[Author] Name=Alexander Herzog [LanguageFileInfo] MaxVersion=1.2.1 NSISLanguageID=1033 LocalLanguageName=English HelpFile=English.chm DownloadChecksum= [Global] OK=&Ok Cancel=&Cancel Abort=&Abort Yes=&Yes No=&No All=&All None=&None NotSet=Not set NotSet.LanguageFileDefault= ChooseFolder=Choose folder ChooseFile=Choose file Add=&Add Add.HintTemplate=Adds a new template to the list. Add.NewEmptyLine=Add new empty line Edit=&Edit Edit.HintTemplate=Opens the selected template in the profile editor. Del=&Delete Del.HintTemplate=Removes the selected template from the list. Load=&Load... Save=&Save... Save.HintImageViewer=Saves the selected image in a new file. Save.HintSoundPlayer=Saves the selected sound file in a new file. Save.HintVideoPlayer=Saves the selected video file in a new file. Key=Key Value=Value Close=&Close Close.WindowHint=Closes the window. Use=Use Use.HintTemplate=Uses the selected template to create a new profile. Cut=Cut Cut.HintMain=Cuts the selected text to the clipboard. Copy=Copy Copy.CopyHintImageViewer=Copies the image to the clipboard. Copy.HintMain=Copies the selected text to the clipboard. Paste=Paste Paste.HintMain=Pastes text from the clipboard. Undo=Undo Undo.HintMain=Undoes the last edit step. Clear=Clear Clear.HintMediaViewer=Deletes the selected file. Search=Search Search.And=and Search.Or=or Search.Not=not Select=Select Unselect=Unselect SelectAll=Select all Previous=Previous Previous.HintMediaViewer=Changes to the previous file. Next=Next Next.HintMediaViewer=Changes to the next file. More=More On=On Off=Off DoNotChange=Do not change Left=Left Right=Right Move.Up=Move up Move.Down=Move down Help=Help Help.Hint=Opens the online help. Default=Default Custom=Custom Bytes=Bytes KBytes=KB MBytes=MB [LanguageInfo] NoVersionGiven=The chosen language file has no version information. Perhaps not all needed strings are available in this file. Outdated=The chosen language file was made for D-Fend Reloaded %s. You are using version %s, this means there will probably be some untranslated strings in the program if you use this langauge file. Outdated.Short=Language file outdated [CharsetSettings] Name=DEFAULT_CHARSET SpecialLower=äöü SpecialUpper=ÄÖÜ AllowedInFileNames=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÄÖÜabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöüß01234567890-_=.,;!() HTMLTranslate=Ä,Ä,Ö,Ö,Ü,Ü,ä,ä,ö,ö,ü,ü,ß,ß HTMLCharset=iso-8859-1 [Keys] Backspace=Back Tab=Tab Escape=Esc Enter=Enter Space=Space PageUp=PageUp PageDown=PageDown End=End Home=Home Left=Left Up=Up Right=Right Down=Down Insert=Insert Delete=Delete Shift=Shift+ Ctrl=Ctrl+ Alt=Alt+ [Messages] CouldNotDeleteFile=Could not delete file %s. NoGameSelected=No game is selected in list. CouldNotFindFile=The file %s does not exist. ConfirmationDeleteRecord=Do you really want to delete %s ? ConfirmationDeleteRecordOnly=Do you really want to delete %s ? (Only the list-record will be deleted. The game's files will not be deleted.) ConfirmationDeleteGame=Do you really want to delete %s including all game files on hard disk ? ConfirmationCreateDir=Directory %s does not exist. Do you want to create this directory now ? CouldNotSaveFile=Could not write to file %s. CouldNotCopyFile=Could not copy %s to %s. CouldNotCopyFiles=Could not copy files from folder %s to folder %s. CouldNotFindDOSBox=DOSBox does not exist at: %s CouldNotOpenFile=Could not load %s. DeleteError.Protection=Error while deleting: Could not delete the folder "%s". Deletion was aborted because this folder is outside the allowed directory structure. DeleteError.DotDotInPath=Error while deleting: There is a ".." in the folder "%s". Deletion was aborted. CouldNotCreateDir=Could not create folder %s. CouldNotFindGame=There is no game-record with the name %s. ConfirmationOverwriteFile=There already is a file called %s. Do you want to overwrite the existing file ? WrongDiskSize=The selected disk image size is invalid. NoFileName=No filename was given. NoFolderName=No folder name was given. NoInstallationSelected=No D-Fend Reloaded installation selected. NoSetupFileFound=No D-Fend Reloaded setup file found at %s. NoImageSelected=No image has been selected. NoRecordSelected=No record has been selected. NoProfileName=You have to define a name for the new game. InvalidValue=The value "%s" is invalid for "%s". If you continue the value will be ignored and the old value "%s" will be kept. Continue ? CouldNotRenameFile=Cound not rename file from %s to %s. FileNotFound=The file %s does not exist. NoDriveSelected=No drive has been selected. CouldNotDrive.Open=Could not open drive %s for direct reading. CouldNotDrive.GetData=Could not read drive information from drive %s. CouldNotDrive.ExtAccess=Could not activate extended read access for drive %s. CouldNotDrive.ReadError=Read error reading from drive %s. CouldNotDrive.WriteError=Write error writing to drive %s. NoMountToReachFolder=There is no mounted drive that is allowed to reach the physical folder %s, which is needed to be able to run the program. D-Fend Reloaded will try to interpret the path as a DOSBox local path. MessageRootDirMountWaring=You are trying to mount the root directory of a drive. This gives programs running inside DOSBox full access to the whole drive. For security reasons only a subdirectory of a drive should be mounted in DOSBox as a drive. Do you really want to continue and mount the whole drive ? MessagePathNotRelative=The folder %s used in the profile "%s" is not a directory of the %s subtree. MessageTemplateInsecureWarning=The selected template has some secrity risks. It has an autoexec or a finalization section, uses custom settings or tries to mount drives outside the D-Fend Reloaded base folder. You should only use this template if you trust the creator of this template. Do you really want to continue and use this template ? MessageNoGameFileNameWarning=You have not defined a filename for the game or program you want to start. Do you really want to continue ? MessageDirectoryNotFound=The directory %s does not exist. QBasicNeededToExecuteFile=To execute %s the QBasic interpreter is needed, but there is no QBasic program file defined or the given program file does not exist. CouldNotStartProgram=Could not start %s. WindowsExe.ExecuteWarning=The file "%s" is a Windows executable. DOSBox cannot run this type of file. WindowsExe.ExecuteWarning.TurnOff=Turn off warnings for this profile. WindowsExe.EditWarning=The file "%s" is a Windows executable. DOSBox will not be able to run this file. Do you really want to continue ? Import.WindowsArchiveWarnung=The content of this archive looks like a Windows program. Windows programs cannot be imported this way to D-Fend Reloaded. Do you really want to continue importing this file? Import.WindowsFolderWarnung=The content of this folder looks like a Windows program. Windows programs cannot be imported this way to D-Fend Reloaded. Do you really want to continue importing this file? DOSExe.ExecuteWarning=The file "%s" is a DOS executable. You should use DOSBox for running this file instead of starting it directly. DOSExe.EditWarning=The file "%s" is a DOS executable. You should use DOSBox for running this file instead of starting it directly. Do you really want to continue ? ZipImportError=The given archive file does not contain any executeable file. FolderImportError=The given folder does not contain any executeable file. ConfirmationDeleteFile=Do you really want to delete %s ? ConfirmationDeleteFolder=Do you really want to delete %s with all its files and subfolders ? DOSBoxOutdated=You are currently using DOSBox %s. D-Fend Reloaded requires DOSBox %s or higher. You should upgrade your DOSBox installation. DOSBoxOutdated.Short=Version outdated DirectoryAlreadyExists=The directory %s cannot be created because it already exists. CouldNotCopyDirectoryToCapture=Cannot copy directories to capture folder. (Tried to copy %s to capture folder.) NoFolderNameForMounting=No destination folder for archive file extraction was given. CouldNotFindScummVM=ScummVM does not exist at: %s ShortName.Error.ParentNotFound=Parent directory "%s" does not exist. ShortName.Error.DelimiterInFileName=File/subdirectory name "%s" contains path delimiters (\/:). ShortName.Error.FileNotFound=File or subdirectory "%s" does not exist in parent directory "%s". ShortName.Warning.InvalidChars=File/subdirectory name "%s" converted to DOSBox form, but it has illegal characters. Generated name may be unavailable in DOSBox. ShortName.Warning.SystemShort=File/subdirectory name "%s" converted to DOSBox form, but it has illegal characters. Therefore, system shortname will be used. Generated name may be not portable between different computers. ShortName.Warning.ShortAlreadyUsed=File/subdirectory name "%s" converted to DOSBox form has illegal characters, but system shortname cannot be used because it already is used for another file. Hence DOSBox short name is left, but it might not be available in DOSBox. NoCDDrive=Your system does not have any CD drives that could be mounted as drive %s. LoadingDataBase=Loading data base UserInterpreterNeededToExecuteFile=The user defined interpreter %s is needed to execute the file %s but is not reachable. CouldNotActivateXML=Could not activate the XML document %s. ZipImportDuplicateWarning=The game from the archive to import is named %s. There is already a profile with this name in the games list. Do you want to uninstall this game before importing the archive file? (If you click "No" a new profile entry is created but the directories of the old and the new profile might get mixed up. It is recommended to uninstall to old profile.) ReadWrite.NoFloppyDrive=There is no floppy drive connected to your system. ReadWrite.NoCDDrive=There is no CD drive connected to your system. [Menu] File=&File File.Import=Import File.Import.Conf=Import conf file... File.Import.Conf.Title=Import DOSBox conf file File.Import.Conf.Filter=conf files (*.conf)|*.conf|All files (*.*)|*.* File.Import.Prof=Import prof file... File.Import.Prof.Title=Import D-Fend prof file File.Import.Prof.Filter=prof files (*.prof)|*.prof|All files (*.*)|*.* File.Import.Zip=Import archive file... File.Import.Zip.Caption=Import archive file File.Import.Zip.DestinationFolder=Subfolder of the game folder to store the game File.Import.Zip.DestinationFolder.Warning=Already existing File.Import.ZipWithInstallationSupport=Import archive file with installation support... File.Import.Folder=Import folder... File.Import.Folder.Caption=Select folder to import File.Import.FolderWithInstallationSupport=Import folder with installation support... File.Import.Download=Download packages... File.Export=Export File.Export.GamesList=Export &gamelist... File.Export.GamesList.DialogTitle=Export gamelist File.Export.GamesList.Filter=Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|Tabular separated files (*.csv)|*.csv|HTML-Files (*.html)|*.html|All files (*.*)|*.* File.Export.GamesList.Format=Export format File.Export.GamesList.Format.Auto=Auto select format from file extension File.Export.GamesList.Format.Text=Export as text file File.Export.GamesList.Format.Table=Export as table File.Export.GamesList.Format.HTML=Export as HTML file File.Export.GamesList.Format.XML=Export as XML file File.Export.GamesList.Info=If "Auto select" is chosen as export format the games list will be exported as text file, table, html page or xml file depending on the file extension ("txt", "csv", "html" or "xml"). File.Export.GamesList.HTMLTitle=D-Fend Reloaded games list File.Export.GamesList.DialogColumnsList=Columns to export File.Export.GamesList.DialogFileNameField=File name for the games list File.Export.CreateConf=Create &conf files... File.Export.CreateProf=Create &prof files... File.Export.CreateZip=Create &archive file... File.Export.CreateInstaller=&Create installer package... File.Export.BuildInstaller=&Build installer for multiple games... File.Export.BuildZipPackages=Build &archive file packages for multiple games... File.Export.BuildZipPackages.PrepaingExport=Preparing game export File.Export.BuildZipPackages.SplitLargeFile=Spliting archive file larger than 2GB File.Export.PackageList=Create package list file... File.Setup=&Program options... File.Quit=&Quit View=&View View.ShowMenubar=Show &menubar View.ShowMenubar.HideWarning=You cannot hide the menubar and the toolbar at the same time. Otherwise there would be no way to restore them. View.ShowMenubar.RestoreInfo=You can restore the menubar via the context menu of the toolbar. View.ShowToolbar=Show tool&bar View.ShowGroupsTree=Show groups &tree View.ShowScreenshots=Show &screenshots and sound files View.ShowSearchBox=Show se&archbox View.ShowExtraInfo=Show &infocolumns in games list View.ShowTooltips=Show &tooltips in games list View.ListNoIcons=List (no icons) View.List=List View.ReportNoIcons=Report (no icons) View.Report=Report View.SmallIcons=Small icons View.Icons=Icons View.Screenshots=Screenshots View.QuickStarter=Show quick starter window Run=&Run Run.Game=Run &program Run.Setup=Run &setup Run.RunDOSBox=Run &DOSBox Run.RunDOSBoxKeymapper=Run DOSBox &keymapper Run.OpenDOSBoxConfig=Open DOSBox &configuration file Run.DOSBoxOutputTest=Test DOSBox output methods Run.RunScummVM=Run &ScummVM Run.OpenScummVMConfig=Open ScummVM configuration file Run.ExtraFile=Additional program file Profile=&Profile Profile.Add=&Add DOSBox profile... Profile.Add.Manually=Add manually... Profile.AddScummVM=Add &ScummVM profile... Profile.AddWindowsGame=Add &Windows game profile... Profile.AddOtherPlatform=Add game for other platform Profile.AddOtherPlatform.BasedGame=%s-based game... Profile.AddOtherPlatform.BasedGameDialog=%s-based game Profile.AddOtherPlatform.SelectTitle=Select data file to run Profile.AddOtherPlatform.SelectFilter=%s data files (%s)|%s|All files (*.