New Sandez} Sana} Death Town} Bearwoods} Nob Hill} Muarab} Caves} Nakkara} Lost Hope} Desert Point} Stove Vent} Left End} Monastery} Antella} Numea} Dead Wood} Big Hole} Dogshit City} Acid Town} Devil Rock} Gold Town} Heavens Gate} Factory} MAX Canyon} Sherwood} Reststop} One Man's Heaven} Refinery} Outback} Snake Hills} Paradise Camp} Hard Mans Death} Eagles Nest} Nameless Town} Nirvana} Right End} Anif} 38} 39} 40} Mercenary} Technician} Doctor} Boss} unqualified} Trader} } } } } maggots} rats} snake} meat} water bottle} bottle} full canteen} empty canteen} full wineskin} empty wineskin} knife} axe} pitchfork} loaded rifle} unloaded rifle} mine} rat trap} trap} snake trap} hand pump} industrial pump} mine detector} two-way radio} broken pump} spare parts} defective mine detector} defective two-way radio} electrical odds-and-ends} batteries} LCD-display} wire} woodpile} screws} tin} spring} hose} rags} iron pipe} ammunition} gas mask} protective suit} gloves} protective overall} boots} rope} iron bars} bones} skull} gas canister} gold} tools} bible} fur} leather jacket} tires} steel helmet} sweater} pants} } } maggots} rats} a snake} meat} a water bottle} a bottle} a full canteen} an empty canteen} a full wineskin} an empty wineskin} a knife} an axe} a pitchfork} a loaded rifle} an unloaded rifle} a mine} a rat trap} a trap} a snake trap} a hand pump} an industrial pump} a mine detector} a two-way radio} a broken pump} spare parts} a defective mine detector} a defective two-way radio} electrical odds-and-ends} batteries} an LCD-display} wire} a woodpile} screws} tin} a spring} a hose} rags} an iron pipe} ammunition} a gas mask} a protective suit} gloves} a protective overall} boots} a rope} iron bars} bones} a skull} a gas canister} gold} tools} a bible} a fur} a leather jacket} tires} a steel helmet} a sweater} pants} } } Gregory} Martin} Marion} Albert} Liz} Wilf} Mutant} Dog} Mad Marty} Chuck} Jack the Conman} Sharky} Lester} Wolf} Greedy Ralph} Holger} Gambler Joe} Django} Don Camillo} John} Monkey} Caeser} Trademan} Black Eye} Iceman} Donald} Mark} Willy} Ivan} Steelman} Bill} Billy} Jones} Sly} Joe} Sean} Mick} Curd} Babe} Dennis} Whitey} Rose} Andy} Bug} Slug} Mack} Rich} Chang} Ratman} The Snake} Phil} Buck} Roger} Funky} Punk} Fatso} Black Mack} Thunder} Master} Brainman} Junky} Blackface} Dr. Max} Mad Dog} Reg} Junk} Creature} Vince} Jim} Jerry} Tom} James} Judge} Abe} Lewis} Lex} Mr. Marvel} Mayday} Jens} Barry} Larry} Cop} Peanut} Burt} Pokey} Pokerface} Fist} Pug} Red} Wayne} Paul} Moody} Richard} Walker} Fred} Sven} Boneman} Skull} Warren} Will} Rumble} Michele} Tex} Luke} Han} Ace} Skippy} Dave} Pete} Ken} Gordon} Bret} Crush} Randy} Brian} Olaf} Stinger} Mark} Brenner} Simon} Cooper} Armin} Alex} Buzz} Socks} Skinny} Timmy} Kevin} Jeff} Rachnow} Henry} Bart} Bruno} Gene} Dave} Dick} Ted} Frank} Benjy} Guido} Antonio} Asshole} Axle} Sledge} Peter} Arthur} Guy} Cain} Pigface} Egghead} Wino} Angel} Kinky} Mudface} General} Roy} Leo} Terry} Blubber Man} Cody} Hampton} Chicken} Sid} Nigel} Reggy} Skipp} Pong} Radman} Blade} Sick} } } } } } } } } } } SPEAK} INFO} FIGHT} ACCEPT DEAL} EXIT} ????} ALL} NEXT} SINGULAR} STATISTIC} TRAVEL} OPTIONS} MAIN MAP} DISMISS} STAY THERE} REJOIN RUST} RETURN SELF} INVENTORY} CANCEL} HEAL} HIGHSCORE} } } } } } } } } } Exper.: |A%} Condit.: |B%} LOAD} SAVE} DELETE} ...|A load} ...|A save} ...|A delete} Go to map} Music ON} Restart} to DOS} Speed 0} Speed 1} Speed 2} Speed 3} Fighter} Technician} Doctor} Storage} |A} |B} Water: |C D.