CAESAR II ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Last Revised September 15, 1995 -------------------------------- Revisions to the Manual ----------------------- The following game elements were modified after our manual went to press. (These changes are reflected in the game's on-line help.) P. 25 (Build Buttons) -- You can only build a limited length of road, wall or aqueduct by dragging the mouse between two points. P. 34 (Businesses) -- When you select the Industry icon on the City Level, businesses that are currently supplied from the province are listed in green; businesses that are not supplied are listed in red. This does not apply when playing in City Only mode. P. 45 (Walkers) -- Walkers pass their benefits to any people within three squares of them. Also, they have a limited lifespan. P. 61 (Training Troops) -- Once troops become trained, they will be added to existing Cohorts that have been ordered to Return to Fort, or have moved over their fort, within the past few months. P. 62 (Cohort Recruitment) -- By default, new recruits are sent equally into Cohorts, one assigned to each Fort you have built on the Province Level. You may expand or diminish a Cohort through the button on the Cohort information panel. The "Normal" setting recruits an equal proportion of new troops (relative to the other Cohorts), the "Major" setting sets a larger proportion, and the "Minor" setting sets a smaller one. Setting a Cohort to "Demobilize" makes the Cohort inactive (allowing its troops to be retrained into other cohorts) until you mobilize it again. P. 72 (Battle Screen) -- There are two zoom levels to the battle screen, not three. P. 73 (Unit Information) -- You can also select enemy units to view their stats in this box, but you cannot select both your units and the enemy's at the same time. P. 74 (Ordering Formations) -- After ordering a formation, you MUST SELECT A LOCATION for that formation by clicking on the battlefield. P. 89 (City Business Types) -- There are no lumber mills or timber in the game. However, tailors and wool have been added to the game. Sierra Product Demos -------------------- This CD-ROM contains demos for some of Sierra's upcoming games. Here are the instructions for loading them. For the POLICE QUEST: S.W.A.T. Demo: - Refer to the file SWATDEMO.TXT on this CD-ROM. For the GABRIEL KNIGHT 2: THE BEAST WITHIN Demo: - Use Media Player (or another player that supports Video for Windows) to play SHDWEND.AVI in the \GAB2DEMO directory on this CD-ROM. Additional Testing ------------------ Philip Conrad Ellen Beth Lande Andrew Moore Eric Ouelette Alexander Suderow Max Suderow --------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1995 Sierra On-Line, Inc.