*)|*.* Profile.AddFromTemplate=Add from &template Profile.AddWithWizard=&Add with wizard... Profile.AddWithInstallationSupport=&Install from source media... Profile.Edit=&Edit... Profile.Copy=&Copy... Profile.Copy.Title=Copy profile Profile.Copy.Prompt=Name of the new Profile: Profile.Copy.UpdateScreenshotFolder=Set new screenshot folder Profile.Copy.RemoveDataFolderRecord=Remove data folder record Profile.Delete=&Delete... Profile.OpenFolder=Open &program folder Profile.OpenCaptureFolder=Open &capture folder Profile.OpenDataFolder=Open &data folder Profile.OpenFileInDataFolder=Open file in data folder Profile.MarkAsFavorite=Mark as &favorite Profile.UnMarkAsFavorite=Remove mark as &favorite Profile.CreateShortcut=Create &shortcut... Profile.SearchGame=Search game Profile.SearchGame.EditLinks=Edit links Profile.Deinstall=&Uninstall... Profile.MakeInstaller=&Make installer package... Profile.MakeZipArchive=Make &archive file package... Profile.ViewConfFile=&View DOSBox conf file Profile.ViewIniFile=&View ScummVM ini file Profile.Cheating=&Change saved game... Extras=&Extras Extras.IconManager=Manage &icons... Extras.IconManager.Caption=Icon manager Extras.ViewLogs=View &history... Extras.OpenGamesFolder=Open &games folder... Extras.IconManager.DialogTitle=Add icon Extras.IconManager.Filter=Icon and image files (*.ico,*.png,*.jpeg,*.jpg,*.gif,*.bmp)|*.ico;*.png;*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.gif;*.bmp|Icon files (*.ico)|*.ico|All files (*.*)|*.* Extras.IconManager.IconType.Library=Use icon from list above Extras.IconManager.IconType.Custom=Use custom icon Extras.IconManager.Add.Single=Add single icon... Extras.IconManager.Add.Folder=Add all icons from folder... Extras.IconManager.Add.Folder.Caption=Add icons from folder Extras.IconManager.Add.All=Scan games folder and add all icons Extras.Tools=Tools Extras.Tools.Explorer=Open icons folder in Explorer Extras.Tools.RenameUpper=Rename all icons to have upper case ICO extensions Extras.Tools.RenameLower=Rename all icons to have lower case ico extensions Extras.Templates=&Templates... Extras.Cheating=&Cheating Extras.Cheating.Apply=&Apply cheat to saved game... Extras.Cheating.Edit=&Edit cheats data base... Extras.Cheating.Search=&Search for address in saved game... Extras.DeinstallMultipleGames=Uninstall &multiple games... Extras.ImageFiles=Image files Extras.CreateIMGImageFile=Create I&MG image from floppy... Extras.WriteIMGImageFile=&Write IMG to floppy... Extras.CreateImageFile=&Create image file... Extras.CreateISOImageFile=Create &ISO image from CD... Extras.ExtractImage=Extract image file to folder... Extras.ImageFromFolder=Create image file from folder content... Extras.ImageFromProfile=Create image file based profile from normal &profile... Extras.ScanGamesFolder=Scan games folder for new games... Extras.TransferProfiles=&Transfer programs... Extras.ChangeProfiles=Edit multiple profiles... Extras.CreateShortcuts=Create shortcuts for multiple games... Extras.CheckProfiles=Check profiles for not existing files... Extras.TranslationEditor=Translation editor Extras.TranslationEditor.DFendReloaded=D-Fend Reloaded translation editor... Extras.TranslationEditor.DOSBox=DOSBox translation editor... Help=&Help Help.DOSBox=&DOSBox Help.DOSBox.FAQ=&FAQ (Webpage) Help.DOSBox.Hotkeys=&Hotkeys (Webpage) Help.DOSBox.Hotkeys.DOSBox=&Hotkeys (DOSBox) Help.DOSBox.Compatibility=Compatibility list (Webpage) Help.DOSBox.DemoCompatibility=Demo compatibility list (Webpage) Help.DOSBox.Intro=Introduction (Webpage) Help.DOSBox.Intro.DOSBox=Introduction (DOSBox) Help.DOSBox.Readme=Manual Help.DOSBox.Homepage=DOSBox homepage Help.ScummVM=ScummVM Help.ScummVM.Readme=Manual Help.ScummVM.FAQ=&FAQ (Webpage) Help.ScummVM.Homepage=ScummVM homepage Help.ScummVM.Compatibility=Compatibility list (Webpage) Help.ScummVM.GamesList=Compatibility list (from installed ScummVM) Help.ScummVM.GamesList.Caption=List of supported games Help.Abandonware=Old &games Help.AbandonwareInfo=The website you want to open does not belong to the D-Fend Reloaded project. All linked abandonded ware sites claim they only offer games for download when this is permitted. Sites can change however; D-Fend Reloaded cannot guarantee these sites will remain legal in the future. Help.Homepage=D-Fend Reloaded homepage Help.HomepageURL=http://dfendreloaded.sourceforge.net Help.Forum=Forum Help.SearchForUpdates=Search for updates... Help.SearchForUpdatesURL=http://dfendreloaded.sourceforge.net/Download.html Help.FAQs=FAQs Help.Statistics=Statistics... Help.OperationMode=Operation mode... Help.About=&About... Help.Help=Help Help.HelpContent=Help contents Help.Introduction=Introduction Help.AddingGames=Adding games Help.GetGames=How to get games Button.Close=&Close Button.Run=&Run Button.RunSetup=Run &setup Button.Add=&Add Button.Edit=&Edit Button.Delete=&Delete Button.Open=&Open Button.Help=&Help Button.Close.HintMainWindow=Closes D-Fend Reloaded. Button.Run.HintMainWindow=Starts the program file of the selected profile. Button.Setup.HintMainWindow=Starts the setup file of the selected profile. Button.Add.HintMainWindow=Adds a new profile to the list. Button.Edit.HintMainWindow=Opens the selected profile in the profile editor. Button.Delete.HintMainWindow=Removes the selected profile from the list. Button.Help.HintMainWindow=Opens the help function. Button.Run.HintFile=Opens or starts the selected file. Popup.RunGame=Run &program Popup.RunSetup=Run &setup Popup.RunExtraFile=Additional program file Popup.Edit=&Edit... Popup.Copy=&Copy... Popup.Delete=&Delete... Popup.OpenFolder=Open &program folder Popup.OpenCaptureFolder=Open &capture folder Popup.OpenDataFolder=Open &data folder Popup.OpenFileInDataFolder=Open file in data folder Popup.MarkAsFavorite=Mark as &favorite Popup.CreateShortcut=Create &shortcut... Popup.SearchGame=Search game Popup.Deinstall=&Uninstall... Popup.MakeInstaller=&Make installer package... Popup.MakeZipArchive=Make &archive file package... Popup.ViewConfFile=&View DOSBox conf file Popup.View=&View ScreenshotPopup.Open=&Open.. ScreenshotPopup.OpenExternal=Open in default viewer ScreenshotPopup.Import=Import... ScreenshotPopup.Import.Title=Import screenshot ScreenshotPopup.Import.Filter=All readable image files|*.png;*.jpeg;*.jpg;*.gif;*.bmp|JPEG image (*.jpeg)|*.jpeg;*.jpg|GIF image (*.gif)|*.gif|Windows BMP image (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Portable Network Graphics (*.png)|*.png|All files (*.*)|*.* ScreenshotPopup.Refresh=&Update ScreenshotPopup.Copy=&Copy ScreenshotPopup.Save=&Save... ScreenshotPopup.Rename=&Rename... ScreenshotPopup.Rename.Caption=Rename file ScreenshotPopup.Rename.Label=New filename (without Extension) ScreenshotPopup.RenameAll=Rename &all... ScreenshotPopup.Delete=&Delete ScreenshotPopup.DeleteAll=Delete all ScreenshotPopup.UseAsBackground=Use as &desktop wallpaper... ScreenshotPopup.UseInScreenshotList=Use as screenshot in profiles list SoundsPopup.OpenExternal=Open in default media player SoundsPopup.SaveMp3=Save as &mp3 file... SoundsPopup.SaveOgg=Save as &ogg file... SoundsPopup.SaveMp3All=Save all wave files as mp3 files SoundsPopup.SaveOggAll=Save all wave files as ogg files TreeViewPopup.UserDefinedCategories=Setup user-defined categories... ToolbarPopup.SetupButtons=Setup toolbar buttons... ToolbarPopup.SetupIconSet=Setup icon set... [Capture] Screenshots=Screenshots Screenshots.Info=You can save screenshots by pressing Ctrl+F5 in DOSBox. Screenshots.InfoScumm=You can save screenshots by pressing Alt+S in ScummVM. Sounds=Sounds Sounds.Info=You can start/stop sound recording by pressing Ctrl+F6 in DOSBox. Videos=Videos Videos.Info=You can start/stop video recording by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F5 in DOSBox. Videos.InstallCodec=Install codec Videos.InstallCodec.Info=The DOSBox video codec needed to play this video is not installed on this system. Click on the "Install codec" button to install the needed video codec. (You can also install the DOSBox video codec via the "Video" folder of the DOSBox start menu record. The video codec can be uninstalled later at any time via the software section of the control center.) Videos.VideoDamaged=This video file is damaged. If you close DOSBox before stopping the video capture the resulting video file will be damaged and cannot be played. Notes=Notes DataFolder=Data folder [TrayIconMenu] Restore=Restore Run=Run... Run.Info=Select profile to run Add=Add DOSBox profile... AddFromTemplate=Add profile from template... AddWithWizard=Add profile with wizard... Quit=Quit [SearchProgramFile] CaptionDOSBox=Searching DOSBox... CaptionOggEnc=Searching OggEnc... CaptionLame=Searching Lame... CaptionScummVM=Searching ScummVM... CaptionQBasic=Searching QBasic... [ProfileEditorForm] Caption=Profile editor ProfileSettingsSheet=Profile IconSelect=Select icon... IconDelete=Delete icon ProfileName=Profile name Filename=Filename Filename.NoFileNameYet=(no filename yet) EXEDialog.Title=Select program file EXEDialog.Filter=All executables (*.exe, *.com, *.bat%s)|*.exe;*.com;*.bat%s%s|All files (*.*)|*.* EXEDialog.FilterWithBasic=All executables (*.exe, *.com, *.bat, *.bas%s)|*.exe;*.com;*.bat;*.bas%s|Basic files (*.bas)|*.bas|Program and batch files (*.exe, *.com, *.bat)|*.exe;*.com;*.bat%s|All files (*.*)|*.* Game=Program GameEXE=Program file GameParameters=Program parameters Setup=Setup SetupEXE=Setup file SetupInfo=If the game has no setup program you can leave the "Setup file" field blank. SetupParameters=Setup parameters ExtraExeFiles=Extra program files RelativePath=File path is relative to the DOSBox directory structure RelativePath.Info=Info RelativePath.Hint=This function has nothing to do with the portable operation mode of D-Fend Reloaded! This function is meant to access files inside ISO images mounted in DOSBox which cannot be accessed by the Windows file structure. If you want to run D-Fend Reloaded from a different location, use a portable installation. This function will not help you running D-Fend Reloaded portably. IgnoreWindowsWarnings=No Windows file warnings for this profile IgnoreWindowsWarnings.Hints=If you select Windows executable files to be started with DOSBox D-Fend Reloaded will warn you. In some very rare cases an exe file contains DOS and Windows program code. In this case the warning can be disabled. TurnOffDOSBoxFailedWarning=Turn off DOSBox failed warning for this profile TurnOffDOSBoxFailedWarning.Hints=If DOSBox closes right after the program starts D-Fend Reloaded will show a dialog with some common setup options to solve the problem. Via this checkbox this dialog can be disabled for this profile. LoadFix=Use Loadfix LoadFixMemory=Loadfix-memory (KB) CaptureFolder=Screenshot folder ExtraFiles=Additional program files (outside the game directory): ExtraFiles.Caption=Select additional program file ExtraFiles.Filter=All files (*.*)|*.