clear space %1: 8000 NoSpace echo The install program will now copy echo Aces of the Pacific to your hard drive. echo Approximate hard drive space required: 8 Meg echo echo Do you wish to (C)ontinue or (E)xit? pick ce Continue Exit :Continue clear godir %1:\dynamix\aces CantCreate godir %1:\dynamix\aces\tapes CantCreate cd ..\.. > nul echo Copying Startup Files ... echo @echo off > aces.bat echo cd aces >> aces.bat echo aces >> aces.bat cd aces > nul exists %2:RESOURCE.000 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 1" in drive %2:. echo Copying Game files... copy %2:*.* echo %3 >resource.cfg echo modules = 0>>resource.cfg echo latest = 0>>resource.cfg echo toggle3 = 1>>resource.cfg echo toggle4 = 1>>resource.cfg echo toggle5 = 1>>resource.cfg echo toggle6 = 0>>resource.cfg echo toggle7 = 0>>resource.cfg echo Processing %2:resource.000 ... unchunk RESOURCE.000 . > nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto BadChunk del RESOURCE.000 exists %2:RESOURCE.001 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 2" in drive %2:. copy %2:RESOURCE.001 echo Processing %2:resource.001 ... unchunk RESOURCE.001 . > nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto BadChunk del RESOURCE.001 exists %2:RESOURCE.002 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 3" in drive %2:. copy %2:RESOURCE.002 echo Processing %2:resource.002 ... unchunk RESOURCE.002 . > nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto BadChunk del RESOURCE.002 exists %2:RESOURCE.003 Please insert the disk labeled "Disk 4" in drive %2:. copy %2:RESOURCE.003 godir %1:\dynamix\aces\tapes CantCreate copy %2:*.vcr cd .. > nul echo Processing %2:resource.003 ... unchunk RESOURCE.003 . > nul if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto BadChunk del RESOURCE.003 del UNCHUNK.EXE clear echo echo ˙To play NOW: echo ˙ Type ACES and press [ENTER]. echo echo ˙To play LATER: echo ˙ From the root directory of %1:, echo ˙ Type cd \DYNAMIX and press [ENTER], then echo ˙ Type ACES and press [ENTER]. echo pause end :NoSpace clear echo alert There is not enough space on %1: to install Aces of the Pacific on your hard drive. 8 Megabytes of disk space are necessary. end :CantCreate clear echo alert Unable to create directory %1:\dynamix\aces end :BadChunk if ERRORLEVEL 6 goto ERR6 if ERRORLEVEL 5 goto ERR5 if ERRORLEVEL 4 goto ERR4 if ERRORLEVEL 3 goto ERR3 if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto ERR2 if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto ERR1 alert Unable to extract resource file. Please run install again. end :ERR1 alert Unable to read resource file. Make sure the drive door is shut and run install again. end :ERR2 alert Unable to write resource file to hard drive. This program only installs games on hard drives. Run install again. If you get this message again you may have a problem with your hard drive. end :ERR3 alert Not enough memory to run extraction program. The extraction program needs a minimum of 550k to operate. end :ERR4 alert The resource file is bad. Run install again. If you get this message again, you probably received a bad disk. end :ERR5 alert Unable to open the resource file for reading. A possible solution might be to increase the value of the FILES setting in your CONFIG.SYS file. end :ERR6 alert Unable to open the target file for writing. A possible solution might be to increase the value of the FILES setting in your CONFIG.SYS file. end :exit end