I N S T A L L 3 . 7 5 8 Version 3.758 Added logic to force magicExeFiles to always load low. Changes: Made magicExeFiles[] and pointer 'msp" global. Added Bool Autoexecline::isMagicExeFile. Used isMagicExeFile in WriteAutoexec() Version 3.757 8-1-95 Forced bootdisk autoexec.bat to be written in upper case letters by adding strupr to function BootFile::ReadLine Changed driverstruct vesaDriver to magicExeFiles in bootdisk.cpp. This was done because of the increasing tendency for add on cards such as sound and video to use there own proprietary set up executables. This provides a convienent method to force bootdisk to include recongnized files in the created autoexec. Added ssinit.exe, diagnose, aweutil, sb16set, sbconfig. To magicExeFiles Version 3.756 7/31/95 Forced smartdrv to use autoexec.bat anytime smartdrv.exe is availible. (commented out the install=smartdrv logic). Made smartdrv command upper case. Added int smartDriveAmt to hold default cache size value. Modified -s flag to optionaly set smartdrv cache size in K, Example -s128 will set cache to 128K Set smartdrv default to 512K Commented out call to Rap10Detect in snddetct.s. Some SCSI CDROM systems would loss their ability to read CD when this function was called. Changed order of autoexec.bat construction, to put calls to smartdrv after mscdex line (to allow cdrom to be cached). Version 3.755 7/30/95 Fixed bug where bootdisk -p was not loading dos high. Now it uses himem.sys to do so. Version 3.754 7/30/95 Stopped adding drivers. Fixed uninitiated variable foundCDDriver to force original algolrithm to work. Now, once again any driver in front of a D: in the config.sys file will be added to bootdisk. Sound choices presented to user in a order taken from install.hlp again, by resolving confict in order which Driverlist and textdict where instantiated. Version 3.753 Added ATAPI_CD.SYS, NEC_CD.SYS, MTMCDAIS.SYS to driver list. Made command line switches case insensitive. Set Smartdrv to 512K Version 3.752 Added NEC_IDE.SYS to needed driver list. Fixed bug where bootdisk.exe was ignoring -p option. Version 3.751 7/18/95 Sound card detection code for Sound Blaster AWE32 added. Version 3.750 7/14/95 Non-Inn version. Fixed the bug that causes the install program to abort when argv[0] != CWD. A list of VESA drivers need by Diamond ATI and Video 7 cards was created, at some point.. not sure when. BOOTDISK.EXE & INSTALL.EXE share the same version id label. Fixed bug where resource.cfg was being written out with a space in front of entries like "directory" Hardware tests (video speed, cpu speed, cdrom speed) created. Version 3.748 6/7/95 INN version. Checks the path supplied by the user for the existance of certain INN specific files or reports bad path. Version 3.745 3/17/95 Updated CD driver names in Bootdisk.cpp to allow users to make a bootdisk with their CD drvers included. This could get to be an on going problem. Version 3.744 3/14/95 Smartdrv cache size set to 128k for Alien Legacy. The Kludge of hard coding such a small buffer was deemed acceptable because of the assumption that this would be the last program to ship with a DOS only install. ( Ummm, ya sure ). Also added string to disable write cacheing on dest. drive. Version 3.743 3/13/95 Format command now uses /U /V:SIERRA to unconditionaly format and name the bootdisk. Bootdisk also uses smartdrv /X to turn write caching off on all drives. Version: 3.742 2/27/95 Changed box borders to characters that translate better. Changed disk space free report to round down .1 meg instead of up. Added feature that allows script writter to display to the user the disk space available on a selected drive. The script writer can now use %7 which holds the last result of a SPACE script command. Provided the resource.cfg does not have an space = (size) entry, which disables using 'space' in the script. space %1: 1 NO_WHERE The 1 and NO_WHERE are dummy variables that force a check for at least 1 kb free and jump to label NO_WHERE if the check fails, which it won't. The important thing is %7 get set to a character string containing free space. echo drive %1: has %7 megs free Will print out something like "drive c: has 54.3 megs free". Also fixed some destination path parsing bugs. Users who add \ at the end of the destination path will not be punished, users who type a space in the path will define end of string at that point and get "bad path" message. Rounded up some missing source files and created a makefile. Saddly, using bc 3.1 instead of 4.x oh well. Version: 3.74 Added feature that allows you to have two different installation sizes. Instead of using; space = (size) you can now use; polyspac = (small size),(large size) A menu will appear and ask the user to make a selection. The users choice is represented in the script file as a new variable %6. It can have values of either BIG or SMALL depending on the users selection. In your script file, you would probably have some code that looks like this: goto %6 :SMALL echo installing small version of program goto end :BIG echo installing large version of program goto end :end Version: 3.73 Fixed some bugs involving SMARTDRv. There are some differences between how DOS 5.x and 6.x deal with this, that are now working. Added detection of SBCONFIG.EXE in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file for sound blaster. This program is now included in your boot autoexec if it was found in your hard drives autoexec. Absence of this was causing SoundSet to crash. Install no longer duplicates SET=variables in multi-boot autoexec files. Resolved some bugs involving MSCDEX being loaded multiple times in autoexec if multi-boot was used. Program can resolve between duplicate programs in config.sys and autoexec.bat files now. For instance, if you load mouse.sys in config.sys and mouse.com in autoexec.bat, the program only puts mouse.sys in the config.sys file. Fixed a problem where Install was attempting to load your path as an executable in autoexec.bat if you had a directory in your path called \mouse. Modified reading of resource.cfg so that its variables and variable settings are no longer case-sensitive. This would cause problems if you entered SmartDrv instead of smartdrv, or Yes instead of yes. Version: 3.72 Added new .CFG feature to allow you to force SMARTDRV to be included in the config.sys file even if the user does not originally have it there. This allows disk-intensive games to force SMARTDRV to be loaded. Fixed a small bug that was not recognizing that you had re-inserted the install disk. It would not allow you to rename install.exe to some other file name. Fixed some bugs relating to CD=yes option. Install was not recognizing MSCDEX loaded in the config.sys file with the INSTALL option, (this is new to DOS 6.x). It was installing the file all the time even if CD=no. It was also loading the driver.sys file when it wasn't supposed to. Version: 3.71 SR941003: Setting the environment variable %LANGUAGE% to a directory name instructs the install program to read its supporting files from an alternate directory. This was to facilitate foreign language versions of the programs menu, help text, etc. Files to be included in this directory are: .TXT, .HLP, .SCR, .SIP, README, READ.ME, and any other files unique to language installation. The program looks on the foreign directory first before searching in the current directory. Version: 3.70 SR941002: The program used to stop searching for bootdisk files when it found the first one. Now it continues its search until it finds the one with the most recent date. SR941004: Boot disk operation was not recognizing INSTALL= instructions in the config.sys file and thus it was not loading CD ROM TSR drivers that were being loaded in the config.sys file. The Boot disk making feature now recognizes INSTALL=. SR941005: Boot disk operation would choke on multi-boot config and autoexec files by adding duplicate entries in the boot disk's config.sys. It now checks to see if the file has already been recognized by the config.sys parser before adding it to the list of files to process. ******** Support for this program was transferred over to Dynamix, Inc. ****** 3.690 7/20/94 Use new names for compression files in DOS 6.22. 3.680 4/5/94 Recognize MSCDEX replacements NWCDEX and CORELCDX. 3.670 11/21/93 Detect SADL.DRV (Ed Critchlow). 3.661 11/16/93 Copy over CSP.SYS. Don't load MSCDEX twice unless one of them is loaded high. 3.660 11/14/93 Boot disk maker: SCI32 protected mode boot disk (doesn't load things high). Copies SET BLASTER= line. Doesn't abort if can't find DBLSPACE.DRV. Doesn't use "I=C800-EFFF M3" option to EMM386. Prompt puts our text on line above prompt. Other changes: Fixed SPACE command in script language to treat argument as unsigned. Added "mode=" line to RESOURCE.CFG to use for real mode (SCI16) programs (for bootdisk maker's benefit). Better handling of nonexistent or empty drives in drive selection list. 3.648 5/21/93 Boot disk maker: Make boot disk AUTOEXEC.BAT go to install destination hard disk, instead of COMSPEC disk. Pause after running FORMAT so user can view FORMAT error messages, if any. 3.647 5/13/93 Boot disk maker: fixed FORMAT command invocation for DOS 3.3. 3.645-6 5/10/93 Boot disk maker: load mouse driver first. 