* ExtraDirs=Additional program folders (will be deleted when game is uninstalled): ExtraDirsWindowsProfile=Additional program folders ExtraDirs.EditInfo=The game folder itself will be deleted when uninstalling the game by default so there is no need to add it here. GenerateScreenshotFolderName=Set default screenshot folder GameInfoSheet=Program information GenerateGameDataFolder=Create default game data folder MultipleValuesInfo=You can enter multiple values per key divided by ";". UserdefinedInfo=User-defined information GeneralSheet=DOSBox settings EnvironmentSheet=Environment MountingSheet=Drives Mounting.Add=&Add... Mounting.Edit=&Edit... Mounting.Del=&Delete Mounting.DelAll=Delete &all Mounting.AutoCreate=Auto &create Mounting.FolderImage=Folder / Image Mounting.As=as Mounting.Letter=Letter Mounting.Label=Name Mounting.IOControl=I/O Control Mounting.DeleteAllMessage=Do you really want to delete all drive records ? Mounting.AutoMountCDs=Additional automatically mount all available CDs Mounting.AutoMountCDs.Short=Mount all available CDs Mounting.SecureMode=Disable mounting of drives after DOSBox start Mounting.SecureMode.Short=Disable mounting after DOSBox start Mounting.DriveType.Drive=Harddisk Mounting.DriveType.CDROM=CDROM drive Mounting.DriveType.CDROMIMAGE=CD image Mounting.DriveType.Floppy=Floppy drive Mounting.DriveType.FloppyImage=Floppy image Mounting.DriveType.Image=Harddisk image Mounting.DriveType.PHYSFS=Harddisk (PHYSFS) Mounting.DriveType.Zip=Harddisk (archive) SoundSheet=Sound Sound.EnableSound=Activate sound Sound.Mixer=Mixer Sound.SampleRate=Sample rate Sound.BlockSize=Block size Sound.Prebuffer=Prebuffer Sound.Card.SoundBlaster=SoundBlaster Sound.Card.GUS=GUS Sound.Card.MIDI=MIDI Sound.Card.Joystick=Joystick Sound.Card.Misc=Misc Sound.SoundBlaster.Type=Type Sound.SoundBlaster.Address=Address Sound.SoundBlaster.IRQ=Interrupt Sound.SoundBlaster.DMA=DMA Sound.SoundBlaster.HDMA=High DMA Sound.SoundBlaster.OplMode=Opl mode Sound.SoundBlaster.OplRate=Opl sample rate Sound.SoundBlaster.UseMixer=Use mixer Sound.GUS.Enabled=Activate GUS Sound.GUS.Address=Address Sound.GUS.IRQ=Interrupt Sound.GUS.DMA=DMA Sound.GUS.Rate=Sample rate Sound.GUS.Path=Path Sound.MIDI.Info=The MIDI device will be available on address 330 and interrupt 2 in DOSBox. Sound.MIDI.Type=Type Sound.MIDI.Device=MIDI device Sound.MIDI.ConfigInfo=Additional settings Sound.MIDI.ConfigButton=Select MIDI device from device manager Sound.MIDI.ConfigButtonInfo=If no device is selected, the Windows default MIDI device will be used. Sound.MIDI.ConfigID=id Sound.MIDI.ConfigIDInfo=Clicking a device from the list will add it to the additionally MIDI settings field. Sound.MIDI.MT32=MT32 settings Sound.MIDI.MT32.Mode=Mode Sound.MIDI.MT32.Time=Time Sound.MIDI.MT32.Level=Level Sound.Joystick.Type=Joystick type Sound.Joystick.Timed=Timed intervalls for axis Sound.Joystick.AutoFire=Autofire Sound.Joystick.Swap34=Swap axis 3 and 4 Sound.Joystick.Buttonwrap=Activate button wrap Sound.Joystick.ButtonwrapInfo=If button wrap is activated on a joystick with more than 4 buttons the higher physical buttons are mapped to lower logical numbers. For example physical button 5 is mapped to logical button 1, physical button 6 to logical button 2 etc. Sound.Misc.EnablePCSpeaker=Activate PC speaker Sound.Misc.SpeakerRate=PC speaker sample rate Sound.Misc.Tandy=Tandy speaker Sound.Misc.Tandy.Auto=Auto Sound.Misc.TandyRate=Tandy speaker sample rate Sound.Misc.EnableDisneySoundsSource=Activate Disney Sounds Source Sound.Volume=Volume Sound.MasterVolume=Master Sound.DisneySoundsSourceVolume=Disney Sounds Source Sound.PCSpeaker=PC speaker Sound.FM=FM Sound.CD=CD audio Sound.Innova=Innovation SSI-2001 Sound.Innova.Enable=Enable Innovation SSI-2001 emulation Sound.Innova.SampleRate=Innovation SSI-2001 sample rate Sound.Innova.BaseAddress=Innovation SSI-2001 base address Sound.Innova.Quality=Innovation SSI-2001 emulation quality AutoexecSheet=Autoexec Autoexec.OverrideGameStart=Override game start Autoexec.OverrideMounting=Override mounting Autoexec.Use4DOS=Use 4DOS as command line interpreter Autoexec.AutoexecBat=Autoexec.bat: Autoexec.LoadTitle=Load Autoexec.bat Autoexec.SaveTitle=Save Autoexec.bat Autoexec.Filter=Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|Batch files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.* Finalization=Finalization Finalization.LoadTitle=Load finalization batch file Finalization.SaveTitle=Save finalization batch file Autoexec.Boot.Normal=Start DOSBox normally Autoexec.Boot.HDImage=Start hard disk image Autoexec.Boot.FloppyImage=Start floppy image CustomSetsSheet=Custom settings CustomSets.LoadTitle=Load custom settings CustomSets.SaveTitle=Save custom settings CustomSets.Filter=Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|Batch files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.* CustomSets.Environment=Environment variables DirectorySheet=Directories HardwareSheet=Hardware HardwareInfo=Select one of the subcategories to change the hardware settings. CPUSheet=CPU MemorySheet=Memory GraphicsSheet=Graphics KeyboardSheet=Keyboard MouseSheet=Mouse SerialPortsSheet=Serial ports SerialPortsInfo=Select one of the subcategories to change the one of the serial ports. NetworkSheet=Network PrinterSheet=Printer DOSEnvironmentSheet=DOS environment StartingSheet=Starting NeedFreeDOS=This feature uses the FreeDOS command line tools. The FreeDOS directory can be configured in the "DOSBox" section of the setup dialog. ScummVMSheet=ScummVM settings ScummVM.Filter=Filter ScummVM.RenderMode=Render mode ScummVM.Platform=Platform ScummVM.Game=Game ScummVM.GameFolder=Game folder ScummVM.GameFolder.Caption=Select game folder ScummVM.GameZipFile=Extract game files from this archive file to the folder (and repack them later again) ScummVM.GameZipFileInfo=If the archive file option is activated the given archive file will be extracted into the folder entered above. ScummVM will be run as usual with this folder. After ScummVM closes the content of the folder will be repacked to the archive file and the folder will be deleted. ScummVM.Language=Language ScummVM.LanguageLong=ScummVM game language ScummVM.Autosave=Autosave interval ScummVM.TextSpeed=Text speed ScummVM.Subtitles=Enable subtitles (in games with speech) ScummVM.ConfirmExit=Confirm program exit ScummVM.MusicVolume=Music volume ScummVM.SpeechVolume=Speech volume ScummVM.SFXVolume=SFX volume ScummVM.MIDIGain=Gain for MIDI playback ScummVM.MusicDriver=Music driver ScummVM.NativeMT32=True Roland MT-32 (disable GM emulation) ScummVM.EnableGS=Enable Roland GS mode for MIDI playback ScummVM.MultiMIDI=Enable combination of Adlib and native MIDI ScummVM.SpeechMute=Mute speech ScummVM.SavePath=Folder for saved games ScummVM.SavePath.GameDir=Use game folder ScummVM.SavePath.Custom=Use this custom folder ScummVM.ExtraPath=Extra path for additional game data files ScummVM.AudioCDDrive=CD drive for playing audio ScummVM.AudioCDDrive.Off=Do not try to play CD audio ScummVM.AudioCDDrive.Number=Use drive number ScummVM.Joystick=Joystick ScummVM.Joystick.Off=Do not use Joystick ScummVM.Joystick.Number=Use Joystick number ScummVMGameSheet=Game specific settings ScummVMGame.AltIntro=Alternative intro ScummVMGame.GFXDetails=Graphics details ScummVMGame.ObjectLabels=Show object labels ScummVMGame.ReverseStereo=Reverse stereo ScummVMGame.MusicMute=Mute music ScummVMGame.SFXMute=Mute sound effects ScummVMGame.Walkspeed=Walkspeed ScummVMGame.AdditionalParameters=Additional ScummVM command line parameters LookUpGame=Look up game at HelperProgramsSheet=Helper programs HelperProgramsSheet.RunBefore=Execute commands before main program HelperProgramsSheet.RunBeforeLabel=Commands before main program HelperProgramsSheet.RunAfter=Execute commands after main program quits HelperProgramsSheet.RunAfterLabel=Commands after main program HelperProgramsSheet.RunMinimized=Run minimized HelperProgramsSheet.Wait=Wait before execution of the main program HelperProgramsSheet.InOrder=Run commands in order (not working if using data files as commands) AdditionalChecksums=Additional checksums AdditionalChecksums.Files=Files AdditionalChecksums.Checksums=Checksums AdditionalChecksums.DeleteChecksum=Remove checksum AdditionalChecksums.AddAll=Automatically add checksums AdditionalChecksums.DeleteAll=Remove all checksums AdditionalChecksums.SelectFolder=Select directory for adding checksums from AdditionalChecksums.SelectFileFilter=All files (*.*)|*.* DefaultValueHint=You can edit the values offered in this box on the "Default values" page of the setup dialog. Tools=Tools Tools.Run=Run game with current configuration Tools.ResetAllPagesButThisConfirm=Do you really want to reset all pages but this? Tools.ResetAllPagesConfirm=Do you really want to reset all pages? Tools.ResetPage=Reset this page to the default values Tools.ResetAllPagesButThis=Reset all pages but this to the default values Tools.ResetAllPages=Reset all pages to the default values Tools.ResetToTemplate=Reset to template Tools.ResetToTemplate.Page=Reset this page Tools.ResetToTemplate.AllPagesButThis=Reset all pages but this Tools.ResetToTemplate.AllPages=Reset all pages Tools.ResetToAutoSetup=Reset to auto setup template Tools.ResetToAutoSetup.Page=Select auto setup template and reset this page... Tools.ResetToAutoSetup.AllPages=Select auto setup template and reset all pages... Tools.ResetToAutoSetup.Select=Select auto setup template [ProfileMountingForm] Caption=Edit drive FolderSheet=Folder as hard disk FloppySheet=Folder as floppy CDROMSheet=CD drive FloppyImageSheet=Floppy image CDROMImageSheet=CD image ImageSheet=Hard disk image PhysFSSheet=DOSBox PhysFS ZipSheet=Archive file Folder=Folder for mounting File=Image for mounting FileFilter=Image files (*.iso,*.img,*.ima,*.cue)|*.iso;*.img;*.ima;*.cue|All files (*.*)|*.* FileFilterImgOnly=Image files (*.img,*.ima)|*.img;*.ima|All files (*.*)|*.* ZipFile=Archive file for mounting ZipFile.General=Select archive file ZipFileFilter=Zip archive files (*.zip)|*.zip|All files (*.*)|*.* ZipFileFilterExt=Archive files (*.zip, *.7z%s)|*.zip;*.7z%s|Zip archive files (*.zip)|*.zip|7-Zip archive files (*.7z)|*.7z|%sAll files (*.*)|*.* ZipFileFilterExtArchiveFiles=%s archive files ZipFileAutoSetupFolder=Create default write folder Label=Label CDROMAccess=Access method CDROMAccess.Normal=Normal CDROM access via MSCDEX CDROMAccess.IOCTL=Low-level CDROM access and MSCDEX (DOSBox setting "-ioctl") CDROMAccess.IOCTL_DX=Low-level CDROM access and MSCDEX, digital audio extraction used for CD audio (DOSBox setting "-ioctl_dx") CDROMAccess.IOCTL_DIO=Low-level CDROM access and MSCDEX, ioctl calls used for CD audio (DOSBox setting "-ioctl_dio") CDROMAccess.IOCTL_MCI=Low-level CDROM access and MSCDEX, MCI used for CD audio (DOSBox setting "-ioctl_mci") CDROMAccess.NOIOCTL=Low-level SDL-support and MSCDEX (DOSBox setting "-ionoctl") Letter=Drive letter LetterInfo=If the drive is used in DOSBox, you should select a drive letter. If the drive is for an alternative OS, you should select a controller position (0/1= 1. / 2. floppy drive, 2/3= master / slave hard disk). FreeSpace=Free virtual space (%d MB) Geometry=Drive geometry (Sector size, sectors per track, heads and tracks) CreateImage=Create image file AddImageToList=Add image file to list DelImageFromList=Remove image file from list ImageTypeInfo=DOSBox can load ISO and CUE/BIN images as CD drives. If you want to mount CD images in other formats, you will have to install an external CD drive emulator, mount the image inside this program and mount the virtual CD drive as a CD drive in DOSBox. ImageTypeInfo.Warning=The file %s does not look like an image file mountable by DOSBox. Do you really want to continue? SwitchImageInfo=(You can switch between the images by pressing Ctrl+F4 in DOSBox.) FloppyImage.Create=Create empty image... FloppyImage.Read=Read image from floppy disk... DriveLetterAlreadyInUse=This drive letter is already in use by another mounted drive. DriveType=Type FolderDeleteWarning=In the chosen configuration the complete contents of %s will be deleted when you quit the game. Do you really want to continue with this configuration ? ZipRepack=After repacking folder contents to archive file ZipRepack.NoDelete=Keep folder contents ZipRepack.DeleteFiles=Delete files in folder ZipRepack.DeleteFolder=Delete files in folder and folder ZipInfo=The contents of the archive will be extracted to the given folder before DOSBox is started. DOSBox will use the folder as a normal drive. After program termination of DOSBox the contents of the folder is repacked to the archive. ZipRepack.PhysFS=Repack folder contents to zip file when DOSBox terminates ZipRepack.NormalMount=Make normal drive from this mount ZipRepack.NormalMount.Hint=This function will extract the archive file and convert the mount into a normal directory mount ZipRepack.NormalMount.Here=Extract files to selected folder ZipRepack.NormalMount.GamesDir=Extract files to subdirectory of the games folder ZipRepack.NormalMount.WorkCaption=Extract archive file ZipRepack.NormalMount.WorkLabel=Please enter a name for the games folder subdirectory to be created: ZipRepack.NormalMount.Confirmation=If you continue, the contents of the archive file %s will be extracted to %s. The commands to run the game will be changed automatically if needed. The archive file will not be deleted. Do you want to continue? ZipRepack.FromNormalMount=Make archive file drive from this mount ZipRepack.FromNormalMount.Hint=This function compresses the game directory to an archive file and will mount this file instead of the chosen folder. ZipRepack.FromNormalMount.SaveTitle=Archive file to store folder content to ZipRepack.FromNormalMount.ErrorGameDir=Cannot pack the whole games directory into an archive file. ZipRepack.FromNormalMount.Confirmation=If you continue, the contents of the folder %s will be stored in the archive file %s and the folder will be deleted. The commands to run the game will be changed automatically if needed. Do you want to continue? ZipRepack.FromNormalMount.SecurityError=The folder %s is outside the D-Fend Reloaded directory structure. For security reasons it is not allowed to pack and delete folders outside the base directory. CDDrive.MountType=CD drive mounting type CDDrive.MountType.FixedPath=Mount fixed path CDDrive.MountType.Number=Mount physical drive by number CDDrive.MountType.NumberLabel=Number of CD drive to use (1=first physical CD drive, 2=second physical CD drive etc.) CDDrive.MountType.NumberShort=CD drive number %s CDDrive.MountType.Ask=Ask user which drive to mount CDDrive.MountType.AskShort=Ask user to select drive CDDrive.MountType.Label=Mount physical drive by CD label CDDrive.MountType.LabelLabel=CD label CDDrive.MountType.LabelShort=CD label "%s" CDDrive.MountType.File=Mount physical drive by file on CD CDDrive.MountType.FileLabel=File in root directory of the CD CDDrive.MountType.FileShort=CD with file "%s" on it CDDrive.MountType.Folder=Mount physical drive by folder on CD CDDrive.MountType.FolderLabel=Folder in root