; ; COLONIZATION Label Messages ; Copyright (c) 1994 by MicroProse Software ; ; Altering the contents of this file may cause the game to ; malfunction. ; @INFO Moves: Locat: With: With: @MISC a an End of Turn None Expert Sailing For Inbound From Now Arriving In Docks At Expected Soon Bound For No Ships In Port Awaiting Passage (Cost: ) Lost City Rumor .5 Wilderness Land of the No cargo ready for transport! No cargo holds available! No cargo on board! Loading Unloading onto in Mission Missions INDIAN ADVISER REPORT RELIGIOUS ADVISER REPORT Road Nothing only Continue turn. Zoom to colony. The CONTINENTAL CONGRESS ACTIVITIES Now debating: Alarmed by Lake wagons holds Requires (CLEAR SPECIALTY) Horse Herds OK sells for LABOR ADVISER REPORT ECONOMIC ADVISER REPORT COLONY ADVISER REPORT NAVAL ADVISER REPORT Off Mapboard (Europe) On Mapboard In Colonies (Click on item to zoom) K Tons Gold High Seas Ship Cargo Location Destination Veteran Seasoned Learned Ask: Rebel Tory Sentiment King's Popularity defeat defeats COMBAT ANALYSIS Fatigue Attack Bonus Ambush Terrain Colony Fortified Spain Bonus Plowed Artillery In Open Expeditionary Force Rebels Tories Matters Founding Fathers Drake (Building Upkeep) TOTAL UPKEEP FOREIGN AFFAIRS REPORT 's Colonies Population Average Colony Military Power Naval Power Merchant Marine War Peace Adviser Bombard + More + and past ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COLONIZATION (More) (Exit) Intervention Force Next Continental Congress Session Intervention COLONIZATION SCORE Citizens Independence Villages Burned Declared Achieved Foreign Recognition Total Score Trees (Outside Colony) Asking Bidding SCORING COMPLETE COMPLETE arrives in Artillery Vs. Raid Extinct Boycott Tory Unrest Rebel Unrest Continental Congress Sold Bought at $/ton Price % Tax Net Early Revolution prior nations Land Mass Land Form Temperature Climate Small Moderate Large Archipelago Normal Continents Cool Temperate Warm Arid Normal Wet CUSTOMIZE NEW WORLD Click Here When Finished Choose Difficulty Level Level Easiest Easy Moderate Tough Toughest Select European Power Power Immigration Cooperation Conquest Trade Fish With Combat Attack Cargo Holds Moves Plow River Coast Move Cost Defense or Ambush Bonus Prerequisite (F1 for Help) (Withdrawn from New World) Free COLONIZATION HALL OF FAME to A.D. President General, Continental Army Leader Score Colonization_Rating Prime Damaged Press Bid Price Ask Price Zoom to Europe. European Trade Cargo in Port Military Garrisons Sons of Liberty Exit 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 @ROUTE EDIT TRADE ROUTE Route Name: Route Type: Sea Land Destination Unload Cargo Load Cargo (Delete Destination) @CMISC Harvest / Resources Units Present Make @CTITLE Pop: Gold: BUY CHANGE Select An Item To Build (No Production) (More) Turns) Select a Profession for Tax: @CMESSAGE bought for sold for moved to . Price: No room for Nothing to transport Not enough to fill cargo hold! too expensive! No in cargo hold! Nothing to transfer! at Buying Selling Loading Unloading % Tax: . Net: @EUROLABEL RECRUIT PURCHASE TRAIN x