< This program is TruckerQ : P:: CS ,:"ͻ";: ,:"ͻͼ";: ,: X :"" () (,);: X:"ȼ";9 ,:"ͻ";: ,:"ͻ";: ,:" ";: ,:" ";: ,:"ͼ";:  ,:"ͻ ͼ";(  ,:" ȻȻ";:  ,:" ȻȻ";:  ,:" ȻȻ";: ,:"ȼ ͼ";2 ,:"ɻ ɻ";: X  : X,:" ";: X:  ,:"ͼ";: ,:"ͼ";< ,$:"ͻ";: ,$:"ͻ";: ,$:" ȼ";: X  : X,$:"";: X:  ,$:" ɻ";:  ,$:"ͼ";: ,$:"ͼ";FF ,/:"ɻ ͻ";: ,/:" ɼɼ";: ,/:" ɼɼ";: ,/:"ɼɼ";: ,/:"ȼɼ";:  ,/:"ɻȻ";:  ,/:"ȻȻ";:  ,/:" ȻȻ";tP  ,/:" ȻȻ";: ,/:"ȼ ͼ";Z ,::"ͻ";: ,::"ͼ";: ,::"";: ,::"";: ,::"ͻ";:  ,::"ͼ";:  ,::"";5d  ,::"";:  ,::"ͻ";: ,::"ͼ";n ,E:"ͻ";: ,E:"ͻ";: ,E:" ";: ,E:" ";: ,E:"ͼ";:  ,E:"ͻ ͼ";x  ,E:" ȻȻ";:  ,E:" ȻȻ";:  ,E:" ȻȻ";: ,E:"ȼ ͼ";a ,:"" (N,"") "";: X : X,:"";: X,P:"";: X ,:"" (%,"") " " (%,"") "";n ,:"ͼbyͻ";: ,:"Hughes Glantzberg";: ,:"ͼ1602 Elizabeth Dr.ͻ";: ,:"Carrollton, TX 75007":KEY THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THEN LOADbySCREEN THEN THEN THEN THEN THE ,:"" (,"") "";TIMEOUT: .T$:XX((T$,))x((T$,,))<((T$,)): XX) MT(), MP(,), MP$(,), MR$(,), ZM(,), DS$(), NT$()JDD$"$#,###":DC$"$#,###.##"NT$()"first":NT$()"second":NT$()"third":NT$()"fourth"DS$()"Monday":DS$()"Tuesday":DS$()"Wednesday":DS$()"Thursday":DS$()"Friday":DS$()"Saturday":DS$()"Sunday".:XC:MF:HL:HS:HR: 4i ,:"You are at the Los Angeles trucking terminal.""Three types of cargo are available:" :: )"1";: :"--oranges (highest profit if they don't spoil)", : )"2";: :"--freight forwarding (penalty for late delivery)"y$ : )"3";: :"--U.S. Mail (lowest rate, but no hurry to arrive)".:"The cargo is due in New York by 4 PM on Thursday."%8:"Which type of cargo do you want (";: :"1";: :", ";: :"2";: :", or ";: :"3";: :")?";]B V: ("123",IKEY$) B : CT(IKEY$): CTL "How many pounds will you carry (40,000 is the legal limit)";WLV WLa "You can't make a living on half a load.": L`: ) "They are loading your truck now."j?~ RT : NP, MT(RT): I NPu MP(RT,I), MP$(RT,I), MR$(RT,I), ZM(RT,I): I,RTTC :WF:NP:TS:SL7:XNXN WLPC WLPC:"50,000 pounds of cargo has filled your trailer!":TIMEOUT: .HRHR:: 4: ,h"You paid ";: :"$190.00";: :" for a nearly full tank of diesel fuel.":"Two of your tires are worn. Do you want replacements (";: :"Y";: :" or ";: :"N";: :")?"; V: ("ynYN",IKEY$)  IKEY$"n" IKEY$"N" FW"A new tire costs $200.00. A retread costs $100.00." " Which type do you want";Z$:Z$(Z$,) " How many";T T Z$"n" Z$"N" TS:T:XCXC  T T 2 T F- Z$"r" Z$"R" TCTCT:XCXCdT: F`# Z$"n" Z$"N" TCTCT:XCXCT: F2"I did not understand your answers.":"Let's try again!": F:"You