3.644 4/26/93 Handle checking for disk compression on a write-protected drive. If no space on drive to test, or if file error, report no compression. Boot disk maker: Support DOS 6's DoubleSpace disk compression. Load mouse driver last. Fixed bug if MSCDEX is loaded but no CD driver is. 3.630 3/25/93 Detect Aria sound driver (Ed Critchlow). 3.620 3/8/93 Source directory wasn't being set properly. Allow SPACE script command if RESOURCE.CFG doesn't contain a "space=" entry. "directory=" entry was being written twice to RESOURCE.CFG. 3.612 2/25/93 Boot disk maker allows changing to a directory on boot even if a command isn't specified, and vice versa. 3.611 2/23/93 Fixed bug in user defined directory screen where the prompt was not adjusted when the destination drive has been changed. 3.610 2/22/93 Drive selection screen. 3.600 2/16/93 Added the ability for the install to operating using files compressed using the SIP archive format. The install can also work as normal without any compression at all. 3.590 2/5/93 If MSCDEX specifies more than one CD drive, both will be looked for in the user's CONFIG.SYS and used in the boot disk. If KEYB is used in user's AUTOEXEC.BAT, it will be used in the boot disk. Fixed bug where 64K EMS was eaten each time program was run. 3.580 1/12/93 The prompt for the user chosen directory now includes the slash built into the prompt. The user no longer has to provide it. The rest of the changes were for the boot disk maker: Memory managed boot file lines are detected. Added improved CD device driver recognition. Low density disk can be formatted in high density drive. EMM386 and HIMEM.SYS now copied to boot disk for compatibility with compressed hard drives. CD drivers are not loaded unless 'CD=yes' appears in RESOURCE.CFG. If the game does not require EMS (indicated by lack of 'minEMS=' line in RESOURCE.CFG) the boot disk maker won't direct EMM386 to provide EMS. If the game requires EMS and a CD driver or hard disk manager is loading (requiring more high memory), EMM386 will be run with the I=C800-EFFF M3 option. Lines in AUTOEXEC preceded with '@' are now processed correctly. MSCDEX, if found, is loaded twice: once high and once low. This is because if it fails to load high because of insufficient memory, it won't load low unless we explicitly tell it to. Program now searches entire floppy disk to make sure the disk with Install is or isn't in the drive. After boot disk is made, changes back to install directory on floppy. This allows the boot disk maker to work properly if Install is not run from the root directory of the floppy. 3.570 12/17/92 Return an errorlevel from external programs even if output is redirected (we handle all redirection of output now). Made tab character a delimiter when parsing tokens from script. 3.568 11/24/92 Added support for midnone.drv. 3.567 10/1/92 Install will now detect if you are on a CD drive. Added support for the Microsoft Windows sound card. 3.566 9/29/92 Updated copyright notice. 3.565 9/27/92 Fixed a bug so disk errors like disengaging a floppy too early will be correctly reported. 3.564 9/15/92 For the moment, the install will not append the 220 usually included on the config file line to indicate the audio port. A more complete solution is forthcoming. 3.563 9/2/92 Added the /s flag to the copy command. This performs a copy with echoing to the screen. Fixed the 'if exist' command to now work properly. 3.562 7/23/92 Program now allows user to pick the directory where game files will be placed. Also added support for the Sound Blaster Pro driver. 3.561 6/15/92 After creating boot disk, prompt to replace boot disk with install disk after prompting to label boot disk. 3.560 6/12/92 After making a boot disk, program asks user to put Install disk back in. Corrected Gameblaster and SoundBlaster number of voices information in INSTALL.HLP. Changed help and menu text for EGA640 driver so that it doesn't say RGB monitors are supported (Dan Foy). 3.551 6/10/92 Added several more device drivers to be copied when making a boot disk. 3.550a 6/8/92 (TSN) TSN.CFG wasn't being written on a reinstall. 3.550 5/27/92 Support more drivers when creating boot disk. 3.540 5/26/92 Making a boot disk on a '286 with DOS 5.0 will load DOS high. 3.531 5/15/92 Boot disk making function can start game if directory and startup command provided in RESOURCE.CFG. (Version number wasn't incremented.) 3.531a 5/14/92 (TSN) Always write out the password file, instead of having the script do it on an initial install. 3.531 5/13/92 Fixed bug in 'xxx = none' which made program think 'no' == 'none'. 