^C^I* About the game * Originally called The Catacomb II. You are a mighty wizard who has been sent on a mission to free the Palace of Kierlon from the powers of darkness. Armed with the power to hurl powerful magic missiles you strike out on a grand adventure. ^C^I* Getting started * Starting this game is as simple as typing the following at the DOS prompt: START followed by the [ENTER] key. If you need further help, call our Technical Support group at 1-318-221-8311. ^C^I* Summary of how to play * You will enter 30 levels inside the Castle. In each level you will be confronted by a host of evil creatures set to spoil your day. Using your power to hurl magic missiles, you will blast them away as you seek the treasure and exit(s) that are to be found in the level. The exits are in the form of magic teleporation mirrors. You'll know one when you see it. Some walls can be destroyed by your magic missiles, revealing great secret chambers. Try blasting as many walls as possible. You never know where they might be! You will find keys to unlock doors. Chests will contain money (=points!). Potions will heal your wounds. Scrolls may contain a bolt or a nuke... your weapons of choice! Should your body points reach zero, you will die and the game is over. Drink a potion to heal up before you die. Press and release the fire button to release energy bolts that can damage monsters and reveal hidden corridors behind walls. Hold down the fire button to build up the energy level of the bolt before you release it for maximum effect. You can search walls for hidden passages by strafing as you move side-to-side. Keep an eye on your body points. They disappear quickly. There are 30 levels. The first 10 are tough. The next 10 may trap you if you're not careful. The last 10 are so difficult, it is embarassing. SAVE YOUR SCROLLS! Many things are hidden behind explodable walls. There may be no other way to get into a room besides shooting through a wall. Beware, though, that sometimes disappearing walls will release monsters! So, stay alert. You may use your keyboard, joystick, or mouse to control the game. ^C^I* Controlling Play * Joystick Keyboard Mouse MOVE Move stick Arrows Move mouse FIRE Button 1 CTRL Button 1 STRAFE Button 2 ALT Button 2 Drink potion SPACE or P Fire bolt B Fire nuke ENTER or N F1: Help screen F4: Save game F2: Control Panel F5: Load game F3: Reset game F9: Pause game ESC: Quit game