may choose the ";: :"n";: :"orthern, ";: :"m";: :"iddle or ";: :"s";: :"outhern route."P" Which route do you choose (";: :"n";: :", ";: :"m";: :" or ";: :"s";: :")? ";R V: ("nmsNMS",IKEY$) RS IKEY$::U IKEY$"n" IKEY$"N" RT:RH: @ Z IKEY$"m" IKEY$"M" RT:RH: @1 _RT:RH: @C xAFSPCDCR]  AF q AF(MFd)TC  AFRHa (  SPSLRH  HRHR:HLHL  SL( SL7 T(7SP): T TH !T1SP(L~T)%!WFWFT1: WF  2!MFMFSPH! MFMT(RT) \!TIMEOUT: .h!: 4! ,:"Approximate fuel:";: : (WF );: : $) "Speed: ";: : SP: """ Odometer: ";: : MF;: : ) "Miles to go: ";: : MT(RT)MF:  ",Z"@ MP(RT,NP)MF  : "Cruising on " MR$(RT,NP)|"J  :"You are feeling " CD$"T  :"Current weather: " CR$"^NSNS: NS "h "How fast do you wish to go (20-100)";SP #r SP "Your have to go at least 20 --";: h#| SP(@SL) SP(@SL):"You can only get the old rig to go" SP "MPH on this road."# x##"Truck stop ahead. Do you want to stop (";: :"Y";: :" or ";: :"N";: :")? ";%$ V: ("nyNY",IKEY$)  : IKEY$Q$ IKEY$"n" IKEY$"N" S:HLHL:d$TU(#)$ "Diesel fuel costs $#.## per gallon.";Td$ " How many gallons do you want";T1% T1 "Pay $###.##";TT1d:XCXCTT1d:WFWFT1(%"So far, you have spent " DC$;XC% WF "Your tank only holds 200 gallons --" (WF)" gallons spilled !!":WF% TS l%T(2):T1d(F)% "A new tire costs $###.##. A retread costs $###.##.";T,T1T&& " Do you want to buy a tire (";: :"Y";: :" or ";: :"N";: :")?";x&+ V: ("nyNY",IKEY$) +&0 IKEY$"n" IKEY$"N" l&:&lHRHR:NS'v"Do you want to get some sleep (";: :"Y";: :" or ";: :"N";: :")? ";7'{ V: ("nyNY",IKEY$) { : IKEY$e' IKEY$"n" IKEY$"N" : 4: ,:' " How many hours of rest";T' T 'DHHR(HR)'HRHRT:TIMEOUT: .: CT WFWFT: WF WF:  Z( DH DH T(T):"Thanks to the daytime noise, you got only"T"hours real sleep."f(HSHST( T HL : HLHL( "mbn50n0n50n0n50n0n50n0n50n0n50n0n50n0n50n0n50n0n50"(: 4: ,:"Time to hit the road again."x) CT "You now have" (WF) "gallons of fuel.":"Do you want to buy more (";: :"Y";: :" or ";: :"N";: :")? "; : ) V: ("nyNY",IKEY$)  : IKEY$) IKEY$"n" IKEY$"N" : )4DHHR:DT(DH):DHDHDT*R DT DTDT: R7*\DM$"AM": DH DM$"Noon": W*p DH DHDH :DM$"PM"y*z DH DH :DH$"Midnight"** , :"Day: ";: : DS$(DT);: : %) "Time: ";: : DH DM$ " ": **+ (SPSLRH) ?+ "Smokey is behind you with his lights on. Pull over!"S+$ TIMEOUT: .+. NTNT:"See the justice of the peace for your " NT$(NT) " offense."+8 " Wait" NT "hours for your hearing."+B HRHRNT:HLHLNT+L NT ~ ,V T(NT()):T1((RTNT()))n,` " The fine is $###.## plus $##.