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Noah predicts. *NEWSL Great Wall damaged, Vandals suspected. *NEWSM Nostradamus fortells future: Trouble ahead! *NEWSN Marie Antionette's diet secret: Cake! *EXCHANGE 'We note that your primitive civil-^ ization has not even discovered^ $RPLC1. Do you care^ to exchange knowledge with us?'^ _'No, we do not need $RPLC1.'^ _'OK, let's exchange knowledge.' *CANCEL You have made peace with our evil^ neighbors: the $THEM.^ We $RPLC1 you cancel this treaty^ at once!^ _'Never, the $THEM are our friends.'^ _Cancel treaty with the $THEM. *TRIBUTE 'You are unworthy to make peace^ with us. However, we will agree^ not to crush your puny civilization^ in exchange for $BUCKS$ in tribute.'^ _'We laugh at your empty threats'^ _Pay $BUCKS in tribute^ *TAKECIV 'Your civilization makes us laugh.^ We will agree not to crush your^ worthless civilization in exchange^ for the secret of $RPLC1.'^ _'We ignore your hollow threats'^ _Give secret of $RPLC1 *PEACE 'You may be worthy to make peace^ with us. We have prepared a treaty^ for your signature.'^ _Reject^ _Accept^ *ATTITUDE In spite of your disrespectful^ attitude, we will spare you from^ the wrath of our mighty armies.^ *PROVOKE 'Our patience is exhausted. We^ can no longer tolerate your vile^ provocations. Prepare for WAR!' *REJECT 'You reject our generous offer?^ Your insolence must be punished.^ Prepare for WAR!' *RID 'We have decided to rid the world^ of your worthless civilization.^ Prepare for WAR!' *MOBILIZE 'Very well, we will mobilize our^ armies for WAR! You will pay for^ your foolish pride!' *THREAT You respond: 'We...^ _Welcome peace with the $RPLC1.'^ _Have a military proposal for you.'^ _Demand tribute for our patience.'^ *NOCONTACT We have no contact with the $RPLC1.^ *ATWAR We are already at war with the^ worthless $RPLC1.^ *MERCENARY We will ruthlessly smite the evil^ $RPLC1 in exchange for^ $BUCKS to cover our expenses.^ _Never mind.^ _Yes, we will gladly pay.^ *UNFORTUNATE Unfortunately, your treasury does^ not contain sufficient funds to^ support your extravagant promises.^ *PALACE The people spontaneously decide to recognize^ your many years of enlightened leadership.^ Craftsmen, masons, laborers, and artisans turn^ out to build a fine addition to your palace.^ *HELPME Our civilization is threatened by the^ evil $THEM. Will you help us to repel^ their unprovoked agression? We will^ send you $BUCKS$ to cover your expenses.^ _No, sorry, tough luck.^ _Yes, cancel treaty with $THEM. *CRUSADE We invite you to join our crusade to^ rid the world of the evil $THEM.^ We will $RPLC1 peace treaty^ for the duration of the hostilities.^ _No, not interested.^ _Yes, cancel treaty with $THEM. *GIVECIV In exchange for peace we will share^ with you the secret of $RPLC1.^ _Reject offer^ _Make Peace^ *GIVECASH In exchange for peace we offer^ you $BUCKS$ in tribute to your^ manifest magnificence.^ _Reject offer^ _Make Peace^ *GIVEMORE We present you with a gift of $BUCKS$^ in tribute to your peaceful nature.^ *GROVEL Have mercy on our humble and peace-^ loving civilization. We will give^ you all of our gold ($BUCKS$) and^ knowledge if you let us live in peace.^ _Reject offer^ _Make Peace^ *TREATY We affirm this treaty of eternal^ friendship and goodwill between^ the people of the $RPLC1^ and $US civilizations. *GAPE You are invited to gape with^ awe and amazement as the^ $US demonstrate the wonders^ of $RPLC1. WARNING: Absolutely^ no scribes will be allowed. *LEADER Barbarian leader captured!