot*As you sleep a thousand images passthrough your mind- images of dark andgloomy forests and rivers of flameImages of great battles being foughtbetween gods and a black force withpower beyond comprehension. One by onethe gods are killed- the Eagle. The SwanThe Raven. The Woman of Colors. TheTiger. One by one they are defeated andfall into the flaming waters belowClerics all over Ymros wake up with thefeeling that something has been tornfrom their souls. Images ofgreat flaming thunderbolts turningtemples to ruins appear again and again. The gods are dead.*