## for each MPH over the limit.";T1,T,j " Pay ";: : DD$;T1T(SPSL): :XCXCT1T(SPSL),t TIMEOUT: .: -~ " You are sentenced to 30 days in jail for reckless driving."- TIMEOUT: .P- "Your I.C.C. driver's license is revoked !"Z- |q- T1T1WF:WF:SP- T(L~T)T1:MFMFT- "After"T"more miles, you ran out of fuel (";: :"DUMMY !!";: :")". " It cost $200 to get a barrel of diesel delivered."O. WF7:T1():HRHRT1:ZCZC:HLHLT1. " You also wasted"T1"hours by your carelessness.". CT CXCX():" Sitting with the refer unit off is damaging the oranges."/ TIMEOUT: ./ +/( IP  : "n"(I): IK/< "Your just blew a tire !!"\/F TS  p/P TCTCTS:TS/Z T(): T T$"outside" : T$"inside"/d " It took"T"hours to change the " T$ " tire.":HRHRT:HLHRT0n TIMEOUT: .:|0 "Since your spare has already been used, you have to call a tow truck":"from town to deliver a new tire for you."0 " This service cost $400.00 and took 4 hours."0 HRHR:HLHL:XCXC0 TIMEPUT:GOSUB59950:0 1 AF( MF): RT 6 , ,^ 71 AF CR2  J1 AF  ]1 AF  p1" AF  z1,  16 AFH CR2  1@ AF$  1J AF\  1T AFh ()  :  1Y  2^ AF CR2  2h AFD  32r AF|  F2| AF0  P2  m2 CR:CR$"clear & dry":2 CR2:CR$"B-L-I-Z-Z-A-R-D !!":2 CR :CR$"fog -- limited visibility":2 CR:CR$"light snow":2 CR:CR$"rain":3 CR:CR$"clear, but roadway is wet":"3 ^3 HL HRHS CDd:CD$"..E.X.H.A.U.S.T.E.D..":3 HL (HRHS)33 CD:CD$"rested & rearing to go.":3 HL (HRHS) CD:CD$"fine":4 HL HRHS CD:CD$" b o r e d":;4 HL HRHS CD:CD$" t i r e d !!":n4 CD:CD$"fatigued...you're getting sleepy":t4 4& "You have just passed " MP$(RT,NP)40 ZHZM(RT,NP):SL74: (ZH)  ,  ,  , R ,  , ~, >5D NPNP: (ZH)  : TIMEOUT: .: I  : I,: (F): I: ,: @t5 "Time zone changes -- set clock ahead one hour."5 HRHR: 45 5 Td(ZH(ZH))5 "STOP! Pay toll of " "$##.##";T5 XCXCT5 5 ZH(ZH) 6* "Construction ahead !!":TIMEOUT: .L64 "Slow down -- speed limit 35 MPH":SL#R6> i6R ZH(ZH) y6\ TSP6f "You were just clocked by radar at" T "MPH."6p TSL  : " No ticket this time."6z 7 ZH(ZH)   : %7 ZH(ZH) g7 "Weighing station open -- trucks must stop.":TIMEOUT: .7 "Scale weighs truck with cargo, fuel & driver: ";7 T8JWLWF(( ))7 "##,### pounds.";T7 T(T`j) 8 T " You're O.K.":8 ZH .j8T1():" Overweight fine is $200.00 plus" T1 "cents/pound."8XCXC(TT1)d8"Pay fine of ";: : DC$;(TT1)d: 8$8.88"You are not allowed to enter Louisiana with that load."E9B" Take a 200 mile detour through Arkansas with 45 MPH limit."r9LSL-:MR$(RT,NP)"Arkansas county roads"9V I :MP(RT,I)MP(RT,I): I9`MT(RT)MT(RT)9j9~ ZH(ZH) 9T():"A rock slide has blocked the Alleghany Tunnel entrance."