MSG_MESSAGE_ERROR: ERROR WHILE PROCESSING MESSAGE FILE!\n MSG_THANKS_FOR_PLAYING: Thanks for playing!\nTo learn more about other Origin interactive games check out the Origin\nSystems Product Catalog found on your CD. For installation instructions\nrefer to the special section in your Install Guide.\n MSG_NO_HD_SPACE_LD: \nYou do not have enough hard drive space for your savegames.\nPlease free an additional %ld bytes of hard drive space to continue\nplaying Bioforge.\n MSG_START_FROM_HARD: Make sure that you are starting from your hard drive's BIOFORGE sub-directory.\nBioforge cannot be started directly from the CD_ROM.\nIf you have not run the INSTALL program yet, please do so now...\n MSG_SOUND_LOCK_UP: \nINITIALIZING SOUND SYSTEM...\n\n(If the game does not continue beyond this point then the problem may\nlie with your soundcard or soundcard settings. Consult the\nTrouble-Shooting section of the Install Guide for more information. )\n MSG_EXIT_MESSAGE: \nBioforge has encountered an error during gameplay. Ensure that you are using\nthe optimal boot disk configuration as listed in the Bioforge Install Guide\nand check the Trouble Shooting section for a possible solution.\nIf the problem persists call Origin Tech Support\nor Email our Internet support at\nor search our ftp site for the latest in troubleshooting at\n MSG_CAPTION_TOO_LONG: *** ERROR: CAPTION TOO LONG *** MSG_CANT_FIND_CD: Bioforge was unable to locate the CDROM drive or the game CD.\nPlease check to see if you have loaded the appropriate drivers\nas well as the CD itself. Consult the Trouble-Shooting section\nof the Install Guide for more information.\n ERR_IRQ_MOUSE_SOUND: IRQ Conflict: The mouse uses the same IRQ you selected for your sound card.\nTo select a different sound IRQ for Bioforge, please re-run the INSTALL\nprogram in the Bioforge sub-directory on your hard drive. Please consult\nyour sound card manual and the Trouble-Shooting section of the Install Guide\nfor more information.\n ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEM: You do not have enough XMS/EMS memory to run BioForge. The game requires 5700K (5,836,800 bytes) of free XMS/EMS memory. Please consult the Install Guide for information about how to free up enough memory. ERR_NO_MOUSE: Sorry, but no mouse driver was detected. You must run a mouse driver\nbefore playing BioForge. Please consult the Install Guide for information\nabout running with the proper configuration.\n MSG_STARTING_SAVE: Starting save.\n MSG_ENDING_SAVE: Ending save.\n MSG_STARTING_LOAD: Starting save.\n MSG_ENDING_LOAD: Ending load.\n MSG_MISC_DAT: MISC.DAT.\n MSG_LIST_FLX: LISTS.FLX.\n MSG_LEVEL: .IFF.\n MSG_IMAGE_N_PACK: Appending image then packing.\n MSG_RESUMING_MUSIC: Resuming music.\n MSG_UNPACKING: Unpacking.\n MSG_SET_CAMERA: Setting camera.\n MSG_UPDATE_GAME: Updating objects and mirrors.\n MSG_INVALIDATE_STUFF: * Invaliding things.\n MSG_LOADING_LVL: * Loading .LVL file.\n MSG_IFF: * .IFF file.\n MSG_BRING_FROM_VOID: * Bringing from void.\n MSG_ENABLING_KERNEL: * Enabling kernel.\n MSG_LOAD_KERNEL: * Loading kernel.\n MSG_RESOLVE_AFTER_LOAD: * Resolving after load.\n MSG_SAVE_VARS: * Saving variables.\n MSG_SAVE_KERNEL: * Saving kernel.\n