Flying Fortress/

NameSizeLast modification

Parent directory

b17 flying fortress/

2012-03-30 22:21:02 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:21:02 -03:00 12 years ago


2012-03-30 22:21:02 -03:00 12 years ago

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7.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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274.9 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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41.7 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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35.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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2.1 KB2011-02-09 13:11:24 -03:00 14 years ago

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1.7 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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66.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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25.3 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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44.1 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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23.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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79.8 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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2.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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24 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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310.3 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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5.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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11.4 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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1.1 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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6.4 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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5.5 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

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86.5 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

uninstall.exe21.0 KB

21.0 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago



                      B-17 Version 2.0 Read Me File (1992)

Last Minute Enhancements

B-17 is an extremely detailed simulation of the WW2 bomber and its crew.
It comes with a large manual that contains all operating instructions but,
due to the time it takes to print such a huge document, last minute
enhancements and gameplay hints are included in this Read Me File.

Technical Details

Joystick Calibration
Joysticks may be calibrated by selecting the Calibration option on the
Joystick menu in the Configuration Screen.  If spurious cursor movement
caused by uncalibrated joysticks makes it difficult to select the required
buttons, press KEY J to go directly to the calibration screen.


Quick Start
A Quick Start option is available on the Difficulty menu on the 
Configuration Screen.  Select this option to bypass the taxi-out sequence 
and eliminate navigation errors (see 3 below).  You will begin the game as
the last of a flight of three B17s, queued, ready for take off, near the 
start of the runway.  You will be in manual control of the pilot, with 
your engines running and throttles set in the idle position.  Increase 
power to the engines to begin taxiing forwards, then follow the other 
members of your flight out onto the runway for take off.

Manual/Computer Control
The simulation will show a Hand Icon in the top left-hand corner of the
screen when you are in Manual control of any B-17 position. If you choose
to revert to Computer control (Key M) a Computer Icon will appear in the
same position.

Your Navigator will always make minor errors in estimating your position
depending on his particular skill level. Your B-17 flight will drift off 
course unless you manage to correct his estimates. The more you correct 
him successfully the better will become his skill level.

If you do not wish to aim and drop the bombs manually, or if there are no
uninjured crew members qualified to operate the Norden Bombsight you can,
provided you are in formation, position a crew member at the bombardier's
station and have the computer controlled crew member release the bombs
when he sees the raid leader's signal.  

If you do wish to bomb manually, you should position a qualified crew 
member at the bombardier's station, through whom to control the Norden 
Bombsight, and, using the Radio Operator, send the "Bomb on my command" 
radio message to take control of the bomb run so that the computer 
controlled crew will wait for your commands.

The Turrets menu on the Configuration Screen allows you to set the speed
at which the turrets and hand held guns will traverse in response to the
keyboard and joystick controls.  In addition, fine tracking may now be
enabled by holding down either KEY Shift or KEY Control while operating
the other controls, the latter is recommended as it may give better 
results with some keyboards.

The procedure for landing differs depending on whether or not you are in
formation when you reach Alconbury.

If you are in formation, the formation will circle Alconbury, descending
to an altitude of approximately 2,000 feet, at which point the Alconbury
control tower will radio permission to land.  When this happens, the 
computer controlled pilot will break away from the formation to begin his 
landing approach and will land the aircraft unless you take manual control
by selecting the pilot and pressing Key M.  If you wish to land 
immediately, before landing permission is granted, you must send a radio 
message requesting permission to land, then wait for the reply from the 
tower to start the landing sequence.

If you approach Alconbury while out of formation, the control tower will
ask whether you need permission to land.  If you want to land the aircraft
you should reply with the radio message requesting landing permission, 
then proceed as described above.

Remember, landing the aircraft manually will increase your score for the 

Breaking Formation
If you wish to break away from your 3 plane formation at any point you 
must send a message to the rest of the flight via your Radio Operator.

Fighting Engine Fires
B-17 now has a more detailed engine fire-fighting procedure.

If engine fires are not extinguished within 1 minute, the engines will 
suffer damage and stop functioning. If the fire persists, (depending on 
the B-17 reliability level you have chosen) your B-17 is liable to 
explode between 2 and 12 minutes after the fire has started.

If your fire extinguishers are ineffective, or have been used up in a 
previous fire, you can try to extinguish the fire by diving your B-17 at a 
speed in excess of 350 mph. Avoid speeds over 400 mph as this will result 
in structural damage.

Crew Names
Crew member's names may be changed by selecting the Name button on the 
Crew File Screen, when this is accessed from the Crew Photo Screen between 

Music may be switched on and off by pressing KEY Alt-S.

Exiting the Game
you can quit the game by pressing  "Ctrl-Q"