`: " THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WILL HAVE IT CLEARED IN"T"HOURS.":HRHRT:TIMEOUT: .: CT WFWFT: WF : T T1(T) : T1: T1 HL : T1 HLHL:HSHST1,;" While waiting, you got"T1"hours of sleep"8; 4:o;" You ran out of gas while waiting":T:  u;; CT ; ZH(ZH) ;("The trailer refrigeration unit has failed endangering the cargo."<2" Repairs take 2 hours and cost $100.00."B<<CXCX():HRHR:HLHL:XCXCd\ CR "You hit a slick spot":" and skidded off the road.": "k>"A drunk driver rammed your rig.":" Tough luck !">":TIMEOUT: .>,"You lose your truck & profits.":>6:"Do you want to start over (";: :"Y";: :" or ";: :"N";: :")?";!?; V: ("nyNY",IKEY$) ;L?@ IKEY$"n" IKEY$"N" "b:???0??"b?JXP:NT:: p? I ?: J <: J?  ,%:"WELCOME":  ,(:"TO": ,$:"NEW YORK"? J <: J,I?TIMEOUT: .:? 4: , @THR(HR): T T c@"The warehouse is closed for the night. Come back tomorrow."@ TT:HRHRT:TIMEOUT: .: 4@:T(HR):T1HRT@"You completed the trip in"T"days";@( T1 " &"T1"hours." : "."(A2 " Trip expenses totaled $#,###.##";XCsA<T1UTU: " Truck payment, insurance and taxes cost $#,###";T1AFXCXCT1:AP CT d, , AdT1(T)(): T1 CXCXT1Bn CX "Your oranges have spoiled. Haul them to the dump!":XT2: SBx"Collect six-and-a-half cents per pound for good oranges."BXT}WL: " Total for the load: $#,###.##";XTB CX B " Part of the load is damaged. Subtract ##%.";CXCXTXTXTCX: " Net payment is $#,###.##.";XT"C ]CXTL|WL:"Collect five cents a pound for freight."C " Total for load = $#,###.##";XTC HR_ CCX:" You're late!! Subtract ten percent penalty.": /D"Postmaster pays 4.75 cents per pound on delivery.":XT\B|WL:CX: TD:XTXTXC:XPXPXT: XT ^D" "Your net profit this trip was $#,###.##";XTD, XTd " G O O D W O R K !!"D6 XN " Your average profit has been $#,###.##";XPXN@E@ XT XPXN " You'd make more money washing dishes !"EJ::"Do you want to make another trip (";: :"Y";: :" or ";: :"N";: :")? ";EO V: ("nyNY",IKEY$) O : IKEY$FT IKEY$"n" IKEY$"N" : "b:???0??" : 2F^ "Bad trip. . . You lost $#,###.##";(XT)FFh XP 6gFr" You are bankrupt !!!"{F|TIMEOUT: .F:"Your rig has been repossessed."F:TIMEOUT: .:: ,,: :FF# 21,2850GP# 90,Barstow,I-15 in California,7.80'GZ# 225,Needles,I-40 in California,1SGd# 440,Flagstaff,I-40 in California,3.65xGn# 620,Gallup,I-40 in Arizona,5.5Gx# 760,Albuquerque,I-40 in New Mexico,3.35G# 930,Tucumcari,I-40 in New Mexico,1G# 1040,Amarillo,I-40 in Texas,7.8"H# 1155,Oklahoma border,I-40 in