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3.rl229.4 KB

229.4 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

4.rl427.6 KB

427.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

5.rl563.7 KB

563.7 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

6.rl720.6 KB

720.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

7.rl727.2 KB

727.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

8.rl727.2 KB

727.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

ac_main.exe1.2 MB

1.2 MB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

ac_start.exe6.3 KB

6.3 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

aciv.cfg6 B

6 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

aciv.ct1535.5 KB

535.5 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

aciv.ct21.1 MB

1.1 MB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

aciv.ct379.7 KB

79.7 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

aciv.ct44.9 MB

4.9 MB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

aciv.ct53.9 MB

3.9 MB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

aciv.ico766 B

766 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

aciv.shr2.7 MB

2.7 MB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

adlib.mdi15.0 KB

15.0 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

adlibg.mdi16.4 KB

16.4 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

adrv688.dig11.3 KB

11.3 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

advcivil.flc1.3 MB

1.3 MB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

ah_logo.flc1.6 MB

1.6 MB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

aildrvr.lst17.3 KB

17.3 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

borders1.dat38.1 KB

38.1 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

borders2.dat51.9 KB

51.9 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

coastadj.dat1.1 KB

1.1 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

dig.ini207 B

207 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

ehgm2fm2.ad3.7 KB

3.7 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

ehgm2fm2.opl3.7 KB

3.7 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

esfm.mdi15.1 KB

15.1 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

install.cfg1.2 KB

1.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

jammer.dig3.2 KB

3.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

landadj.dat1.4 KB

1.4 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

mapdataz.dat50.2 KB

50.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

mdi.ini215 B

215 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

mpu401.mdi1.9 KB

1.9 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

mt32mpu.mdi7.0 KB

7.0 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

null.mdi1.6 KB

1.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

opl3.mdi16.4 KB

16.4 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

p2143.2 KB

143.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

p369.4 KB

69.4 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

p484.2 KB

84.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

pal.pal2.6 KB

2.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

pas.mdi15.4 KB

15.4 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

pasplus.mdi16.5 KB

16.5 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

pcspkr.mdi4.7 KB

4.7 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

proaudio.dig2.1 KB

2.1 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

rap10.dig2.8 KB

2.8 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

readme.txt14.2 KB

14.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

savgamea.dat44.1 KB

44.1 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

savgameb.dat44.1 KB

44.1 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

sb16.dig2.8 KB

2.8 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

sbawe32.mdi32.7 KB

32.7 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

sblaster.dig2.9 KB

2.9 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

sblaster.mdi15.1 KB

15.1 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

sbpro.dig2.8 KB

2.8 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

sbpro1.mdi15.5 KB

15.5 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

sbpro2.mdi16.5 KB

16.5 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

seaadj.dat1.3 KB

1.3 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

setsound.exe386.5 KB

386.5 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

sndscape.dig4.2 KB

4.2 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

sndscape.mdi3.0 KB

3.0 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

sndsys.dig3.3 KB

3.3 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

tandy.mdi5.0 KB

5.0 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

tdujam.cnf1 B

1 B1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

terrflag.dat5.6 KB

5.6 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

ultra.dig9.5 KB

9.5 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago

ultra.mdi49.7 KB

49.7 KB1996-12-25 00:32:00 -03:00 28 years ago


  Advanced Civilization requires an SVGA graphics card that
  supports 640x480 with 256 colors.  The code auto-detects what
  type of card you are using and then based on that auto-detection
  initializes the low-level graphic routines.  This auto-detection
  logic generally works but there are some cards that can confuse
  the auto-detector.  
  If you happen to be one of those lucky ones whose machine
  confounds the detection code, you will know it because as soon as  
  the character-based game banner goes away the screen will do
  strange things, the program may crash and usually the only way to
  recover is to reboot.  All is not lost.  Try running the game
  using the following command:
       advcivil /V1
  That's a one following the V and not an I.  This command line
  switch forces the game to use VESA drivers instead of the chipset
  specific drivers.  If the game runs properly using this switch
  you may either continue to start the game in that manner or you
  can start the game as follows:
  This is simply a batch file the runs the game with the /V1
  switch.  The /V1 switch assumes that a VESA driver is present in
  your machine, either built in to the graphics card or as a
  separately loaded driver.  If your VESA support is not built-in,
  refer to your graphics card manual as to how to load the VESA
  The sound drivers that are used by the game can be changed after 
  installation by running the setsound program as follows:

  Advanced Civilization will run correctly under Windows 95 by 
  following this simple procedure.
     1) Create a shortcut to ADVCIVIL.BAT in the installed directory.
     2) Open the Properties box for the shortcut.
     3) Go to the Screen section and be sure that it is set for Full
        Screen and the initial size is 25 lines.
     4) Go to the Program section and make sure the "Close on exit" box
        is checked.
     5) Click on the OK box and you are done.  The shortcut should now
        run Advanced Civilization properly.