directory of the CD CDDrive.MountType.FolderShort=CD with folder "%s" on it [SetupForm] Caption=Program settings GeneralSheet=General DirectoriesSheet=Directories UserInterfaceSheet=User interface LanguageSheet=Language ProgramsSheet=External programs DOSBoxSheet=DOSBox DOSBoxGlobalSheet=Global DOSBox settings DOSBoxCVSSheet=DOSBox CVS features ScummVMSheet=ScummVM QBasicSheet=QBasic SecuritySheet=Security DefaultValueSheet=Default values ServiceSheet=Service DirectoriesInfo=If you use a subdirectory of the base directory as games directory, D-Fend Reloaded will be able to use relative paths and can then make installer packages from your installed games and transfer them to other installations. BaseDir=Base folder (for relative paths) GameDir=Game folder DataDir=Additional data folder CaptureDir=Default base folder for capture directories CaptureDir.Select=Select capture folder ReopenLastActiveProfileSheet=Reopen last active page of the profile editor StartSizeLabel=Window size at program start: StartSizeNormal=Default size StartSizeLast=Restore window size from previous session StartSizeMinimized=Start minimized StartSizeMaximized=Start maximized StartFullscreen=Fullscreen without window border IconSets=Icon sets: IconSets.Preview=Preview: IconSets.Author=Author: IconSets.Customize=Open icons customizing file RestoreSelectedFilter=Restore selected games filter on restart RestoreSelectedPreviewerCategory=Restore selected previewer category on restart MinimizeToTray=Minimize to tray area StartWithWindows=Start with Windows SingleInstanceOnly=Allow only one running instance AddButtonFunction=Function of the add button: AddButtonFunction.Add=Add dialog AddButtonFunction.Wizard=profile wizard AddButtonFunction.Menu=Selection menu ProfileEditorDFendStyle=Use classic D-Fend style profile editor ProfileEditorModern=Use modern profile editor ProfileEditorAutoSetScreenshotFolder=Setup screenshot folder automatically when adding a profile ProfileEditorAutoSetScreenshotFolder.OnlyWizard=Only when added via the profile wizard ProfileEditorAutoSetScreenshotFolder.Always=When added via the profile wizard and via the modern profile editor ProfileEditorRenameProfFilesOnRenamingProfile=Rename profile file when renaming the profile automatically ProfileEditorAutoAddMountings=Automatically add mounting records if needed ProfileEditorAutoAddMountings.OnlyWizard=Only when added via the profile wizard ProfileEditorAutoAddMountings.Always=When added via the profile wizard and via the modern profile editor Toolbar.Visible=Show toolbar Toolbar.CaptionsVisible=Show toolbar captions Toolbar.VisibleButtons=Visible buttons: Toolbar.VisibleButtons.Error=You cannot turn off all toolbar buttons. Menubar=Menubar Menubar.Error=You cannot turn the menubar and the toolbar at the same time. ProgramsInfo=You can configure the external programs used by D-Fend Reloaded in the sub categories of this category. ProgramLanguage=Program language ProgramLanguage.OpenEditor=Open language editor ProgramLanguage.OpenEditorNew=Add new language ProgramLanguage.OpenEditorConfirmation=If you continue, the setup dialog will be closed and all changed settings will be saved. The language editor will then be opened. DOSBoxLanguage=DOSBox language file DOSBoxLanguage.Hint=This language applies to the default DOSBox installation only. InstallerLanguage=Installer language InstallerLanguageInfo=The chosen installer language is used when you install a games package or update D-Fend Reloaded. The language changer will ask you for admin rights when running under Vista because it needs to write to the all users section of the registry. DOSBoxVideoDriver=SDL videodriver: DOSBoxVideoDriverInfo=Setting the SDL videodriver to "Win DIB" may solve keyboard problems. DOSBoxDisableScreensaver=Disable screensaver when DOSBox is running DOSBoxWaitOnError=Wait before closing the console if DOSBox encounters an error DOSBoxCVS.Warning=Please do not activate these settings unless you use a CVS build of DOSBox supporting these things. Activating one of these features can result in profiles that won't work in normal DOSBox builds ! DOSBoxCVS.MountGroup=Mounts editor features DOSBoxCVS.MultipleFloppyImages=Allow multiple floppy images per drive DOSBoxCVS.PhysFS=Activate PhysFS tab DOSBoxCVS.GraphicsGroup=Graphics setup features DOSBoxCVS.ExtendedTextMode=Activate 28 and 50 line text mode settings DOSBoxCVS.GlideEmulation=Activate Glide emulation settings DOSBoxCVS.VGAChipset=Activate VGA chipset settings DOSBoxCVS.RenderModes=Add "openglhq" and "direct3d" render modes DOSBoxCVS.VideoModes=Add "demovga" graphic mode DOSBoxCVS.PixelShader=Activate pixel shader settings DOSBoxCVS.SoundGroup=Sound setup features DOSBoxCVS.MIDIModes=Add "mt32" MIDI device DOSBoxCVS.Innova=Activate Innovation SSI-2001 emulation settings DOSBoxCVS.PrinterGroup=Printer setup features DOSBoxCVS.Printer=Activate printer settings DOSBoxCVS.NetworkGroup=Network setup features DOSBoxCVS.NE2000=Activate NE2000 emulation settings DOSBoxCVS.Info=You can download DOSBox versions supporting this features here: PathToFreeDOS=Path to FreeDOS FreeDOSDir=FreeDOS folder FreeDOS=FreeDOS FreeDOS.Info=The FreeDOS tool can be used in DOSBox to make file handling easier. Additionally you can setup D-Fend Reloaded to use 4DOS as command line interpreter if FreeDOS is installed. FreeDOS.DownloadURL=You can download FreeDOS from ScummVMDir=ScummVM folder SearchScummVM=Search ScummVM program file ReadScummVMGamesList=Read list of supported games MinimizeDFendOnScummVMStart=Minimize D-Fend Reloaded, when ScummVM starts RestoreWindowWhenScummVMCloses=Restore program window when ScummVM is closed CenterScummVMWindow=Center ScummVM window HideScummVMConsole=Hide ScummVM console AdditionalScummVMParameters=Additional ScummVM command line parameters ScummVMDownloadURL=You can download ScummVM from QBasicProgramFile=QBasic program file SearchQBasic=Search QBasic program file QBasicParameters=Parameters when calling QBasic (%s=Name of the bas file) QBasicDownloadURL=You can download QBasic from ListViewInfo=Visible columns and order: ScreenshotPreviewSize=Screenshot preview size: DOSBoxDir=DOSBox folder SearchDOSBox=Search DOSBox program file DOSBoxKeymapper=Keymapper config file DOSBoxKeymapper.Title=Choose keymapper config file DOSBoxKeymapper.Filter=Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.* DOSBoxDownloadURL=You can download DOSBox from HideDOSBoxConsole=Hide DOSBox console MinimizeDFend=Minimize D-Fend Reloaded, when DOSBox starts RestoreWindowWhenDOSBoxCloses=Restore program window when DOSBox is closed DOSBoxInstallation=DOSBox installation DOSBoxInstallation.Edit=Edit name of DOSBox installation DOSBoxInstallation.Edit.Caption=Change name of DOSBox installation DOSBoxInstallation.Edit.Info=Name of DOSBox installation DOSBoxInstallation.Add=Add DOSBox installation DOSBoxInstallation.Add.Caption=Add new DOSBox installation DOSBoxInstallation.Delete=Delete DOSBox installation DOSBoxInstallation.Delete.Confirmation=Do you really want to delete the DOSBox settings "%s" ? DOSBoxInstallation.Up=Move selected DOSBox installation one position up in the list DOSBoxInstallation.Down=Move selected DOSBox installation one position down in the list DOSBoxInstallation.MoreSettings=More settings for this DOSBox installation DOSBoxInstallation.MoreSettings.Caption=Settings for DOSBox installation "%s" DOSBoxInstallation.PortableModeInformation=Portable mode information DOSBoxInstallation.Global=Global settings (for all installations) DOSBoxCommandLineParameters=Additional command line parameters when calling DOSBox AskBeforeDelete=Ask before deleting game records DeleteOnlyInBaseDir=Never delete files outside the base folder when uninstalling games DeleteOnlyInBaseDir.Info=This option ensures that, when uninstalling incorrectly configured games, no files outside the base folder will be deleted. UseChecksums=Monitor changes of the DOS program files by using checksums UseChecksums.Info=A checksum is calculated for the program file and (if available) for the setup file. With these checksums the program can detect whether an imported profile was made for this speciffic game and whether the program files of the game have changed. DeleteToRecycleBin=Move files to recycle bin when deleting: DeleteToRecycleBin.Profiles=Profiles and configuration files DeleteToRecycleBin.MediaViewer=Captured screenshots, sounds and videos DeleteToRecycleBin.DataViewer=Files from game data folders DeleteToRecycleBin.Uninstall=Game files when uninstalling games DeleteToRecycleBin.QuickStart=Files deleted in quick starter DeleteToRecycleBin.ZipOperation=Temporary folders when using archive files as drives DeleteToRecycleBin.Temp=Temporary files DefaultValueLabel=category: DefaultValueReset=Restore default values DefaultValueResetThis=This page DefaultValueResetAll=All pages DefaultValue.Platform.DOSBox=DOSBox DefaultValue.Platform.ScummVM=ScummVM DefaultValue.Sound.SoundBlaster=SoundBlaster DefaultValue.Sound.GUS=GUS DefaultValue.Sound.MIDI=MIDI Service1=Delete old unused setup files from D-Fend v2 Service2=Convert absolute to relative paths Service3=Restore "DOSBox DOS" profile Service3WaitInfo=Creating the "DOSBox DOS" profile... Service3Confirmation=Do you really want to overwrite the existing "DOSBox DOS" profile ? Service4=Restore default templates Service5=Calculate checksums for all profiles Service6=Clear package cache and lists Service7=Create capture folders for all profiles Service8=Create game data folders for all profiles Service9=Rename all media files for all profiles Update0=Only manual update checks (Menu: Help|Check for updates) Update1=Check once a week Update2=Check once every day Update3=Check at every program start UpdateVersionSpecific=Add current version number to request URL Update.Button=Search for updates now Update.Program=Program update: Update.DataReader=Mobygames reader configuration update: Update.DataReader0=On first use only to get an initial configuration file Update.DataReader1=On the first use each week Update.DataReader2=On the first use each day Update.DataReader3=Every time I use the data reader Update.Packages=Package lists update: Update.Packages0=Only manual ("Update lists" in packages manager) Update.Packages1=Weekly Update.Packages2=Daily Update.Packages3=Every time the package manager is opened Update.Cheats=Cheats data base: Update.Cheats0=Only manual ("Search for updates" in help menu) Update.Cheats1=Weekly Update.Cheats2=Daily GamesListGUI.Columns=Columns in the games list GamesListGUI.ListAppearance=Games list GamesListGUI.ListAppearanceScreenshotMode=List in screenshot mode GamesListGUI.TreeAppearance=Tree structure GamesListGUI.ScreenshotListAppearance=Media preview BackgroundColor.Default=Default background color BackgroundColor.Color=Background color BackgroundColor.Image=Background image Font.Size=Font size Font.Color=Font color Toolbar=Toolbar TreeView.UserDefinedGroups.Label=User-defined filter categories: TreeView.UserDefinedGroups.AddButton=Add existing user key TreeView.UserDefinedGroups.InfoLabel=The user-defined categories will be displayed in the tree structure as additional filter categories. You can setup user-defined categories for each game in the profile editor section "User defined information". SetupMode=Mode: SetupMode.Easy=Easy SetupMode.Advanced=Advanced EXEFilter=Program files (*.exe)|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.