^C^I* About the game * In CATACOMB 3-D you are the high wizard who must rescue your friend from the clutches of the evil lich Nemesis. Using your magical powers, you venture forth into the bizzare dimensions of the Catacombs. ^C^I* Getting started * Starting this game is as simple as typing the following at the DOS prompt: START followed by the [ENTER] key. If you need further help, call our Technical Support group at 1-318-221-8311. ^C^I* Summary of how to play * After the title screen appears, you can press the SPACE key to bring up the Control Panel. From the Control Panel you can do any of the following actions: Start a New Game Load a Saved Game Save the current game in progress Configure your system Return to current game in progress End current game in progress Play Paddle Wars (just a minor diversion) Quit altogether These options are fairly self-explanatory once you try them out. ^C^1Playing the game In CATACOMB 3-D you must explore deeper and deeper into Nemesis's domain within the Catacombs. Here are the things you can do: * WALK. Use the arrow keys, joystick, or mouse to walk around. * RUN. Hold down the SHIFT key when using the keyboard controls and you will walk/run faster. In joystick mode, push the joystick all the way forward. Mouse users just move the mouse faster. * FIRE A MAGIC BOLT. Hold down the CTRL key (or joystick and mouse Button 1) to build shot power, then release the button to unleash a deadly magic bolt. If you let it build up completely, a huge bolt will be released. * STRAFE. Hold down the ALT key (or Button 2) to run sideways. This is very helpful when a large batch of monsters is coming toward you. You can move side-to-side while firing repeatedly and mow them down. * GET ITEM. To get items off the floor, simply move over them. You will find powerspheres, chests, keys, scrolls, and healing potions. * HEAL. Press H or SPACEBAR to drink a healing potion. * NUKE. If you picked up a Nuke Powersphere, press N or ENTER to release a magic burst in all directions. * BOLT. If you picked up a Bolt Powersphere, press B to unleash a stream of magic bolts at an opponent. * READ SCROLL. To read a scroll, press the corresponding number key at the top of our keyboard. * EXIT LEVEL. To get to the next level of the castle, find the magic gate. It will look like a pulsating blue cloud. * OPEN DOOR. To open a magic door, you'll need a key of the same color as the energy barring the way. * EXPLODE A WALL. There are many hidden chambers behind the walls of the hallways you will traverse. Systematically spray the walls with magic bolts in order to uncover the explodable walls that will disappear revealing the chambers beyond. ^C^IPlay strategies * Don't run through the halls blindly. You will get into fatal trouble for sure that way. * Use the side-stepping strafing technique to peek around corners. * Dispose of monsters while they are still far away from you. When they get close, they will hurt you.