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Better make it a Large this timeMake date for bridge game on TSNSex and the Single ScientistThe Frankenstein PapersGene-Splicing Made EasyConfessions of a Crazed ChemistThe Search for SerotoninABC's of Brain TransplantsEvolutionary Creationism -- the Unified TheoryA Simple Proof for Fermat's Last TheoremHow to Disarm Nuclear Devicestimelinessmathematicsprogrammingcosmic consciousnesspattern recognitionlanguagememorylogic and deductionfollowing instructionsThis is Dr. Brain's office. You wonder how anyone could get any work done in here with the constantly ringing telephone, the fax machine whirring away, and the general mess. (Maybe that's why Dr. Brain ISN'T working in here!)rm440a piece of paperpapersbookshelfbookShelfopenShelfpatchThis patch doesn't look very secure.telephoneThe telephone keeps ringing. Why isn't Dr. Brain picking up the laboratory extension?phonephoneRingerfax machineDr. Brain's fax machine is continually spewing out pages of scientific research results, incredible discoveries, stock market quotes, and sports scores. (Dr. Brain seems to be especially interested in the Pro Bowling Tour.)teletypelamplightBulblightChangedesk drawerThis drawer has an unusual red lock.draweropenDrawerdecoder ringringjob skills boardThis board is labelled "Job Skills", and looks like a giant job application.jobSkillsdeskDr. Brain's desk looks impressive, imposing, and seldom-used (except for eating pizza).This cute little lamp looks like a penguin. It shows the same degree of artistic taste as evidenced by the lawn flamingos.trash canThe trash can is totally full of old papers, magazines, and newspapers. At least these aren't out on the floor!wasteBasketcomfy chairThis overstuffed chair looks as though it's seen better days, but it is still very comfortable.chairtablejobPuzzlechoicebuttonlastIconjobWindowrealBookbookPuzzlebookCastmoveBookbookWindowdummyBookchickencodePaperguessedWrongwrongGuessTimerThings To Do Now boardThis board is labelled "Things to Do Now!".TTDBoardfake drawerThis "drawer" is actually a false front -- the desk was cheaper that way.otherDeskDrawersdesk blotterThe desk blotter is covered with esoteric scribblings. From them, you learn that E=mc squared, and that Dr. Brain's favorite food is a thick crust sausage and artichoke pizza.blotterstaplerIt's a desk stapler.loose papersIt appears that Dr. Brain could use a housekeeper as well as a lab assistant. Busy scientists go through a lot of paper.papersOnFloorwindowYou admire the landscape beyond the window for a few moments. Then you remember that you're in the basement.pictureWindowmirror frameIt's a mirror frame, minus the mirror (a mere frame?).mirrordartDr. Brain uses a scientific system of pseudo-random determination to decide which job to tackle next. In other words, he throws darts.phoneSteletypeS  L  )%)5)J)))))*/*O*h**** @ %19 6=*+++1+E+N+U+i+HHHxxxHHH444III^^^ 4E 5,E)3E+. -:11GGG]ss*- ,9 3 6 5 B %-5=\ $,5HH\l]$3h  0F M a z  ? < . B  B V f (<Lh| kDh(l%/|0[/8p9DJW`">_ r