  A customized icon for Advanced Civilization is available in the file:


  The game supports some command line switches.  A list of these can be
  seen by running the game as follows:

       advcivil /?

  The switches are:
       /?      - List the switches
       /NS     - Disables the sound drivers
       /NT     - Disables showing of opening titles
       /NZ     - Disables PBEM archiving
       /SRD[x] - Enables the self running demo
           [x] - number of players 3 to 8 (default 8)
                 (Pressing Escape during the demo will eventually exit)
       /VT     - Prints video chipset found by auto-detect code
       /Vx     - Force game to use a specific video chipset
                 (Do not use any number for x other than 1 without spe-
                 cific directions from Avalon Hill Tech Support)

  Additional notes for PBEM games
  During the testing for 1.1, the game automatically created zip
  archives of the .hst files at host consolidation time.  The decision
  has been made to leave in this facility. The PREP????.ZIP files
  allow you to replay from any particular point in time by restoring
  the .hst files and then you can perform the host consolidation
  again.  This might be useful if some file corruption occurs during
  any file exchange.  Starting a new PBEM game deletes all old
  PREP????.ZIP files in the AVALON directory.
  This archive requires that you have the pkzip program somewhere on
  your path list. If you don't have pkzip, the archiving should be
  If you prefer not to clutter your directory with the PREP files,
  include in your command line the /nz switch.  I.e:
          advcivil /nz
  This only applies to the host of a PBEM game.
  PBEM filenames
  The format of filenames is critical to the operation of the PBEM
  game. Because of this, the true filename is stored as part of the
  file and it is restored when the game executes.  Thus you could
  rename ITAL0512.hst to TOM.txt and the game would change TOM.txt
  back to ITAL0512.hst.  This means that if you want to keep copies of
  the files, you don't have to worry about what you call them. 
  However, if for some reason you already had a ITAL0512.hst and a
  TOM.txt, the game would want to rename TOM.txt to ITAL0512.hst and
  it would fail with the message "To correct the above problem - refer
  to the manual." and of course there is no such reference in the
  manual. You'll then be dumped to DOS.
  This inability to deal with duplicate names is why this feature was
  never mentioned in Versions 1.0 or 1.01. Now I'm documenting it with
  the warning that duplicate names are not handled.
  Revision History


