CXWSMARTAAR: Missing/unable to load. $%$؃J! tJH!rD &&G&&6 D&3Ȏ؎H!(K!s$ 6$!) !>qM!>u'qȎ؎K! yt  /%!XP>t!=!r D!>!>t $&&&GXL!ˡ.= t= Kt..3Z3 ۇۇۇ  >|*}qsÀrzt, ut|T0s|]&(@uy uDžq@(tm !Ս66 Vwqu+s( ^udFatal exit! Windows cannot be swapped back $Irrecoverable error. Cannot start Windows. $2㍵2ˊ~ t\*S tH:|uD*~22S|[RS[D*VPXd*D*Ć~^d*^D*2[ڋÀ|r=~y\*2㍭L*T*L*~D*~|RRZT* t(D\*1T*D(D+D-T*|ӊ|rˊ~\*~Ê|r~D*~3|}ÌڋƌV6 \DێË^> uK3ێË/K3ێËˋ/ tE& &G &G &G 3Nj߃> t.   t 뻡  t 3. K /%!Ȏo   % *  JEK\KhKtK >.> t. = KuU. >9Ft>f]..K wSQ>. Y[A> t:3> tQ'].K 3s p> u ێÍ3]R =tCt . Z3Rvw Ktt#3Zû2.r,9u>=Zt@&=Mt&=ZtÀ=Zus&9>t&A& 3...P.r9>t=Zt sXl.>ub[^rZ;vR;w.>u..>t.&9v...+ˌtLюI.3.>w.r.+ˌ؋t@I&M&&>.@[Hs0rQ;v*Hr&>yvQRVW=u^=uT=uJ=u.=u. .  u1.;w)3. . =u.; u.; u 3. . _^ZYPATHsystem\kernel.exesystem\win386.exesystem\dosx.exekrnl286 system\wswap.exesystem\dswap.exewindir=com1Cannot run in 386 enhanced mode; enter WIN to run in standard mode. $Your computer cannot run Windows in either standard or 386 enhanced mode. $Cannot find files needed to run in either standard or 386 enhanced mode; check to ensure the path is correct or reinstall Windows. $Cannot find WIN386.EXE needed to run in 386 enhanced mode; check to ensure the path is correct or reinstall Windows. $Cannot find DOSX.EXE needed to run in standard mode; check to ensure the path is correct or reinstall Windows. $Invalid HIMEM.SYS; install HIMEM.SYS from your Windows Setup disks. $Missing HIMEM.SYS; Make sure that the file is in your Windows directory and that its location is correctly specified in your CONFIG.SYS file. $Must have MS-DOS version 3.10 or greater $Insufficient conventional memory to run Windows; reconfigure your system to increase available memory and try again. $Insufficient file handles available increase files= statement in config.sys to 30 or greater $EMMXXXX0  u -`SPشJ!X[-ӱPSH![sY,&Z&K&>XPV tO^XU(PSQRVW=!rwظD!ri€tc@t]Vع(D!rN;uJ2ɰ6Dt Sg[ u 6Dt)6D"6+D&v D!r;t>!_^ZY[X]ZJR!&;t3&=Zt&E@&}u&MôR!3&_&G&?t&-sHأ>)uPSQRVW)_^ZY[X&) "&$&O&[] =system.ininonwindowsappstandardbootnetheapsizeglobalheapsizeswapdiskminuserdiskspacePROMPTWINPMTExecutable Not Found $ This version of Windows does not run in real mode. To run Windows in standard mode, type win /s. To run Windows in 386 enhanced mode, type win /3. $ Starts Windows. WIN [/3] [/S] [/B] [/D:[F][S][V][X]] /3 Starts Windows in 386 enhanced mode. /S Starts Windows in standard mode. /B Creates a file, BOOTLOG.TXT, that records system messages generated during system startup (boot). /D Used for troubleshooting when Windows does not start correctly. :F Turns off 32-bit disk access. Equivalent to SYSTEM.INI file setting: 32BitDiskAccess=FALSE. :S Specifies that Windows should not use ROM address space between F000:0000 and 1 MB for a break point. Equivalent to SYSTEM.INI file setting: SystemROMBreakPoint=FALSE. :V Specifies that the ROM routine will handle interrupts from the hard disk controller. Equivalent to SYSTEM.INI file setting: VirtualHDIRQ=FALSE. :X Excludes all of the adapter area from the range of memory that Windows scans to find unused space. Equivalent to SYSTEM.INI file setting: EMMExclude=A000-FFFF. In this configuration, WIN without any switches will launch enhanced mode. $standardIncrease logocopy size $NetHeapSize value too large. Reduce the size below 64K. $You are already running Enhanced mode Windows. Press ALT+ENTER to switch this MS-DOS prompt between a window and a full screen. $ Type Exit and press Enter to quit this MS-DOS prompt and return to Windows. Press ALT+TAB to switch to Windows or another application $You are already running Standard mode Windows. $You are already running Real mode Windows. $You are already running Windows. $The MS-DOS Protected Mode Interface (MSDPMI) is running on this computer. You cannot start Windows when it is running. To quit the MSDPMI, type exit and then press Enter. $Non-Fatal error detected: error #2726 Please contact Windows 3.1 beta support Press ENTER to exit or C to continue$ʎڎ rJ>6:==!r.ظ?'!3ҹ!r.'!F F>!r% ôH!'!á'!I!J!>Z4u )!6> t)!6>)!)!6>+!cr#6>&ws !!%Í6o!& t< t t < tFGã! t < t3:!PT^r!G&< t< t< t tFGP+Xr G3 &0r s G2Î'!3W ^r.r&=[u VG]>^t &=ur & t<[tV=^t r7:u t$FG:t& t:tG uP\&8EuO&\G&óÀt/D!s D!rs%u>!Bw݀@!@р@!W! u!&G&:Gۡ,3 t'=TEu =MPu<=t u|:uOO t:\&9E\t &}:u&G&G&8EuO&_!Ѝ6!@F:F\FG!3s! u!G:G\G|\t\F!ô;!6f scsY 33ȀuIu< t< t<-tu>u&>us\6>u/r*Lr#sBr s8s.=us$P t .Xд ! 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