============================================================================= "BLOODSTONE: An Epic Dwarven Tale" Manual Additions/Changes -------------------------------------------- To print this file, copy "README.TXT" to printer! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Machine Requirements IBM and 100% Compatibles Required: IBM-PC/AT 12 Mhz '286 or faster 640K Memory Hard Drive 256 Color VGA graphics Mouse, 100% Microsoft (or Logitech) Compatible Supported: XMS Memory Music & Digitized Sound Effects with 2 MB XMS memory on PC Speaker, Adlib, Sound Blaster and Compatibles Recommended: 16 Mhz '386SX or faster DOS 5.0 2 MB XMS memory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP PROGRAM Type HELP for help with memory problems, soundcards, and making a boot disk. See the troubleshooting section of the Bloodstone manual for other information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sound Boards Use the SETD.EXE program to select sound boards and to configure the sound driver for that board if not using default values. The SETD.EXE program is automatically loaded the first time that you start the Bloodstone game. If your sound board changes then run the SETD.EXE program from the DOS prompt inside the Bloodstone subdirectory. If you do not see your sound board listed and it is Sound Blaster compatible then choose the option for "Sound Blaster and compatibles". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Troubleshooting -- Error messages during the game are displayed to be self explanatory, for example "Mouse driver not detected" would tell you that you forgot to the load the 100% Microsoft or Logitech compatible mouse driver before running Bloodstone. Error messages related to memory problems will display what type of memory is insufficient such as "insufficient XMS memory" and what the results are, such as "Sound effects not available". You will need to read the "Troubleshooting" section of the manual or run the HELP program to get help in clearing memory. Please see the "Troubleshooting" section of the manual and/or the options on HELP program for Sound Board, memory, and boot disk help. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANUAL INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS In some rare cases it is possible that the Bloodstone game may have a problem installing to your specific hard drive setup. If problems occur be sure to clear TSRs from memory. You may also try creating a boot disk to see if that fixes the problem (refer to the section "Troubleshooting" for information on TSRs and creating a boot disk or use the included HELP program). To manually install the game: 1) On the hard drive build a subdirectory for Bloodstone: C: CD \ MKDIR BLOOD 2) Change directory to the Bloodstone directory: CD \BLOOD 3) Copy all files from each of the game disks into the Bloodstone directory. COPY A:*.* C:\BLOOD Repeat this step for each game disk until all files are copied. 4) The game is shipped on several disks, each disk contains a compressed file (BLOODx.CMP - x being the disk number) that must be uncompressed before game play by typing: DCMP BLOOD1.CMP DCMP BLOOD2.CMP Repeat this for each .CMP file, BLOOD1.CMP, BLOOD2.CMP, etc depending on the number of disks in your boxed game. 5) Delete the original compressed files from hard drive when Step 4 is completed: DEL *.CMP 6) Type BLOOD to start the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION ON OTHER MINDCRAFT PRODUCTS: - Type PREVIEW to access Mindcraft online text information catalog. View descriptions of games currently available, upcoming game descriptions, information on Mindcraft's BBS, and The Mind's Eye - Mindcraft's very own Newsletter. ============================================================================= - END OF FILE -