▴Name | ▴Size | ▴Last modification |
2012-03-30 22:22:28 -03:00 12 years ago | ||
ABUSE.TXT188 B | 188 B | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
CARMA.EXE2.0 KB | 2.0 KB | 1997-06-14 14:36:38 -03:00 27 years ago |
CARMID03.HMI18.6 KB | 18.6 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
DOS4GW.EXE265.4 KB | 265.4 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
DRUM.BNK5.4 KB | 5.4 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
HIRES.BAT271 B | 271 B | 2004-05-03 13:45:48 -03:00 20 years ago |
HMIDET.38692.9 KB | 92.9 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
HMIDRV.386281.9 KB | 281.9 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
HMIMDRV.386118.1 KB | 118.1 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
KEYS.TXT1.3 KB | 1.3 KB | 1997-06-14 15:31:04 -03:00 27 years ago |
MCGA.BDD9.2 KB | 9.2 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
MELODIC.BNK5.4 KB | 5.4 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
README.DOC7.7 KB | 7.7 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
README.TXT3.6 KB | 3.6 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
S3.INI227 B | 227 B | 2009-05-11 21:28:59 -03:00 15 years ago |
SCREAM2.WAV16.8 KB | 16.8 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
SETUP.INI3.6 KB | 3.6 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
SNDSETUP.EXE165.9 KB | 165.9 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
SOFTIZ.BDD8.2 KB | 8.2 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
SOFTIZF.BDD175.1 KB | 175.1 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
SOFTPRMF.BDD89.6 KB | 89.6 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
SOFTRNDF.BDD73.7 KB | 73.7 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
STYLE.EXE1.3 MB | 1.3 MB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
VESA.BDD24.1 KB | 24.1 KB | 1997-06-14 13:29:58 -03:00 27 years ago |
CARMAGEDDON LAST MINUTE NOTES ----------------------------- TROUBLESHOOTING --------------- 8Mb RAM ------- If you do only have 8Mb of RAM in your machine, then Carmageddon is a very good reason to upgrade, allot of features are disabled to free up memory for "low mem mode". If you have an 8meg machine and are having problems with a lack of memory check to see how much expanded memory you have free. You will need at least 7.5 Mb free. If you do not have this amount free then we recommend you remove the EMM386 line from your config.sys file. Also check to see if you are loading smartdrive. This must also be removed. 16Mb RAM -------- If you are running the DOS version of Carmageddon in Windows95 on a 16 Mb machine and find that it is running in "low mem mode" you will need to delete the pif file created by the "Carma.exe" (usually named "Carma.pif"). Right click on the "Carma.exe" in explorer or file manager and edit the memory properties by changing the DPMI setting from auto to 16384. Another good reason to do this is that if you do not, then Win95 will start to use Virtual Memory and sloooooow every thing down. Sound Cards ----------- If you have an ESS Audiodrive the sound setup will not auto detect it. You must manually select an ESS Audiodrive from the soundcard list NETWORK ------- To run a network game, each machine should have a maximum install, so that all the track data is stored on the hard disk. If the install is anything less, each machine would require a CD to load the data. We completely recommend that all network games are played with computers with a full install. On some networks after long periods of play that the network can time out whilst waiting to join a game. If this occurs then quit out of Carmageddon and then restart the program. When running network games in Windows95 some hardware configurations have problems with changing the host machine during a game. The quickest way around this problem is to restart the game before a new host starts the game. HIRES ----- To play Carmageddon in Hires you will need at least 24Mb of RAM to accomodate the extra graphics and texture maps. It is also limited to the DOS version of the game as to free up resources used by Windows. To run, simply type; Carma -hires In Hi-Res mode the action replay feature is only usable via the keyboard. The buttons at the bottom of the screen are not usable via the mouse DOS VERSION IN WIN95 -------------------- When you play the DOS native version of Carmageddon through Win95, you may find a problem with playing the looping intro in the front end. If you do come across this problem, play DOS native in DOS and Win95 Native in Win95. RED BOOK AUDIO -------------- CD audio is only available on the maximum install. The reason for this is due to the amount of CD access for data the audio would continuously stop start. If you have any other problems not covered by the above you can contact the SCi technical support line on: +44 (0) 1703 631826 or email [email protected] FURTHER PRODUCT INFORMATION --------------------------- Phone: +44 (0) 171 585 3308 Website: http://www.sci.co.uk (c) 1997 Stainless Software Ltd. (c) 1997 SCi (Sales Curve Interactive) Ltd. All rights reserved. SCi is a trademark of SCi (Sales Curve Interactive) Ltd. SCi (Sales Curve Interactive) Ltd. is a subsidiary of SCi Entertainment Group PLC. E&OE. (phew!)