Texas,5.5QH# 1305,Oklahoma City,I-40 in Oklahoma,2.65H# 1530,Missouri border,Oklahoma Turnpike,2.40H# 1815,St. Louis,I-44 in Missouri,0H# 1980,Terre Haute,I-70 in Illinois,5.5I# 2050,Indianapolis,I-70 in Indianna,0,I# 2115,Ohio border,I-70 in Indianna,1QI# 2220,Columbus,I-70 in Ohio,5.5I# 2350,Wheeling West Virginia,I-70 in Ohio,4.25I# 2410,New Stanton,I-70 in Pennsylvania,6.75I# 2570,Harrisburg,Pennsylvania Turnpike,3.75J$ 2760,New Jersey border,Pennsylvania Turnpike,2.95PJ$ 2840,Holland Tunnel,I-70 in New Jersey,2.4wJ$ 9999,New York,New York streets,0J"$ 18,2710J,$ 90,Barstow,I-15 in California,7.8J6$ 245,Las Vegas,I-15 in California,1J@$ 365,Utah border,I-15 in Arizona,0+KJ$ 500,End of Interstate,I-15 in Utah,3.2NKT$ 555,Salina,US-89 in Utah,4.5xK^$ 760,Grand Junction,I-70 in Utah,5.4Kh$ 1010,Denver,I-70 in Colorado,3.75Kr$ 1190,Nebraska border,I-76 in Colorado,1K|$ 1450,Omaha,I-80 in Nebraska,5.5L$ 1590,Demoines,I-80 in Iowa,4.75FL$ 1750,Illinois border,I-80 in Iowa,5.6kL$ 1910,Gary,I-80 in Illinois,2.5L$ 2050,Ohio border,Indianna Turnpike,2.45L$ 2215,Cleveland,Ohio Turnpike,2.8L$ 2280,Pennsylvania border,I-80 in Ohio,4.16'M$ 2615,East Stroudsberg,I-80 in Pennsylvania,3.33[M$ 2675,Washington Bridge,I-80 in New Jersey,2.2~M$ 9999,New York,city streets,0M$ 25,3120M$ 75,Palm Springs,I-10 in California,0M$ 225,Blythe,I-10 in California,1N% 375,Phoenix,I-10 in Arizona,0&N% 495,Tucson,I-10 in Arizona,7.9ON% 650,Lordsburg,I-10 in Arizona,5.75vN&% 795,El Paso,I-10 in New Mexico,0N0% 965,Pecos,I-10 in Texas,1N:% 1080,Odessa,I-20 in Texas,0ND% 1250,Abilene,I-20 in Texas,3.8NN% 1439,Dallas,I-20 in Texas,0+OX% 1610,Louisiana border,I-20 in Texas,5TOb% 1785,Vicksburg,I-20 in Louisiana,0Ol% 1965,Alabama border,I-20 in Mississippi,1Ov% 2100,Birmingham,I-20 in Alabama,4.25O% 2200,Georgia border,I-20 in Alabama,0P% 2255,Atlanta,I-20 in Georgia,00P% 2320,Carolina border,I-85 in Georgia,5.75[P% 2565,Greensboro,I-85 in Carolina,3.8P% 2680,Virginia border,I-85 in North Carolina,7.85P% 2775,Richmond,I-85 in Virginia,0P% 2880,Washington D.C.,I-95 in Virginia,0Q% 2920,Baltimore,I-95 in Maryland,2.3DQ% 2990,New Lersey border,I-95 in Delaware,2.25vQ% 3110,Holland Tunnel,New Jersey Turnpike,2.4Q% 9999,New York,city streets,0Q.TIMEOUT$:TIME2((TIMEOUT$,))x((TIMEOUT$,,))<((TIMEOUT$,))GR8TIMEOUT$:TIME3((TIMEOUT$,))x((TIMEOUT$,,))<((TIMEOUT$,))pRB TIMEOUT TIME3 TIME2 8 : RVIKEY$: IKEY$"" V :