^ 100$ ransom paid. *ESCHISM The $US empire is swept by^ Civil War triggered by the fall^ of their capital! When the dust^ settles the empire has been split^ into loyal ($US) and^ rebel ($THEM) factions. *QUIZ A usurper claims that you are not the^ rightful king! To prove you are of royal^ birth you must answer this question:^ *QUIZ2 The people laugh at your feeble answer.^ You have one last chance to prove your^ royal birth. Check your Manual carefully.^ *CORRECT Congratulations, you have proven your^ worthiness. May you enjoy a long and^ glorious reign as sovereign.^ *INCORRECT Word of your lack of knowledge spreads^ from town to town. Throughout the^ realm soldiers return to their homes.^ *INIT $RPLC1, you have risen^ to become leader of the^ $US. May your reign^ be long and prosperous.^ The $US have knowledge^ of Irrigation, Mining,^ *TAXES Warning: Funds are running low.^ Perhaps we should raise our tax^ rate or hire some tax collectors.^ *SPACE ^ In the year $RPLC1^ voyagers from the planet Earth^ set forth on a journey^ of cosmic exploration.^ A spaceship populated by^ $BUCKS0,000 $THEM colonists^ successfully bridged the^ vast distances between the stars.^ Arriving in $RPLC2^ at the star system^ Alpha Centauri,^ these intrepid pioneers^ began the colonization^ of a new world.^ $US, your people^ have fulfilled the dream^ of countless generations.^ Your name will live forever^ in the annals of CIVILIZATION!^ *SPACE2 ^ In the year $RPLC1^ voyagers from the planet Earth^ set forth on a journey^ of cosmic exploration.^ A spaceship populated by^ $BUCKS0,000 $THEM colonists^ successfully bridged the^ vast distances between the stars.^ Arriving in $RPLC2^ at the star system^ Alpha Centauri,^ these intrepid pioneers^ began the colonization^ of a new world.^ $US, your people^ have a long and glorious history.^ Perhaps one day, your name^ will also be written^ in the annals of CIVILIZATION.^ *ARCH Centuries later,^ archeologists discover the remains^ of your ancient civilization.^ Evidence of thriving towns,^ $RPLC1, roads,^ and a centralized government^ amaze the startled scientists.^ Finally, they come upon^ a stone tablet, which contains^ but one mysterious phrase:^ $US WILL RETURN!^ *FAME Your final score has been^ entered into the Hall of Fame.^ Do you want to keep playing?^ (No further score will be recorded)^ _No, I'm done.^ _Yes, keep playing.^ *LOMEM There appears to be insufficent ^ memory available in this computer^ for the options you have chosen.^ This may cause problems in display-^ ing animations and saving games.^ To reduce the memory required:^ 1) Remove any TSR or other memory-^ resident programs in your computer.^ 2) select the IBM or No Sound^ drivers instead of Roland or AdLib,^ 3) select EGA instead of VGA/MCGA.^ .^ MEM AVAIL=$RPLC1, MEM NEEDED=8000^ Continue at your own risk!^ *D1 Plague in $RPLC1!^ Scores perish!^ Citizens demand AQUEDUCT.^ *D2 Floods strike $RPLC1!^ Houses washed away.^ Citizens demand CITY WALLS.^ *D3 Volcano erupts near $RPLC1!^ Citizens flee in terror.^ Citizens demand TEMPLE.^ *D4 Famine strikes $RPLC1!^ Scores perish.^ *D5 Fire sweeps through $RPLC1!^ $US destroyed.^ Citizens demand AQUEDUCT.^ *D6 Pirates plunder $RPLC1!^ Production halted, Food Stolen.^ Citizens demand BARRACKS.^ *REV Are you sure you want a REVOLUTION?^ _No thanks.^ _Yes, we need a new government.^ *UMAX Sire, our population can not^ support so many military units.^ We must eliminate some of our old^ units before we build new ones. *PMAX Sire, our bureaucrats can not^ administer so many cities.^ We must remove some of our old^ cities before we build new ones. *END *END