3.530 5/4/92 Added support for 'xxx = none' resource file entry so Dynamix can avoid showing the mouse and memory menus. 3.521 4/30/92 Made so "Make boot disk" is never default choice. 3.520 4/27/92 Added 'if exist'. 3.511 4/24/92 Fixed another bug where previous install's config files weren't read properly. 3.510 4/24/92 Added concatenation capability to copy command. 3.501 4/24/92 Fixed bug where previous install's config files weren't read properly. 3.500 4/22/92 Added boot disk making function for all versions of DOS and all CPUs. 3.411a 4/21/92 Added password screens for TSN. 3.411 3/24/92 Found and worked around bug in Borland C++ in boot disk making module. Added option in code not to allow making boot disk, for TSN. 3.410 3/20/92 Added DOS 5.0, '386 boot disk making function. Fixed some bugs related to faulty optimization in Borland C++ 3.0. 3.400 3/5/92 Converted to Borland C++ 3.0. Fixed bug where shelling to a program in the install script cleared the screen regardless of presence of indirection. 3.396c 1/30/92 (TSN only) Forwent secondary phone number for this version. 3.396b 1/28/92 (TSN only) Added secondary phone number and mailbox number screens. 3.396 1/13/92 Fixed bug where shelling to a program in the install script truncated the command line after the first argument. 3.395a 12/19/91 (TSN only) Made modem setup string input field wider (from 35 to 55 chars). 3.395 11/21/91 If installing on a network, limit max drive to install to to Z:. 3.394 11/14/91 Improved detection of Sound Blaster on fast machines (Chris Smith). 3.393 11/5/91 Fixed bug when a version number was long, like 3.393a. Changed title of TSN phone list window and allowed wider entries. 3.392 11/1/91 Added /q flag to copy command. 3.391 10/14/91 Fixed compiler option that was incompatible with library. 3.39 10/8/91 Minor internal changes to support The Laffer Utilities. Integrated with library used in other programs (like View Editor). 3.381 10/1/91 (TSN only) Added 9600 baud menu choice. 3.38 9/26/91 Added screen at end of install telling user to send in his warranty card. 3.371 9/26/91 Sound and speech choices weren't showing the user's previous choices on a re-install. Dan Foy fixed a bug in detection of a Tandy w/VGA. Increased size of version number. Thousandths will be used for bug fixes; hundredths for small improvements; tenths for major improvements; and unit for rewrites. 3.37 9/6/91 Fixed YATB (Yet Another Tandy Bug) where the Tandy would hang while detecting extended memory if there is none. Made right window shadow narrower if in greater than 25-line mode to match size of bottom shadow. If an external command is redirected, don't clear screen. 3.36 9/4/91 Help for TSN phone number views a file containing phone numbers. 3.35 8/29/91 Wasn't getting text for joystick menu label from INSTALL.HLP. 3.34 8/28/91 Fixed video display routines to be compatible with UltraVision. 3.33 8/20/91 Clear screen on abort from critical error. 3.32 8/19/91 Added ability to execute external programs and test their return value with new IF ERRORLEVEL command. Fixed bug where port wasn't appended to sound and audio configuration lines. 3.31 8/2/91 Made command log window larger. 3.30 7/31/91 Major rewrite of display and window handling routines. The display speed is considerably faster. A few windows use different colors. Converted to large memory model, which has made the program bigger. 3.22 7/17/91 Improved error message when a text entry isn't found. 3.21a 7/17/91 (TSN only) New comm port detection. 3.21 7/16/91 Added option to view README file. When checking for extended memory capability and 0 is reported free, see if someone else might be using it; otherwise, say the user doesn't have extended memory capability. Takes care of cosmetic problem where a '286 with no extended memory allows user to "use extra memory" (even though the game would not actually try to use it). 3.20 7/15/91 Converted to acompact model to make more memory available. This increased the size of the program by about 11,500 bytes. 3.15 Fixed bug where a Tandy with no extended memory could report a bogus amount. 3.14 Fixed bug where a file created by redirection could be read-only. 3.13 Fixed some bugs having to do with long text messages (observed when testing Spanish language version). Improved detection of full target disk. 3.12 Made the order of driver menu choices dependent on the order of the associated entries in INSTALL.HLP. Added autodetection for audio (Chris Smith). 3.11 Added floppy = yes entry to default config file. 3.10 Moved all text into text file(s). 3.00 Show menu of default choices. Read existing config file.