* WaveEnc=Wave encoder WaveEnc.Mp3=Wave to mp3 encoder WaveEnc.Mp3Parameters=Parameters for mp3 encoder WaveEnc.Ogg=Wave to ogg encoder WaveEnc.OggParameters=Parameters for ogg encoder SearchLame=Search Lame program file SearchOggEnc=Search OggEnc program file CenterDOSBoxWindow=Center DOSBox window UseShortPathNames=Use short path names for mount commands ShowWrongShortNameWarnings=Show warning messages on DOSBox path name translation errors AlwaysCreateConfFiles=Always create conf files for all profiles (off: only when starting DOSBox) DOSBoxStartFailedTimeout=Show dialog to fix problems if DOSBox closes in less than this number of seconds DisplayValueForNotSet=Display value for FontStyleForNonFavorites=Font style for normal entries FontStyleForFavorites=Font style for favorites FontStyleForFavorites.Bold=Bold FontStyleForFavorites.Italic=Italic FontStyleForFavorites.Underline=Underline ScreenshotsModeListViewWidth=Width of the screenshots ScreenshotsModeListViewHeight=Height of the screenshots ScreenshotsModeListViewUseFirstScreenshot=Use screenshot with the following number if no screenshot is selected ScreenshotsModeListViewUseFirstScreenshot.Info=(1=Use first screenshot, 2=second screenshot etc.) ShowGridLinesInDetailsMode=Show grid lines in view style "report" UseWindowsExeIcons=Use program file icon for Windows games profiles NoteLinesInTooltips=Maximum number of note lines in the tooltips in the games list: RestoreSelectedProfile=Restore last selected profile on program restart RestoreColumnWidthsOnStart=Restore column widths on program start TextEditor=Text editor TextEditor.Default=Use default editor for file type TextEditor.Default.Fallback=If no default editor is registered for a given file type, the default text editor is used TextEditor.Notepad=Always use Notepad TextEditor.Custom=Use custom editor TextEditor.Custom.OpenCaption=Select text editor to be used TextEditor.FixLineWrap=Automatically fix line wrap on opening files if needed MediaViewer=Media viewers MediaViewer.Images=Images MediaViewer.Sounds=Sounds MediaViewer.Videos=Videos MediaViewer.Internal=Use internal viewer MediaViewer.Default=Use default program for opening files MediaViewer.Custom=Use custom program MediaViewer.Custom.OpenCaption=Select viewer to be used MediaViewer.Images.Modal=Show internal image viewer as modal window Wine=Wine support Wine.Enable=Enable Wine mode Wine.EnableInfo=You can overwrite this setting by using one of the following command line parameters: "WindowsMode" or "NoWineSupport". Wine.Remap=Remapping list Wine.RemapDriveLetter=Wine drive letter Wine.RemapLinuxPath=Linux path Wine.RemapMounts=Remap mount commands Wine.RemapScreenshots=Remap screenshot folder name Wine.RemapMapperFile=Remap key mapper file Wine.RemapDOSBox=Remap DOSBox path Wine.LinuxLinkMode=Switch link creation menu item to create Linux shell scripts Wine.ShellPreamble=Shell script preamble Compression=Compression settings Compression.Info=Compression level when using archive files as DOSBox drives Compression.Mode.Store=Store only, no compression (very fast) Compression.Mode.Fast=Fast Compression.Mode.Normal=Normal Compression.Mode.Good=Good compression Compression.Mode.Maximum=Maximum compression level, may be very slow Compression.InfoLabel=These settings will only apply to the internal packer. For external archiving programs you will have to setup the compression level via the command line parameters. WindowsGames=Windows games MinimizeDFendOnWindowsGameStart=Minimize D-Fend Reloaded if a Windows game starts RestoreWindowWhenWindowsGameCloses=Restore program window when a Windows game is closed RestoreWindowWhenWindowsGameCloses.Info=The main window will only be restored if the Windows program was running at least 5 seconds. So, if the called program is only a launcher for the main game, the D-Fend Reloaded program window will not be restored immediately. AllowWindowsGamesPackages=Allow D-Fend Reloaded to create archive files from Windows profiles and import Windows profile package files AllowWindowsGamesPackages.Info=Most Windows games are not intended to be moved to other installations so transfering Windows games in archive files can cause many problems and is not recommended to do. ExternalPackers=Archiving programs ExternalPackers.Select=Name of archiving program ExternalPackers.Filename=Program filename ExternalPackers.Filename.Title=Choose program file ExternalPackers.Extensions=File extensions to handle (list with ";" as divider) ExternalPackers.CommandExtract=Commandline for extracting an archive file (%1=file, %2=destination folder) ExternalPackers.CommandCreate=Commandline for creating an archive file (%1=file, %2=source folder) ExternalPackers.CommandAdd=Commandline for adding files / updating an archive file (%1=file, %2=source folder) ExternalPackers.Info=If you define a archiving program for the extensions "zip" or "7z" this external program will be used instead of the internal packer. ExternalPackers.SetupButton=Set default values for ExternalPackers.TrailingBackslash=Add trailing "\" to path names. GamesListTranslations=Non English translations for the games list GamesListTranslations.EnglishNames=English names GamesListTranslations.CustomNames=Custom names GamesListTranslations.Info=Attention: After changing the program language changes made to this list cannot be undone by pressing "Cancel". GameListIconMode=List in icons mode GameListIconMode.IconSize=Icon size to use UserDefinedInterpreters=User-defined interpreters UserDefinedInterpreters.Label=User-defined interpreter UserDefinedInterpreters.AddHint=Add interpreter record UserDefinedInterpreters.DeleteHint=Delete selected interpreter record UserDefinedInterpreters.DeleteWarning=Do you really want to delete the record for the interpreter %s ? UserDefinedInterpreters.Program=Program file of the interpreter UserDefinedInterpreters.Program.Title=Select interpreter program file UserDefinedInterpreters.Program.Filter=All executables (*.exe, *.com, *.bat)|*.exe;*.com;*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.* UserDefinedInterpreters.Parameters=Parameters (%s=name of the data file to interpret) UserDefinedInterpreters.Extensions=Extensions of the data files (use ; as separator) UserDefinedInterpreters.Info=On this page you can define DOS programs running inside DOSBox used for executing special data files. The profiles made for these interpreters are stored as DOSBox profiles. ImageScaling=Image scaling ImageScaling.Label=Algorithm used for scaling images ImageScaling.Algorithm.Box=Box ImageScaling.Algorithm.Triangle=Triangle ImageScaling.Algorithm.Hermite=Hermite ImageScaling.Algorithm.Bell=Bell ImageScaling.Algorithm.BSpline=B-spline ImageScaling.Algorithm.Lanczos3=Lanczos3 ImageScaling.Algorithm.Mitchell=Mitchell MoreEmulators=Other emulators MoreEmulators.Label=Windows based emulator MoreEmulators.AddHint=Add emulator record MoreEmulators.DeleteHint=Delete selected emulator record MoreEmulators.DeleteWarning=Do you really want to delete the record for the emulator %s ? MoreEmulators.Name=Name of the emulator MoreEmulators.Program=Program file of the emulator MoreEmulators.Program.Title=Select emulator program file MoreEmulators.Program.Filter=All executables (*.exe)|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.* MoreEmulators.Parameters=Parameters (%s=name of the data file to run) MoreEmulators.Extensions=Extensions of the data files (use ; as separator) MoreEmulators.Info=On this page you can define more Windows based emulators for running games of different platforms. The profiles made for these emulators are stored as Windows profiles. AutomaticConfiguration=Automatic game configuration AutomaticConfiguration.ArchiveImport=Archive file import AutomaticConfiguration.ArchiveImport.NoDialog=Do not show dialog if the game can be identifed by an auto setup template AutomaticConfiguration.InstallerNames=Program file names to identify games that need to be installed AutomaticConfiguration.ArchiveIDFiles=Description files for the content of archive files DataPrivacy=Data privacy DataPrivacy.StoreHistory=Store history of started games DataPrivacy.ShowHistory=Show recorded history DataPrivacy.DeleteHistory=Delete recorded history DataPrivacy.DeleteHistory.Done=All recorded history information have been deleted. DataPrivacy.OpenHistoryFile=Open history file in text editor DataPrivacy.Info=The recorded history information is stored locally only and is shown when opening the "View history" dialog from the "Extras" menu. [HistoryForm] Caption=History Game=Game DateTime=Date and Time Starts=Number of starts First=First run Last=Last run [TemplateForm] Caption=Templates AutoSetupCaption=Auto setup templates Use.AsProfile=for a new &Profile Use.AsDefault=as new &default profile New.Template=New template New.FromProfile=Template from profile New.FromProfile.Caption=Select profile New.FromProfiles.Caption=Select profiles to be added as auto setup templates Copy=&Copy... Copy.Title=Copy template Copy.Prompt=Name for the new template: DefaultTemplate=Default template DefaultTemplateScummVM=Default template for ScummVM profiles EditMultipleTemplates=Edit multiple templates... CheckChecksums=Check for duplicate checksums... CheckChecksums.CheckingDB=Checking data base CheckChecksums.SameChecksum=(same checksum as "%s") CheckChecksums.MessageOK=All checksums in the auto setup templates data base are unique. CheckChecksums.WarningTitle=Auto setup templates checksum check CheckChecksums.MissingChecksumsInfo=The following auto setup templates have no main exe file checksum. You should recreate this templates from real profiles: CheckChecksums.NonUniqueChecksumsInfo=The checksums for the following profiles are not unique. You should add additional checksums to them: [DeinstallGame] Caption=Uninstall program Info=Please select the components to uninstall: Option.Delete=Only remove profile, keep game files Option.Uninstall=Uninstall selected components ProfileRecord=Profile list record ProgramDir=Program folder SaveDir=Saved games folder CaptureFolder=Screenshot folder DataDir=Data folder ExtraFile=Additional file ExtraDir=Additional folder Icon=Icon file [DeinstallSelectGame] Caption=Uninstall programs Info=Please select the programs to uninstall: Actions=Actions Actions.DeleteRecord=Delete profile record only Actions.DeleteProgramDir=Delete profile record and program folder Actions.DeleteAllData=Delete profile record and all program folders Actions.Ask=Select components to delete for each program [ViewImageForm] Caption=View screenshot SaveDialog.Title=Save screenshot SaveDialog.Filter=JPEG image (*.jpeg)|*.jpeg;*.jpg|GIF image (*.gif)|*.gif|Windows BMP image (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Portable Network Graphics (*.png)|*.png|All files (*.*)|*.* BackgroundImage=As background BackgroundImage.Hint=Uses the selected image as desktop background image. Zoom=Zoom Zoom.Hint=Changes the zoom factor. [CreateConfForm] Caption=Create conf files CaptionProf=Create prof files Info=Please select the games for which conf files shall be created: SelectFolder=Destination folder for conf files: ExportAsAutoSetup=Export profiles as auto setup templates SelectGamesWithoutAutoSetup=Games for which there is no auto setup template [WizardForm] Caption=Create new profile Button.Previous=Previous Button.Next=Next MainInfo=Information about the D-Fend Reloaded file structure MainInfoPart1=D-Fend Reloaded is 100% Vista compatible. This means it respects the division of the program data into program files and user data. If you have installed D-Fend Reloaded in "user profile mode", the program files are located in the program files folder ("C:\Program files\D-Fend Reloaded" by default) and the user data files are located in a subfolder of the user profile directory ("C:\Users\\D-Fend Reloaded" by default). When D-Fend Reloaded is running it will not write to the program folder anymore. All setup data is stored in the user profile subfolder. MainInfoPart2=DOSBox and Windows do not use the same directory structures. The programs inside DOSBox only see a subset of the whole Windows directory structure. This implies that the games running in DOSBox cannot damage your system files (unless you setup DOSBox to use your real "C:\" as drive C: in DOSBox). In most cases you want to mount a folder like "C:\OldGames" as drive C: in DOSBox. This means that, if you store a game in "C:\OldGames\Somegame", you can access this game in DOSBox via "C:\Somegame", but you do not need to worry about mounting drives at all because D-Fend Reloaded is mounting the right folders automatically for you. MainInfoPart3=You can store your game wherever you want, but it is recommended to use the predefined games directory ("C:\Users\\D-Fend Reloaded\VirtualHD"). If you use this directory for your games, D-Fend Reloaded can use relative paths in the profile (".\VirtualHD\NewGame" instead of "C:\Users\\D-Fend Reloaded\VirtualHD\NewGame"). If D-Fend Reloaded knows where the games' files are located relative to the program data directory, it can transfer the games' files to another installation or it can make installer packages for you. This isn't possible with absolute pathes. Page1Info=Please choose the type of profile you want to create. Page2Info=Please setup where the game or program file you want to start is located. If you choose a subfolder of the given directory for the files, D-Fend Reloaded will be able to use relative paths. Page2InfoWindows=Please setup where the game or program file you want to start is located. Page3Info=Please select a template for the new profile. Page4Info=Please define the meta information for the new game or program. All information is optional and can be completed using the profile editor at any time. This means there is no need to fill out all of these fields now, but it is recommended to at least choose a name for the profile. Page5Info=Please check whether the drive mountings created by D-Fend Reloaded are correct and then start the profile creation process by clicking on "Ok". Page6Info=Please define the ScummVM configuration. InfoLabel3=Additional files (manuals, ...) BaseName=Name for the program / game EmulationType=Emulation type EmulationType.DOSBox=DOSBox (allows you to run any DOS program) EmulationType.ScummVM=Scumm based adventure game EmulationType.ListScummVMGames=List of supported Scumm games EmulationType.Windows=Windows game GamesFolder=Recommend parent directory for the game directory GamesFolder.Info=You can place the games you want to use with D-Fend Reloaded in any directory, but if you put them in a subdirectory of %s D-Fend Reloaded will be able to store the paths as relative paths. Only with relative paths you can use the "Build installer" and "Transfer games" functions from the "Extras" menu. BaseDataFolder.Info=You can place the games' data files (manuals etc.) in any directory. But if you put them in a subdirectory of %s D-Fend Reloaded will be able to store the paths as relative paths. Only with relative paths you can use the "Build installer" and "Transfer games" functions from the "Extras" menu. Program=Program to be started ProgramFolder=Folder of the game to be started Setup=Setup program (optional) BaseDataFolder=Recommended parent directory for the additional data directory DataFolder=Additional data folder (optional) DataFolder.Button=Setup additional files manually DataFolder.Checkbox=Setup additional files directory automatically DataFolder.AutomaticButton=Choose data folder name from profile name automatically TemplateInfo=The auto setup templates are a special type of templates. Each auto setup template was created for one special game. D-Fend Reloaded tries to find a matching auto setup template for the given game or program file. Therefore it compares a checksum calculated over the real file with the checksums stored in the auto setup templates and compares the real filename with the filenames stored in the auto setup templates.