; D-Fend Reloaded icon customization file ; You can customize the toolbar icons, the menu icons and the profile editor icons using this ; file. All you have to do is make nicer 16x16 pixel icons and register them in this file. If ; your new icons fit well in D-Fend Reloaded and you would like to see them in the next official ; version of D-Fend Reload and make me a little present, just mail them to me. ; This file is read when D-Fend Reloaded starts and when it opens the profile editor dialog. ; In each section you can define any subset of offered icon keys in the form "1=NicerFloppy.bmp" ; (without the "). All lines beginning with a ; are treated as comments and ignored. ; The icons must have 16x16 pixels and can be in bmp, gif, jpg or png format. ; The filename can be absolute or relative to the D-Fend Reloaded settings directory (this directroy). ; Set settings made in this file overwrite the settings made in the IconSets directory. ; D-Fend Reloaded is not using png transparency but some other method of transparency: ; The color of the lower left pixel is used as the transparent color. [Information] Name= Author= [Main] ; 1=Floppy disk ; 2=Run ; 3=Run setup ; 4=Add profile ; 5=Edit profile ; 6=Delete profile ; 7=Setup ; 8=Quit ; 9=Profile tree "all" node ; 10=Favourites ; 11=Profile tree filter node ; 12=Open folder ; 13=Profile tree filter root node ; 14=Open data folder / open DOSBox readme ; 15=Make disk image ; 16=Transfer profile ; 17=DOSBox icon ; 18=Help icon ; 19=Keyboard icon ; 20=Link icon ; 21=Globe (Internet icon) ; 22=Import ; 23=Export ; 24=Tree structure ; 25=Text file icon (for browsing data folder in popup menu) ; 26=Make installer ; 27=Clock (View history) ; 28=Open file ; 29=Picture (for "open screenshot") ; 30=Copy to clipboard ; 31=Save to file ; 32=Check ; 33=Statistics ; 34=Speaker (Icon for captured sounds) ; 35=D-Fend classic icon ; 36=Monitor (Background image) ; 37=CD-ROM (Create ISO image) ; 38=ScummVM icon ; 39=Video ; 40=Zip icon ; 41=Window ; 42=Wizard ; 43=Manage icons ; 44=Language editor ; 45=Notes [ClassicProfileEditor] ; 1=Profile ; 2=Game info ; 3=DOSBox icon ; 4=Hardware icon ; 5=Harddisk icon ; 6=Sound icon ; 7=Start icon ; 8=User settings icon ; 9=SoundBlaster ; 10=GUS ; 11=MIDI ; 12=Joystick ; 13=Misc. sound ; 14=Volume ; 15=Internet ; 16=Edit [ModernProfileEditor] ; 1=Profile ; 2=Game info ; 3=DOSBox icon ; 4=Hardware icon ; 5=Harddisk icon ; 6=Sound icon ; 7=Start icon ; 8=User settings icon ; 9=Tree structure ; 10=CPU icon ; 11=Memory icon ; 12=Graphics icon ; 13=Mouse icon ; 14=Serial/Modem icon ; 15=Network icon ; 16=Keyboard icon ; 17=Joystick icon ; 18=Printer ; 19=Volume ; 20=SoundBlaster ; 21=GUS ; 22=MIDI ; 23=DOS environment ; 24=ScummVM icon [SetupForm] ; 1=Tools ; 2=Directory ; 3=Flag (language) ; 4=Table (games list) ; 5=DOSBox icon ; 6=Lock (security) ; 7=Default values (page icon, not button) ; 8=Check icon(Service) ; 9=Window (Profile editor) ; 10=Speaker icon (Wave encoder) ; 11=ScummVM icon ; 12=QBasic icon ; 13=GUI ; 14=Toolbar ; 15=Update/Internet ; 16=FreeDOS ; 17=Zip ; 18=Text editor ; 19=Media viewer ; 20=Wine ; 21=Games list in screenshot mode ; 22=Games list in icon mode ; 23=Category tree ; 24=User-defined interpreters ; 25=Automatic configuration [QuickStart] ; 1=Close ; 2=Update ; 3=Run ; 4=Help ; 5=Folder ; 6=Folder (open) ; 7=Games folder ; 8=Drive ; 9=File ; 10=DOSBox program file ; 11=Windows program file ; 12=Image file ; 13=Sound file ; 14=Archive file ; 15=HTML file ; 16=ISO image ; 17=New profile ; 18=Open file in editor ; 19=Delete file ; 20=Video file [PackageManager] ; 1=Close ; 2=Edit repositories list ; 3=Update lists ; 4=Help ; 5=Games tab ; 6=Auto setup templates tab ; 7=Icons tab ; 8=Icon sets tab ; 9=Languages tab ; 10=Exe packages tab ; 11=Tools [Dialogs] ; 1=OK ; 2=Cancel ; 3=Close ; 4=Help ; 5=Abort ; 6=Yes ; 7=No ; 8=All ; 9=Select folder ; 10=Select file ; 11=Explore folder ; 12=Floppy disc image ; 13=HD image ; 14=CD image ; 15=Add ; 16=Delete ; 17=Up ; 18=Down ; 19=Import ; 20=Export ; 21=Extra program files ; 22=Internet ; 23=Edit ; 24=Screenshot ; 25=Clear ; 26=Load ; 27=Save ; 28=Create ; 29=Wizard ; 30=Previous ; 31=Next ; 32=Open conf file ; 33=Run ; 34=Zoom ; 35=Zip file ; 36=Reset to default value ; 37=Find file (DOSBox for example) ; 38=ScummVM ; 39=Table ; 40=Folders ; 41=Calculator ; 42=Update/Refresh ; 43=Cut to clipboard ; 44=Copy to clipboard ; 45=Paste from clipboard ; 46=Undo ; 47=Use as background image ; 48=Image file ; 49=Sound file ; 50=Video file ; 51=HTML file ; 52=Closed folder ; 53=Text file ; 54=Close window ; 55=Use template ; 56=Toolbar help ; 57= Name type (filename/folder name for scanning games folder) ; 58=More ; 59=Reset template/DOSBox profile ; 60=Close info bar "X" ; 61=Tools ; 62=DOSBox ; 63=Activate/Deactivate ; 64=Expand tree ; 65=Collapse tree ; 66=Warning ; 67=Information