  1) The version of Fastgraph used is now 4.04 vs 4.03 for V1.01.  A
  few additional video cards should be supported now.
  2) >>>The human player can see what the computer players have really
     >>>in hand(their goods), during some phases (for example, when the
     >>>game stops after a nation's moves), just in clicking the GOODS
     >>>button.  Since the game is based on commercial strategies and
     >>>bluff, the interest of the game is very reduced. This is like a
     >>>cheat mode.
       This is only possible if 2 or more humans are playing.  I've
       added a requester popup so that you now have to pick a nation
       to look at.  The computer players are never on the list.  Yes,
       you can look at all the human players cards but in hot-seat
       play, voluntary restraint on the part of players is required.
  3) >>>I played Babylonia. I was struck as secondary victim Epidemic. I
     >>>had 4 cities, three of them built on 2 token capacity areas,
     >>>one built on a 1 token capacity area. I had 10 tokens, each in
     >>>a separate area. Medicine reduces my losses from 10 to five. 
     >>>But I couldn't get a "finished" button, because I could only
     >>>reduce 2 cities due to the rules (it is not allowed to
     >>>eliminate all tokens in an area due to an epidemic). But with
     >>>reducing 2 cities, I got a "-1" in the field that show the
     >>>number of tokens (units) I have to take off the board. With
     >>>this "-1" I could not end my turn. So I had to leave the game.
       Oops! This occurred because there were no spare tokens in the
       non-city territories. I've added code that will look for the
       correct target number, -1 in this case.
  4) Discovered an attempt to move more tokens from a territory then
     occupied by.  Fixed.
  5) Ran across another way that the Grain used to reduce famine
     effects was not being reset properly.  Fixed.
  6) Exceeded valid moves in XXXXX.  This error message is generic in
     nature and will be seen when the game tries to move more tokens from
     a territory then are available. One case that generated this message
     was caused by the code that consolidated single token moves into one
     multiple token move. Under what I hope are rare conditions, the
     alternate AI conjectures that the game makes left the memory in a
     condition where the consolidator got confused and collected a token
     or 2 more than it should have.  This condition has been fixed.
  7) Under some conditions, the AI in choosing the First faction in
     Civil War could think that there were not enough tokens to pick from
     when there really were.  The release version of the game did not
     flag this as an error but rather short changed the player. It is now
  8) Computer AI handling of Military losses in Civil War was hosed. 
     It is now fixed.
  9) During the Ship Maintenance AI phase, if a nation could not
     support all of it's ships due to lack of treasury, the game was
     restoring certain variables at inappropriate times and in general
     botched it's attempt to figure things out.  Occasionally a token
     error would be generated.  This is now fixed.
  10)If you attempted to Start A New Game from within a running game
     more than a certain number of times, how many depends on the amount
     of memory your machine has, the game would crash.  This is now
  11)Fixed another "Exceeded valid moves in XXXXX" caused by the
     overpopulation reduction code.
  12)Ran across an internal AI flag concerning roadbuilding that was
     not getting set immediately after a Restore Game.  Effect - AI was
     unaware of anyone having roadbuilding for one round.  FIXED.
  13)Scoring bug - The Final Standings score did not properly reflect
     that the winner had moved onto the Finished marker on the AST chart.
  14)If the AI had 2 ships in one territory, it might want to ship all
     of the tokens out on the first ship then it would ship out again all
     the tokens on the second ship resulting in a Token Error.  FIXED.
  1.1 PBEM Fixes
  1) PBEM Ship Movement bug FIXED.  Caused by player moving a ship with
     1 MP left, thus having no MP's left after moving, into a territory
     with ships that have MP's left. When the player pressed the NEXT
     SHIP button to move the ships with MPs left, the ship change was not
     recorded and the PBEM playback code attempted to move the first ship
     causing the movement error.
  2) Re: Phantom Italy Civ buys.  If you started a PBEM game
     immediately executing advcivil.bat, this cannot happen.  However it
     might be possible for this to occur if you started a PBEM game after
     stopping a game in progress at the point where a nation had bought
     some civ tools. The variable AcquiredCnt was not reset at the start
     of a new game and this scenario is the only one that I can think of
     to explain how the variable could have non-zero data in it.  I now
     reset AcquiredCnt at the start of any game.
  3) If someone bought a trade good, the treasury never was updated to
     reflect this. FIXED.
  4) If some, not all, nations acquired Civ Tools, the stopping point
     to send files was different for acquire vs non-acquire nations. This
     could cause all sorts of problems.  FIXED.
  5) PBEM Tax Revolt problem.  If a nation with coinage could avoid a
     tax revolt by lowering its tax rate, the other nations would assume
     that it did not and a tax revolt was reported to them.  This would
     result in the gray screen of death - City Token Error.  This is now
  6) On the Tool Acquisition Wrapup screen, calamities might show up
     on the Goods Used side.  A temp variable wasn't being cleared before
     use. The effect is actually benign.  FIXED.
  7) If trading was possible(everyone had enough goods) AND no one
     decided to make any offers AND the previous round trading did occur,
     the game would put up a fictitious Trade Wrapup screen. FIXED.
  1) Win 95 & building cities resulted in negative tokens. 
     Surprisingly this bug only manifested itself when the game is run in
     a DOS box under Win 95 or Win 3.1.
  2) If the game detected that you had moved all of your tokens and
     ships, the code would tell you to press the FINISHED button.  If you
     had tokens on board ships at that time, they would vanish from the
     game.  This bug has been fixed.  You will no longer get the
     direction to press FINISHED until all ships are also empty.
  3) The cost of Roadbuilding was erroneously coded as 160 instead of
     140.  (I'll blame this one on a misprint on the back cover of the
     original Advanced Civilization manual).
  4) If the beneficiary of a civil war could not completely takeover
     all of the tokens of the remaining faction, the game could lockup. 
     This is now fixed.
  5) Grain cards used for Famine relief were not being properly
     released for use in the next round.
  6) A spinner has been added to the Barbarian Ravaging and Plundering
     Committee display to reassure folks that the game hasn't locked up.
  7) Fixed a bug when ships were not maintained.  Under certain
     circumstances a Ship Error could be generated.
  8) Reported bug with link to/from North Aquitania was erroneous. 
     The problem is that the hot spot for North Aquitania is on the small
     side. I have modified the map so that the hot spots for all the dual
     coasted territories are delineated by light gray dotted lines.
  9) During a Computer buy of Tools, if there were more credits
     available then were needed to buy a tool, the excess credits would
     be improperly used to buy other tools.  This is now fixed.
  10)During Civil War, if the second faction was wiped out by military
     losses, the game still required you to take additional losses and
     you were essentially hung at that point.  This has been fixed.
  11)On the Monotheism Conversion screen, the nation buttons would
     only momentarily show other nations inventory.  This has been fixed.
  12)The appearance of the Barbarian Ravaging and Plundering Committee
     would cause future calamity sounds to loop. Fixed.
  13)During conflict resolution, if 2 or more humans are playing, the
     GOODS button will now be disabled.  In this phase of the game it is
     impossible to know whose goods should be displayed.
  14)Under certain conditions, during Famine, Epidemic or Flood, the
     AI might decide to reduce more cities than it has available to
     reduce.  Fixed.