[13][13]If the checksums match for with a particular auto setup template, you should use this template for the new profile because this auto setup template was made exactly for your game or program. You should only use a template that only matches by filename if there is no template that matches by checksum.[13][13]If there is an auto setup template for your game or program, but D-Fend Reloaded does not show it in the first two dropdown boxes, then you may have another unrecognized version of the program.[13][13]Alternatively you may use one of the normal templates for the new profile at any time, but if you use a normal template there is no guarantee the game or program will run immediately without any further setup. TemplateType1=Use compatible auto setup template (recommended) TemplateType1Info=These templates are made specifically for the selected game. They match with the program file via a checksum comparison. TemplateType2=Use auto setup template that only matches by filename TemplateType2Info=These templates match to the given program file by the filename but not by the checksum. May be your game version just differs from the game version the auto setup template was made from. TemplateType3=Use user-defined auto setup template TemplateType3Info=In this list you can find all available auto setup templates. If you are sure your new game is in this list, you can choose the corresponding auto setup template. TemplateType4=Use user-defined template TemplateType4Info=In this list you will find all normal user-defined templates. You can use any of these templates for new profiles at any time, but these templates do not contain any settings tailored for a specific game. TemplateType5=Use default wizard template TemplateType5.Settings=Settings for default wizard template MoreRAM=Program needs more memory CPU=CPU power: CPU.Type1=less (game runs too fast) CPU.Type2=normal (jump&run and board games) CPU.Type3=more (complex games) CPU.Type4=maximal (3D games) DriveSetup.Label=Current drive setup OpenProfileEditor=Open profile editor when wizard closes OpenProfileEditor.Info=The chosen template for the new profile contains possible security risks (autoexec sections etc.). If you are not the creator of this template, you should check the following sections for dangerous commands: Autoexec, Finalization, Custom settings, Mounting of folders outside the D-Fend Reloaded base data folder. ScummVMLanguage=If the chosen language does not match the game language, ScummVM might not be able to start the game. If the game does not start, you can change the language in the profile editor at any time. Explorer=Explorer OperationModeInfo=Operation mode info WizardMode=Wizard mode WizardMode.Automatically=Always setup game automatically WizardMode.AutomaticallyIfAutoSetupTemplateExists=Only setup game automatically if matching auto setup template exists WizardMode.AlwaysAllPages=Always show all setup pages of this wizard DoubleProfile=There is already a profile named %s for this game file in the games list. Do you really want to create a second profile for the same game? InstallationSupportInfo1=If the game you want to add needs to be installed first, you should use the InstallationSupportInfo2=Game installation wizard [CreateShortcutForm] Caption=Create shortcut LinkName=Link name LinkComment=Link comment RunGameInScummVM=Run %s in ScummVM RunGameInDOSBox=Run %s in DOSBox RunGameDirectly=Run %s Desktop=Desktop Startmenu=Start menu UseProfileIcon=Use icon from profile Filter=All files (*.*)|*.* NoLinuxScummVMLinks=Creating ScummVM shell scripts is not supported. [CreateImageForm] Caption=Create image file Floppy.ImageType=Disk type Floppy.Tracks=Tracks Floppy.Heads=Heads Floppy.SPT=Sectors per track Floppy.Imagesize=Image size Filename=Filename HD.Imagesize=Image size (in MB) HD.Geometry=Drive geometry UseCompression=Compress image in NTFS file system MakeDiskImageBootable=Make image bootable MakeDiskImageBootable.WithKeyboardDriver=Use DOSBox default keyboard layout MakeDiskImageBootable.WithMouseDriver=Include mouse driver MakeDiskImageBootable.WithMemoryManager=Use memory manager on disk image MakeDiskImageBootable.WithDiskUtilities=Add disk management utilities MakeDiskImageBootable.WithEdit=Add text editor Format=Create a preformated image [InfoForm] Caption=Program info MainSheet=Info LanguageSheet=Language files LicenseSheet=License CompLicenseSheet=Used components ChangeLogSheet=Change log WrittenBy=written by Language.File=Language file Language.Author=Author Language.Version=Version DFend=D-Fend Reloaded is a complete rewrite of the discontinued good old D-Fend.[13][13]D-Fend (http://members.home.nl/mabus/) was once one of the best DOSBox frondends and I was very sad to see its development was stopped.[13][13]On the other hand: If the development of D-Fend had not stopped, D-Fend Reloaded would have never been written. [StatisticsForm] Caption=Statistics NumberOfProfiles=Profiles NumberOfTemplates=Templates NumberOfAutoSetupTemplates=Auto setup templates NumberOfIcons=Icons NumberOfProfilesByGenre=Profiles by genre [TransferForm] Caption=Transfer programs to another D-Fend Reloaded installation Info=Please select the programs to transfer: DestPrgDir=Program folder of the destination installation CopyDFendReloadedPrgFiles=Create portable D-Fend Reloaded installation in destination folder CopyDFendReloadedPrgFiles.Wait=Transfering D-Fend Reloaded... [BuildInstaller] Caption=Build installer packages Type.CompleteGames=Complete games Type.AutoSetupTemplates=Auto setup templates Type.Templates=Templates Info=Please select the programs to include in the installer: Info.AutoSetup=Please select the auto setup templates to include in the installer: Info.Templates=Please select the templates to include in the installer: ShortInfo.AutoSetup=Auto setup ShortInfo.Template=Template PackageFileName=Package filename GroupGames=Group games by genres InstallType=Package settings InstallType.ScriptOnly=Only create NSI script InstallType.FullInstaller=Create script and compile with NSIS PackageFileName.Title=Package destination filename PackageFileName.Filter=Program files (*.exe)|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.* NeedNSIS=NSIS is needed to build EXE-installer packages. NSIS is open source and can be downloaded from http://nsis.sourceforge.net. PathWarning=The NSI script can only be compiled when its in %s. Do you really want to save the script in %s ? [ProgressForm] Caption=Please wait... [SerialForm] Caption=Serial port settings DeviceType=Device type DeviceType.Disabled=Disabled DeviceType.Dummy=Dummy DeviceType.Modem=Modem DeviceType.NullModem=Nullmodem DeviceType.DirectSerial=Direct serial IRQ=IRQ IRQ.None=None RXDelay=RX delay: TXDelay=TX delay: Modem.ServerIP=Server IP address Modem.Port=Port Modem.ListenForConnections=Listen for connections NullModem.TCPPort=TCP port NullModem.ServerMode=Server mode NullModem.ClientMode=Client mode; server address: NullModem.Telnet=Telnet NullModem.DTR=DTR NullModem.Transparent=Transparent DirectSerial.Port=Real port: [ChangeProfilesForm] Caption=Change profiles Caption.Templates=Change templates SelectGamesSheet=Step 1: Select games SelectTemplatesSheet=Step 1: Select templates EditProfileSheet=Step 2: Settings to change Info=Select the games to be changed: Info2=Select the templates to be changed: SetUserInfo=Set user-defined information DelUserInfo=Delete user-defined information ReplaceFolder=Replace folder to mount ReplaceFolder.From=From ReplaceFolder.To=To MountingChangeSettings=Change mounting settings MountingChangeSettings.Global=Mount games base folder as drive C: (default) MountingChangeSettings.Local=Only mount the folder where the game is stored as drive C: SectionInfo=%d of %d settings selected for changing [GameSetup] Name=Name Setup=Setup Genre=Genre SelectBy=Select by... Developer=Developer Publisher=Publisher Year=Year Notes=Notes License=License Favorite=Favorite Favorites=Favorites InternetAddress.Name=Internet address name InternetAddress=Internet address LastModification=Last modification of profile Language=Language DataDir=Data folder DataDir.Info=This game has a data folder with additional files (manuals etc.). DataDir.EditInfo=In this folder you can store manuals etc. belonging to the game. Genre.EnglishNames= Genre.CustomNames= Language.EnglishNames= Language.CustomNames= License.EnglishNames=Freeware;Shareware;Commercial;Open Source License.CustomNames=Freeware;Shareware;Commercial;Open Source StartCount=Number of starts StartCount.Tooltip=started %d times Resolution.Window=Window resolution Resolution.Fullscreen=Fullscreen resolution Resolution.Info=The resolution "original" means using the resolution chosen by the game. The fullscreen resolution "0x0" means using the native screen resolution and scaling the game output. Joysticks=Joystick Scale=Scale TextModeLines=Text mode lines PixelShader=Pixel shader Render=Render Cycles=CPU cycles (emulation speed) Cycles.Auto=Auto Cycles.Max=Max Video=Video card Memory=Memory (in MB) Memory.Free=In DOSBox there will be %dKB of free conventional memory available for programs. Frameskip=Frameskip Core=Emulation core Sblaster=Soundblaster type Oplmode=OPL mode Oplemu=OPL emulation CloseDOSBoxAfterGameExit=Close DOSBox when program closes StartFullscreen=Start in fullscreen mode StartFullscreenInfo=You can switch between window and fullscreen mode at any time by pressing Alt+Enter. AutoLockMouse=Auto lock mouse AutoLockMouseInfo=If this option is activated, the mouse will automatically lock if you click on the screen. You can lock/unlock the mouse at any time by pressing Ctrl+F10. Force2ButtonMouseMode=Force 2-button mouse mode SwapMouseButtons=Swap mouse buttons UseDoublebuffering=Use Double buffering AspectCorrection=Keep correct aspect ratio GlideEmulation=Glide emulation GlideEmulation.Port=Glide communication port GlideEmulation.LFB=Glide emulation LFB UseScanCodes=Use scan codes MouseSensitivity=Mouse sensitivity PriorityForeground=DOSBox priority (foreground) PriorityBackground=DOSBox priority (background) Priority.Pause=Pause Priority.Lower=Lower Priority.Normal=Normal Priority.Higher=Higher Priority.Highest=Highest DOSBoxVersion=DOSBox installation to use DOSBoxVersion.Default=Use predefined DOSBox installation DOSBoxVersion.Custom=Use this custom DOSBox installation DOSBoxLanguage=Use this custom language in DOSBox DOSBoxConsole=Use this custom settings for the console window DOSBoxConsole.Hide=Hide DOSBoxConsole.Show=Show EnableXMS=Use XMS (eXtended Memory System) EnableEMS=Use EMS (Expanded Memory System) EnableUMB=Use UMB (Upper Memory Blocks) UseDOS32A=Use DOS32A Extender UseDOS32A.Useable=The program file seems to use DOS4/GW. You can try using DOS32A. UseDOS32A.NotUseable=The program does not look like it uses DOS4/GW. You should not activate DOS32A. CyclesUp=Increase CPU cycles CyclesDown=Decrease CPU cycles CyclesInfo=When DOSBox is running, you can increase / decrease the CPU cycles by pressing Ctrl+F12 / Ctrl+F11. Cycles.Type.Value=Number of cycles Cycles.Type.Percent=Percent value CPUType=CPU Type CPUInfo=Emulation core "dynamic" can be used for very CPU demanding games. Other CPU types than "auto" should only be used if a game is not working with CPU type "auto". VideoCard=Video card VGASettings=Settings for video card type "vga" VGASettings.Info=These settings are used only if video card type is "vga". VGAChipset=VGA chipset VideoRam=VideoRAM (in KB) KeyboardLayout=Keyboard layout KeyboardLayout.Default=US (US) KeyboardLayout.Info=If you select "default" as keyboard layout or codepage, the default value of the chosen DOSBox installation or the D-Fend Reloaded language file will be used (language file: "US (US)" and "437"). Codepage=Codepage Codepage.Default=437 Country.Default=001 Keyboard.NumLock=Num lock status Keyboard.CapsLock=Caps lock status Keyboard.ScrollLock=Scroll lock status Keyboard.MapperFile=DOSBox key mapping file to use Keyboard.MapperFile.Default=Use default DOSBox key mapping file Keyboard.MapperFile.Custom=Use this custom DOSBox key mapping file Serial=Serial port IPX=Activate UDP/IP emulation IPX.EstablishConnection=Establish IPX connection IPX.EstablishConnection.None=None IPX.EstablishConnection.Client=Client IPX.EstablishConnection.Server=Server IPX.Address=IPX server IP address (for