Troubleshooting when installing in Windows 95 The following errors may occur during installation in Windows 95 or later when you try to start the game. You will be dealing with the registration database in which Windows 95 stores important settings. Please consult the Windows 95 documentation in this respect. ERROR: 001 Serious access error on the registration database. Please consult your manual. This error means that a relatively simple error has already occurred on the Windows 95 system registration database. Such an error is serious in that Windows 95 programs must have problems, since it is caused by the fact that your entire Windows 95 installation is unstable. You can try to restore the registration database manually (see the corresponding point below). ERROR: 002 The registration database has been damaged. Please consult your manual. The attempt to read information written in the registration database during installation of our program in Windows 95 failed. This either means that the registration database was changed manually, because a program changed it, or that the file is generally damaged. You should try to restore the database as described below or re-install our program. ERROR: 003 The required inputs cannot be entered into the registration database. Please consult your manual. No inputs could be written to the registration database. This error generally means that the database is damaged. You should restore it as described below. ERROR: 004 The Windows system directory could not be detected. Without this information the installation program cannot be started. Consult your manual. This error indicates a serious inconsistency in your Windows installation which may also affect other programs. Beyond advising you to reinstall Windows we can offer you no help in this case. ERROR: 005 The installation program could not be started. Please consult your manual. This error means that the Autorun program could not start the Install program located on the CD. Start the "SETUP.EXE" program on the CD by double-clicking using the Explorer. ERROR: 006 An error occurred during installation or installation was interrupted. Consult your manual. If this error is reported because you have interrupted the installation manually in the SETUP.EXE program, there is no cause for alarm. If this is not the case, please consult the Readme File. ERROR: 007 The game could not be started. Check whether it is still in the directory in which it was installed. Consult your manual. As with all Windows 95 programs, the registration database contains the information showing in which directory the game was installed. If you delete this directory manually, or copy the game to another place, the Autorun program can no longer find it. You can either change the inputs in the registration database manually, start the program manually using the Explorer or reinstall it after selecting UNINSTALL in the Autorun program! ERROR: 008 The installation of the game is damaged. Do you want to reinstall the game? The reasons for this error are similar to error 007. It may be that you have copied the program to another place. However, another reason can also be that there are general problems in calling up the game (error 005 occurred during installation. If you answer the box containing NO, nothing more happens and the same message appears when you next start, unless you copy the game back to its former position. If you answer YES, the inputs in the registration database are deleted. Remove the CD from the drive and place it back in again to begin installation again. Annex 1: Restoring the registration database: Restoring the registration database involves a serious intervention into your Windows system. It puts the system in the state it was in the last time you started it. In some cases a defective registration database can thus be replaced by an older backup copy. This operation should only be carried out by experienced users. If you make a mistake you can put your Windows 95 system in a state where it can no longer be started. Blue Byte assumes no liability for damage caused by these operations! Perform the following steps in the exact sequence specified. Click on the START button and the on END Click on the START COMPUTER IN MSDOS MODE button. Then click on OK. After the restart switch to the Windows directory. If it is e.g. C:\WIN95 then enter CD C:\WIN95 and hit the RETURN (or ENTER or CR) key. Enter the following commands and hit ENTER after each line. Please note that "da0" contains the figure zero and not the letter "O". attrib -h -r -s system.dat attrib -h -r -s system.da0 copy system.da0 system.dat attrib -h -r -s user.dat attrib -h -r -s user.da0 copy user.da0 user.dat 5.) Re-start your system. Annex 2: Deleting our program manually. These steps may be necessary if our program has not been fully installed. Remove our CD from the drive Click on the START button, then on EXECUTE. If your Windows 95 directory is e.g. C:\WIN95, then enter: C:\WIN95\REGEDIT.EXE Double-click on the word HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Double-click on the word SOFTWARE Double-click on the word BLUE_BYTE Depending on whether you have also installed other Blue Byte games, you will see different entries here. Click on the SETTLERS2 entry. Press the REMOVE key. Click on YES in the dialog box which opens. Close the registration editor. If necessary delete the game directory using the Explorer. Now place our CD in its drive. The Autorun program starts again and the game can be installed.