REM Install script for CaesarII by Impressions/Sierra REM DJM 8/17/95 REM p1 = Destination drive REM p2 = Source path REM p3 = contents of RESOURCE.CFG REM p4 = Destination directory clear REM Check dest for disk space space %1: 25000 nospace2 REM Set to dest directory, create if needed godir %1:%4 cantcreate godir %2:\ cantcreate REM Copy Setup utilities and data files. THESE FILE ARE AT THE ROOT OF THE CD copy %2:sierra.exe %1:%4\ copy %2:bootdisk.exe %1:%4\ copy %2:sierra.err %1:%4\ copy %2:interp.err %1:%4\ rem copy %2:C2check.bat %1:checkcd.bat copy %2:what.exe %1:%4\ copy %2:*.pif %1:%4\ copy %2:univesa.* %1:%4\ copy %2:copyrigh %1:%4\ copy %2:check.exe %1:%4\ copy %2:install.* %1:%4\ copy %2:resource.cfg %1:%4\ copy %2:readme.txt %1:%4\ REM Copy Game components (root dir only)ALL FILES THAT GET COPIED TO THE HARDDRIVE. copy %2:\hd\*.* %1:%4\ REM setup caesar2.ini file for running under WIN95 REM STUB CREATES THE INI FILE THAT TELL AUTORUN HOW TO FIND C2 stub %1:%4\c2.bat clear :INSTALL REM Create batch file to run game from game directory MAKING THE .BAT FILE FOR CR TO TO RUN FROM godir %1:%4 cantcreate echo @echo off >c2.bat echo cls >>c2.bat echo havevesa.exe >>c2.bat echo if errorlevel 1 UNIVESA.EXE >>c2.bat echo ps.exe>>c2.bat REM *** Do Sound setup *** THIS IS RUNNING SETSOUND FROM THE GAME DIRECTORY godir %1:%4 setsound REM *** Write out Resource.CFG file *** echo %3 >resource.cfg echo resaud=%2:\ >>resource.cfg echo resmap=%2:\ >>resource.cfg echo ressfx=%2:\ >>resource.cfg echo rescdisc=%2:\ >>resource.cfg echo sync=%2:\ >>resource.cfg echo patchDir=%1:%4;%2:\;%2:\patches >>resource.cfg echo audiosize=63 >>resource.cfg goto done REM *******THIS SECTION ALLOWS YOU TO PRINT A MESSAGE TO THE USER ********* :done rem cd ..>NUL cls echo echo If you are running under DOS: echo ˙To play Caesar II now: echo ˙ Type C2 and press [ENTER] echo echo ˙To play Caesar II later: echo ˙ From the directory of %1:%4, echo ˙ Type C2 and press [ENTER] echo echo If you are running under Windows 95: echo Caesar II will now automatically start. echo pause goto quit :cantcreate alert Unable to create directory %1:%4 pause goto quit :nospace2 cls echo echo There is not enough space on %1: to install. echo 25 Megabytes of disk space is necessary for echo the install. echo pause goto quit :quit end