} Food: |D D.} Day |A} |A has departed from us} available:} Water:} |E REM} |C} |D} |E} |F} Toxic gas} DRINK} EAT} XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX} [ |A ]} calculate data...} Please take the word |E} from line |D on page |C} |J days} |D days} |C days} Music OFF} } } } } } I am a |B !} I am a good |B !} I am a very good |B !} I am an excellent |B !} } } } } } } ZBuff_01} ZBuff_02} ZBuff_03} ZBuff_04} ZBuff_05} ZBuff_06} ZBuff_07} ZBuff_08} ZBuff_09} ZBuff_10} ZBuff_11} ZBuff_12} ZBuff_13} ZBuff_14} ZBuff_15} ZBuff_16} ZBuff_17} ZBuff_18} ZBuff_19} ZBuff_20} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} ----------------} -------------} -------------} [ |A ]} [ |B ]} } } } } } } End conversation.} Would you like to work for me?} What's up?} Allright, you've got the job.} No, stay where you are.} Allright, you stay here.} So what? Get lost!} What's your profession?} OK, you'll get |C} ( continue... )} OK, let's see what you have.} OK, make me |I.} What else can you make?} Thanks for telling me.} Let's make a deal.} So what? You're coming with me.} } } } } Your complete recovery should} be worth a bit more than} that to you.} Another doctor wouldn't even} look at you for that.} } To improve your horrendous} condition is going to cost} you alot more than that.} I appreciate people who} realize the true value of} there health.} I won't even kill you for} nothing.} } } } } } } For that you can have grub} for |E days.} } Enjoy it ...} Ha, ha, ha !} } Does this look like a} soup kitchen?} } You won't get great food} like this anywhere else.} } } } } } } } } } For that you can get enough} water for |E days.} } Cheers, and drop by again} sometime.} } This isn't the Salvation Army!} } } No one else serves fabulous} drinks like I do.} } } } } } } } } } In} |J days you have} captured |A locations} and now control |I% of the assigned area.} } Your employees:} |B Fighters} |G Technicians} |H Doctors} } You have in storage:} |C Maggots} |D Rats} |E Snakes} |F Pieces of meat} } } } } } The fourth angel poured out his bowl..} on the sun, and the sun was given..} power to scorch people with fire.} } The sixth angel poured out his bowl..} on the great river Euphrates, and..} its water was dried up to prepare..} the way for the kings from the East.} } } |A has departed from us} } } } } } } } After a fierce battle..} ..|A has managed to..} ..gain control of all the..} ..cities. The people hope that..} ..he will lead them into a..} ..brighter future.} } } } } } } What a moving finish!} } Wouldn't you agree??} } Actually you could now start..} ..a new game!} Or you could try your hand as..} ..ship owner in the ecologically..} ..sounder 19th century in '1869'.} What? You don't have this..} ..fantastic game yet?} Allright, hustle down to your..} ..nearest dealer and pick it up.} By the way - in a few months there..} ..will be another fascinating..} by MAX DESIGN.} So keep your eyes open - you won't..} ..regret it!} You can stop here, because there..} ..won't be any more messages.} } } } Apparently you don't believe us..} ..that's OK, if you don't have..} ..anything else to do, but to admire..} ..this animations.} } } } Wow, are you ever stubborn!!} } } Allright we'll showing your results again!} } } } } } } Entrance} Entrance} Tent} Cave} House with water} Shack with water} Well} Cave with water} Source} Cave} Entrance} Ruin} Entrance} Merchant} Bar} Thieves} Entrance} Merchant} View} empty8} Doctor} Bar} Restaurant} Bar} Diner} } } } } } }}