Eregore, the High Priest stands beforeyou, unusually confident with only 2 ofhis henchmen remaining. To his side is alarge, round, ominous black mirror fromwhich a feeling of greet evil eminates.To the other side of him a beautiful,round, multi-faceted mirror hangs by athin thread from the ceiling. Eregorespeaks to you:"You fools believe you are so powerful.You have no idea what true power is.Malifon, my master, is the supremepower. You are lucky he let you live solong."You may respond: 1) "It was no luck. We are more powerful than you or him."2) "He cannot harm us as long as we hold the Demon Crystal of Kalek-Zin."*"We shall see who is more powerful and who lives to see tomorrow."*Eregore looks at the black mirror witha questioning glance and then returnshis gaze to you. "Who is thisKalek-Zin?"You may respond: 1) "He was the greatest of the White Knights, but alas, has been dead for centuries"2) "He is an ancient God, the last of an old race."3) "Kalek-Zin is a great dragon from whom we stole this magical artifact"*"Let us see if he helps you now."*"If you had no trouble in slaying sucha great dragon than you should be ableto defeat me with equal ease and grace."*Eregore is becoming more upset. He hasthe air of a simple man who has onlyrecently come to hold great power. Heappears more a tool of some greaterpower than one who has risen togreatness by his own accord. Again helooks to the mirror for guidance andthen speaks to you. "All the WhiteKnights are dead. There is no one tostop me from taking over Ymros. Malifonwill help me take power and make meruler of all these lands."You may respond: 1) "We will stop you."2) "If he plans to help you rule then why has he stolen the Shard of Spring?"*"Even they are not powerful enough todefeat me."*"That's not true!" (He turns tothe black mirror and speaks) "Do youhave the Shard of Spring?" A powerful voice speaks from theblack mirror: "Yes" Eregore is shaking with fright. Henow speaks like a child. "If you destroythe Shard a Winter will strike the land.Of course you will spare your loyalfollowers..." The voice speaks firmly: "Yourpurpose was to free me. Now that youhave done that I have no need of you."* Eregore is now shaking like a leaf.In a scared tone of voice he utters asingle word: "Why?" Malifon speaks: "My Winter shall cleanse the land of mortal souls And, once again, Silence shall embrace the Wind and Gods shall walk the Earth" Eregore appears in total shock, as ifsome spirit has drained the life fromhis body. He cries out "I was wrong...I've helped destroy the world." Frombeneath his cloak he produces a curveddagger. "May there be a benevolent godto watch over me now..." Eregore fallslimp to the floor. The voice laughs. "You are a fool.The Benevolent Ones are dead.* The voice from the mirror now speaksto you: "Your meddling has become a thorn in my side. Eregore died a fool's death yours will be worse. For now I shall shatter your precious Shard and My Winter shall begin. Do not believe you have felt the last of my wrath. Your pain is my sustenance your blood my drink, I do not intend to starve." With those words a shattering isheard that shakes the bowels of theearth and your head reels as the landscreams out to you in pain. The black mirror shatters but theround one still remains. Eregore'shenchman flee from the room in fear andEregore lies dead at your feet.*