Client-mode) IPX.Port=IPX Port NE2000=Activate NE2000 emulation NE2000.BaseAddress=Base address NE2000.Interrupt=Interrupt NE2000.MACAddress=MAC address NE2000.MACAddress.Reset=Reset to default NE2000.RealInterface=Real network interface NE2000.RealInterface.List=List real network devices ReportedDOSVersion=Reported DOS version EnablePrinterEmulation=Enable printer emulation PrinterResolution=Resolution (in dpi) PaperWidth=Paper width PaperHeight=Paper height PaperSizeInfo=The paper size is measured in 1/10 inch PrinterOutputFormat=Output format PrinterOutputFormatInfo=Output format "printer" means using the real printer. PrinterMultiPage=Activate multipage printing PrinterMultiPageInfo=Adds all pages to one postscript file or printer job until Ctrl+F2 is pressed. EmulationType=Emulation type EmulationType.DOSBox=DOSBox EmulationType.ScummVM=ScummVM EmulationType.Windows=Windows [UpdateCheck] UpdateCannotFindFile=Cannot find file UpdateDownloadFailed=Download failed UpdateDownloadFailed.StringBeforeURL=Cannot access UpdateDownloadFailed.StringAfterURL= UpdateURL=URL UpdateDownloading=Downloading... UpdateConnecting=Connecting... UpdateFileName=Filename UpdateTransfered=Transfered UpdateFileSize=File size UpdateRamainingTime=Remaining time UpdateTotalTime=Total time UpdateCannotReadFile=Cannot read file UpdateNoUpdates=No updates available at the moment. UpdateNewVersionPart1=New version UpdateNewVersionPart2=on server. Do you want to update now ? SingleInstanceMessage=The update checker is already running. Please wait for the update checker to finish before starting it again. Caption=Search for updates Program=Search for program updates Program.Info=If activated the update checker will search for new versions of D-Fend Reloaded. If there is a new version, it will ask you, if you want to update your installation. Packages=Package lists for downloading add-ons and game packages Packages.Info=If activated the update checker will update the list of available packages if there are new lists on the server. Cheats=Cheats data base Cheats.Info=If activated the update checker add new cheat records to the local data base if there are new records on the server. DataReader=Data reader configuration DataReader.Info=If activated the update checker will update the data reader configuration from the server to ensure D-Fend Reloaded is able to interpret the MobyGames search results homepage. Download=You can also open the D-Fend Reloaded homepage and search for updates manually: Update=Update AutoUpdate=Configure automatic update Status.NotYetChecked=Status: Not yet checked. Status.Searching=Searching for updates... Status.NoUpdates=No updates available. Status.Aborted=Update search has been aborted. Status.Program.NewVersionAvailable=A new version is available. Status.Packages.Done=List update check completed. Status.Cheats.Done=The data base has been updated from the server. Status.DataReader.Done=The data reader configuration has been updated from the server. [MessageDlg] Type.Warning=Warning Type.Error=Error Type.Information=Information Type.Confirm=Confirmation Button.Yes=&Yes Button.No=&No Button.OK=OK Button.Cancel=Cancel Button.Abort=&Abort Button.Retry=&Retry Button.Ignore=&Ignore Button.All=&All Button.NoToAll=No to &all Button.YesToAll=Yes to a&ll [CacheChoose] Caption=File conflict Info=The listed profiles have changed on disk. These changes will be overwritten with the profiles in memory. If you want to keep the manual changes to the files on disk, you have to reload these files now. Please select which profiles should be reloaded from disk now. [RestoreDeletedProfiles] Caption=Deleted profiles Info=The listed profiles have been deleted from disk, but they still exist in memory. Please select the profiles you want to restore on disk from the copy in memory. The deselected profiles will be permanently removed (from memory as well). [LanguageEditor] Caption=Language editor Edit.ThisLanguage=Edit this language Edit.NewLanguage=Add new language Info.AllTranslated=All strings in this section seem to be translated. Info.OneTranslationMissing=There is one string in this section which may not be translated. Info.TranslationsMissing=There are %d strings in this section which may not be translated. Show.All=Show &all entries Show.UntranslatedOnly=Show &untranslated entries only Table.Identifier=Identifier Table.English=English [SoundCapure] SaveTitle=Save sound file SaveWavFilter=Wave files (*.wav)|*.wav|All files (*.*)|*.* SaveMP3Filter=mp3 files (*.mp3)|*.mp3|All files (*.*)|*.* SaveOGGFilter=Ogg Vorbis files (*.ogg)|*.ogg|All files (*.*)|*.* SaveMIDFilter=MIDI files (*.mid;*.midi)|*.mid;*.midi|All files (*.*)|*.* ImportTitle=Import sound file ImpottFilter=All readable audio files|*.wav;*.mp3;*.ogg;*.wma;*.mid;*.midi|Wave files (*.wav)|*.wav|mp3 files (*.mp3)|*.mp3|Ogg Vorbis files (*.ogg)|*.ogg|Windows media audio (*.wma)|*.wma|MIDI files (*.mid;*.midi)|*.mid;*.midi|All files (*.*)|*.* PlayPause=Play/Pause PlayPause.Hint=Pauses or resumes playing the file. [VideoCapture] SaveTitle=Save video file SaveFilter=Video files (*.avi)|*.avi|All files (*.*)|*.* ImportTitle=Import video file ImportFilter=Video files (*.avi)|*.avi|All files (*.*)|*.* [WallpaperForm] Caption=Wallpaper style Style.Tile=Tile Style.Center=Center Style.Stretch=Stretch [ReadImage] CaptionISO=Create ISO image from CD CaptionIMG=Create IMG image from floppy DriveLabelCD=CD drive DriveLabelFloppy=Floppy drive FileName=Image filename FileName.FilterISO=ISO images (*.iso)|*.iso|All files (*.*)|*.* FileName.TitleISO=Save ISO image FileName.FilterIMG=IMG images (*.img)|*.img|All files (*.*)|*.* FileName.TitleIMG=Save IMG image Info1=%s KB read Info2=total %s KB to read NoExtendedAccessWarning=D-Fend Reloaded cannot get extended read access on the drive. Do you want to try to continue anyway ? Info=The D-Fend Reloaded ISO image reader will only read the first track of a CD. If you want to read a CD with data and audio tracks, you'll need to use an external program. [WriteImage] Caption=Write IMG image to floppy FileName.TitleIMG=Load IMG image Info=%s KB written (total %s KB to write) [CheckSum] Caption=Checksum error ProfileEditorMismatch=The checksum of %s does not match with the checksum stored in this profile.[13][13]If this profile was imported it could be made for some other game and should not be used with this game. If this message occurs with a no longer existing profile, something is wrong with the program file. (Perhaps a virus ?)[13][13]Do you want to update the checksum stored in this profile ? (Press "No" to keep the existing checksum.) RunMismatch=The checksum of %s does not match with the checksum stored in this profile.[13][13]If this profile was imported it could be made for some other game and should not be used with this game. If this message occurs with a no longer existing profile, something is wrong with the program file. (Perhaps a virus ?)[13][13]Either way, you should not start the program ![13][13]Do you really want to update the checksum stored in this profile and start the program now ? TurnOffForProfile=Disable checksums for this profile [ExtractImage] Caption=Extract image file to folder ImageFile=Image file DestinationFolder=Destination folder OpenDestinationFolderAfterUnpacking=Open destination folder after unpacking files ImageFile.DialogTitle=Select a image file ImageFile.DialogFilter=All images (*.img,*.ima,*.iso,*.cue)|*.img;*.ima;*.iso;*.cue|IMG images (*.img,*.ima)|*.img;*.ima|ISO images (*.iso)|*.iso|CUE images (*.cue)|*.cue|All files (*.*)|*.* DestinationFolder.DialogTitle=Choose a destination folder ImageType=Image type ImageType.Floppy=floppy image ImageType.HD=harddisk image ImageType.CD=CD image [FirstRunWizard] Caption=Welcome to D-Fend Reloaded InfoOverview=In this wizard you can configure the basic settings needed to use D-Fend Reloaded. You can also change all settings offered in this wizard from the program settings dialog. InfoDOSBoxPath=Even though the path displayed in this dialog is absolute, it will be stored relative to the D-Fend Reloaded program directory (because of the portable mode D-Fend Reloaded is running in). ProgramLanguage=Program language: DOSBoxFolder=DOSBox installation to be used by default: DOSBoxFolder.Default=Version installed with D-Fend Reloaded DOSBoxFolder.Custom=Custom DOSBox installation DOSBoxFolder.NoDOSBoxFiles=There are no DOSBox program files in the selected folder. DOSBoxFolder.NoDOSBoxFiles.Short=No DOSBox files DOSBoxFolder.PortableOK=The selected DOSBox folder is a subdirectory of the D-Fend Reloaded program folder. Therefore it will be stored relatively to the D-Fend Reloaded program folder and so this installation can be used portable. DOSBoxFolder.PortableOK.Short=Ok for portable use DOSBoxLanguage=DOSBox language: AutoUpdate=Automatically check for updates AutoUpdate.Info=(You can configure the details of the update checking process in the program options dialog.) MainFormInfoBar=To add a new game to D-Fend Reloaded just drop the archive file containing the game to the program window or copy the game to a subfolder of the games folder (see Extras|Open games folder) and add it via the wizard (Profiles|Add with wizard) or scan the games folder for new games (Extras|Scan games folder for new games). You can also download and install some shareware and freeware games directly from the internet (File|Import|Download packages). Also see the online help on how to add a game (Help|Adding games). MainFormInfoBar.CloseHint=Remove this information bar. [ImageFromFolder] Caption=Create image file from folder content SourceFolder=Source folder ImageFile=Image file WriteToFloppy=Write image file to real floppy after creation SaveDialogTitle=Image file to create SaveDialogFilter=Image files (*.img)|*.img|All files (*.*)|*.* ImageType=Image type ImageType.Floppy=Floppy disk image ImageType.Harddisk=Harddisk image AdditionalFreeSpace=Additional free space (in MB) NotEnoughSpace=There is not enough space on the disk image to copy the selected files. (%d kb are needed, but only %d kb available.) [DragDrop] NoProfileSelectedForScreenshots=There is currently no profile selected where screenshots could be imported (while trying to import "%s"). NoProfileSelectedForSoundFiles=There is currently no profile selected where sound files could be imported (while trying to import "%s"). NoProfileSelectedForVideoFiles=There is currently no profile selected where video files could be imported (while trying to import "%s"). UnknownExtension=Don't know how to import file "%s". (D-Fend Reloaded doesn't know how to handle files with this extension.) InfoDialog.Caption=Drag&drop errors InfoDialog.Label=The following errors have occured while trying to import the dropped files: ImportFolderConfirmation=Do you want to import the folder %s as a new profile? (If you click "No", the content of the folder will be added as data files to the "%s" profile.) [MissingFilesCheck] Caption=Missing files OK=There are no missing files. All files and directories for all profiles are available. GameDirectory=The game directory "%s" does not exist. GameFile=The program file "%s" does not exist. GameChecksum=The program file "%s" does not match with the stored program file. SetupFile=The setup file "%s" does not exist. SetupChecksum=The setup file "%s" does not match with the stored program file. CaptureFolder=The capture folder "%s" does not exist. IconFile=The icon file "%s" does not exist. DataDirectory=The data directory "%s" does not exist. ExtraFile=The extra file "%s" does not exist. ExtraDirectory=The extra directory "%s" does not exist. [OperationMode] Caption=D-Fend Reloaded operation mode TopLabel=Operation mode chosen during installation: OpMode.PrgDir=Program directroy mode OpMode.UserDir=User directroy mode OpMode.Portable=Portable mode InfoPrgSettingsPrgDir=Program settings are stored in the program folder InfoPrgSettingsUserDir=Program settings are stored in the user profile folder InfoUsersShareSettings=All users on this system share settings and profiles InfoVistaCompatible=Useable without admin rights and under Windows Vista or higher InfoDOSBoxRelative=DOSBox and games directories are stored relative to the D-Fend Reloaded folder (for portable use) PrgDir=Directory for D-Fend Reloaded program files DataDir=Directory for data files (games, profiles, settings, etc.) [ZipForm] Caption.Extract=Extracting Caption.Create=Compressing Caption.Add=Updating PasswordPrompt=Password for archive Progress=%d%% done, %d MB processed (%d MB/Sec.) Progress.Extract=Extracting files from %s to Progress.Create=Creating archive file %s from Progress.Add=Adding files to %s from folder OverwriteWarning=The existing archive file "%s" will be overwritten if you continue. Continue anyway ? Error.Extract=An error occured while extracting the archive. Error.Compress=An error occured while compressing the files. Error.NoRepack7ZipSupport=Cannot add files to existing 7Zip archives. Error.NoPassword7ZipSupport=The archive cannot be extracted because it may be password protected. Password protection is not supported for 7Zip archive files. WaitInfoLabel=At the moment at least one running instance of DOSBox or ScummVM is using files from an archive. As soon as this DOSBox or ScummVM instance is closed, D-Fend Reloaded will repack the files to the archive. CloseWarning=D-Fend Reloaded is waiting for the termination of a DOSBox or a ScummVM instance to repack the used files in an archive. If you close D-Fend Reloaded now, the files will not be repacked to the archive file. Do you really want to quit D-Fend Reloaded now ? ZipFileInUseWarning=The archive file "%s" is already in use as a drive in an other DOSBox or ScummVM instance. Please close this DOSBox or ScummVM instance before trying to use this file again. InvalidParameters=The given parameters %s are invalid. The command line parameters must contain %%1 and %%2. UnknownExtension=There is no archiving program defined to handle archive files of the type "%s". [ZipWaitForm] Caption=Compressed drive management Info=D-Fend Reloaded is waiting for the following DOSBox / ScummVM instances to close before repacking the archive files: DOSBox=DOSBox handle Drive.DOSBox=DOSBox drive ScummVM=ScummVM handle Drive.ScummVM=ScummVM drive ZipFile=Archive file Folder=Folder [ViewDataFiles] Setup=Setup data folder Setup.Info=There is no data folder defined for this profile. Click on "Setup data folder" to set "%s" as data folder for this profile. Update=Update Update.Hint=Update directory list. CreateFolder=Create folder... OpenFolder=Open folder OpenFolder.Hint=Open data folder in explorer. OpenFile=Open file OpenFile.Hint=Opens the selected data file. OpenInDefaultViewer=Open in default viewer Rename=Rename... Rename.CaptionFolder=Rename folder Rename.CaptionFile=Rename file Rename.Label=New name Delete=Delete Root=Root [EditLinks] Caption=Edit links Name=Name Link=Link Info=If you leave the name and the link field in a line blank, D-Fend Reloaded will show a dividing line in the menu. If you write a "=" before the name of a link, the link will be displayed in a submenu of the last link before without a "=". Import=Import Import.Title=Import links Import.Filter=Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.* Export=Export Export.Title=Export links Export.Filter=Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.* [ExtraExeEdit] Caption=Edit extra program files Description=Description FileName=Filename FileName.Select=Select program file Parameters=Parameters Info=The program files defined in this dialog are offered to start via the context menu of the profile. If you want to access files relatively to the DOSBox directory structure you can place a "DOSBOX:" before the path ("DOSBOX:C:\game\gamefile.exe" for example). [BuildZipPackages] Caption=Build archive packages for multiple games Info=Please select the programs to create archive packages for: DestFolder=Output folder [FullscreenInfo] Info=You can switch between fullscreen and window mode by pressing Alt+Enter and you can close DOSBox at any time by pressing Ctrl+F9. Checkbox=Do not show this information again [QuickStarter] Caption=Quick starter Type.GamesDir=Games folder Type.CaptureDir=Capture folder Type.DataDir=Games data folder Type.Full=All Folders Update=Update Update.Hint=Update directory list. Columns.Name=Name Columns.Size=Size Columns.Type=Type Columns.Type.DOS=DOS program file Columns.Type.Windows=Windows program file Columns.Type.Batch=Batch file Columns.Type.Text=Text file Columns.Type.Configuration=Configuration file Columns.Type.Image=Image file Columns.Type.Sound=Sound file Columns.Type.PDF=Portable document file Columns.Type.HTML=HTML file Columns.Type.RTF=Rich text file Columns.Type.Archive=Archive file Columns.Type.HDImage=Floppy/harddisk image Columns.Type.CDImage=CD image Columns.Type.DLL=Windows dynamic link library Columns.Type.DOSDriver=DOS driver file Columns.Type.Icon=Icon file Columns.Type.Video=Video file Menu.ViewMode=View mode Menu.ViewMode.Games=Games folder Menu.ViewMode.Capture=Capture folder Menu.ViewMode.Data=Games data folder Menu.ViewModes.Full=All folders Menu.OpenFolderInExplorer=Open folder in Explorer Menu.OpenFolderInDOSBox=Open folder in DOSBox Menu.MakeProfile=Make profile from file... Menu.MakeProfileWizard=Make profile from file (wizard)... Menu.CreateFolder=Create folder... Menu.CreateFolder.DefaultName=New folder Menu.CreateFolder.DialogCaption=Create folder Menu.CreateFolder.DialogLabel=Name for new folder Menu.Rename=Rename Menu.Rename.CaptionFolder=Rename folder Menu.Rename.CaptionFile=Rename file Menu.Rename.Label=New name Menu.Delete=Delete Menu.OpenInTextEditor=Open in text editor Menu.RunWithParameters=Run with parameters... Menu.RunWithParameters.Caption=Run program with parameters Menu.RunWithParameters.Label=Parameters: Menu.OpenInDefaultViewer=Open in default viewer Setup.FullscreenMode=Fullscreen mode Setup.WindowMode=Window mode Setup.AutoClose=Close DOSBox when program closes Setup.NoAutoClose=Do not automatically close DOSBox [AutoDetectGames] Caption=Automatically detect and setup games OpenFolderButton=Opens the games folder OpenFolderButton.Hint=Open games folder in Explorer ScanButton=Scan games folder ScanButton.Hint=Scans the games folder for new games. AddButton=Add selected games AddButton.Hint=Adds the selected games to the games list. ProfileNameSelection=Name scheme ProfileNameSelection.Hint=Defines how the scan function should name the new profiles. ProfileNameSelection.GameFilename=Choose game filename as profile name ProfileNameSelection.Foldername=Choose folder name as profile name Result.NoNewGames=No new games or programs have been found. Result.Start=Click "Scan games folder" to scan for new games. The found games will be listed in this window so you can decide which to add to the games list. Popup.SelectAll=Select all Popup.SelectOnlyAutoSetup=Select only auto setup profiles Popup.SelectNone=Unselect all List.Name=Name List.Folder=Folder List.Filename=Filename List.Template=Template Edit.ProfileName=Profile name Edit.TemplateType=Template type Edit.TemplateType.User=User template Edit.TemplateType.AutoSetup1=Auto setup template Edit.TemplateType.AutoSetup2=Matching auto setup template Edit.Template=Template to use Edit.ProgramFile=Program file Scanning=Scanning folder [SelectCDDrive] Caption=Select CD drive to mount FreeSelect=Please select the physical CD drive you want to mount as drive %s: in DOSBox. Label=Please insert a CD named "%s" into any of your CD drives. This disc will be mounted as drive %s: in DOSBox. File=Please insert a CD with a file named "%s" in the root directory into any of your CD drives. This disc will be mounted as drive %s: in DOSBox. Folder=Please insert a CD with a folder named "%s" in the root directory into any of your CD drives. This disc will be mounted as drive %s: in DOSBox. ProfileToStart=Profile to start: [CreateShortcuts] Caption=Create shortcuts Info=Select games to create shortcuts for InfoWine=Folder to create link files in UseProfileIcons=Use icons from profiles [SelectAutoSetupTemplate] Caption=Select auto setup template to use WhileImportingZip=There are multiple matching auto setup templates for the game. Please select which template should be used when adding this game. WhileScanningFolder=There are multiple matching auto setup templates for the game located in %s. Please select which template should be used when adding this game. [PackageManager] Caption=Packages manager Menu.UpdateLists=Update lists Menu.UpdateLists.Local=Please insert the disc containing %s into any drive connected to the computer and press "Ok" or press "Cancel" for skiping the update of this file. Menu.UpdateLists.Hint=Updates the packages list from internet. (Shift+Click: Update not out dated lists, too.) Menu.RepositoriesList=Repositories list Menu.RepositoriesList.Hint=Edit the list of download repositories Page.Games=Games Page.AutoSetups=Auto setup templates Page.Icons=Icons Page.IconSets=Icon sets Page.Languages=Language files Page.ExePackages=Multiple games packages Page.ExePackagesSelect=Select games package Page.Tools=Tools AllListsEmpty=At the moment all lists are empty. You need to click "Update lists" to download the lists of available games, templates and language files. Download=Downloading Download.Size=Download size Download.PackageAlreadyDownloaded=(This package has already been downloaded and is ready for installation.) Download.OldPackageAlreadyDownloaded=(An older version of this package has already been downloaded. If you click on "Download and install" the newer version will be downloaded.) Download.PackageOnlyInCache=(This package is not available for download any more but has already been cached and is ready for installation.) Download.Failed=The download of %s failed. Download.FailedUseOldVersion=The download failed. Do you want to install the old cached version of this package? Download.Language=Language installation completed. You can activate the new language(s) from the "Language" page of the program options dialog. Download.SingleLanguage=Do you want to activate the downloaded language immediately? Download.IconSet=Icon set installation complete. You can active the new icon set(s) from the "User interface" page of the program options dialog. Scanning=Scanning directory FilterList=Filter list FilterList.NoFilter=No filter Install.Games=Download and install selected games Install.AutoSetups=Download and install selected templates Install.Icons=Download and install selected icons Install.IconSets=Download and install selected icon sets Instal.Languages=Download and install selected languages Install.Packages=Download and install Install.Packages.Delete=Delete cached file License=License Description=Description Author=Author Provider.Caption=Download provider Provider.Files=The files you are going to download Provider.Provider=are provided by Provider.Information=Provider information Provider.Homepage=Provider homepage Provider.ProfileString=This game is provided by %s. Tools.Special=Ignore records selected on the other pages and do this: Tools.Special1=Make package list file from plain archive files in package list folder Tools.Special2=Make package list file from plain archive files in package list folder and add auto setup templates Tools.Special3=Make package list file from auto setup templates in package list folder Tools.MaxVersionInfo.Game=If you want to specify a maximum version for which the external templates are needed, enter it here. If the field is blank, the auto setup template will be assumed to be needed for all versions. Tools.MaxVersionInfo.AutoSetup=If you want to specify a maximum version for which this templates are needed, enter it here. If the field is blank, the auto setup template will be assumed to be needed for all versions. [RepositoriesEditor] Caption=User repositories editor ActivateSource=Activate source DeactivateSource=Deactivate source AddSource=Add source AddSource.Warning=Downloading data from untrusted sources might damage your system, so please only add download sources you really trust. Additionally please check if the files offered for download on the new source are legal to download. AddSource.Caption=Add repository EditSource=Edit source EditSource.Caption=Edit repository RemoveSource=Remove source RemoveSource.Confirm=Do you really want to remove the selected package source ? Popup.ActivateSource=Activate source Popup.DeactivateSource=Deactivate source Popup.AddSource=Add source Popup.EditSource=Edit source Popup.RemoveSource=Remove source Repositories.Official=Official repositories Repositories.User=User-defined repositories Column.URL=Package list URL Column.Description=Description URL=URL URL.Paste=Paste URL from clipboard LocalFile=Local file LocalFile.Title=Filename of the package list file LocalFile.Filter=xml files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.* [PackageCreator] Caption=Package list creator Description=Package description OutputFile=Filename of the package list file OutputTitle=Filename for new package list file OutputFilter=xml files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.* OutputFileInfo=All additionally needed files (like game package archive files) will be created in the directory of the package list file. [RenameAll] Screenshots=Rename all screenshots Sounds=Rename all sounds Videos=Rename all videos Scheme=Use "%P" for the name of the profile, "%N" for the number and "%E" for the extension. PlaceholderError=There has to be the %s placeholder in the rename expression string. NoFiles=There are no files in the folder %s to be renamed. ThisProfile=Rename all files in the selected profile AllProfiles=Rename all files in all profiles [DataReader] Caption=Read game data Button=Download game information DOSGamesOnly=Search for DOS games only SearchResults=Search results NoGameSelected=No game name selected CoverCheckbox=Download cover and store it in the capture folder AllCoverCheckbox=Download all available images InsertButton=Insert Download.Caption=Receiving data Download.Info=Loading data from %s, please wait... Download.Error=Error reading data from %s [InstallationSupport] Caption=Install game from source media Source.Floppy=Install from real floppy disks Source.Folder=Install from folder Source.Archive=Install from archive files Source.FloppyImage=Install from floppy disk image Source.CD=Install from real CD drive Source.CDImage=Install from CD image Source.ClearList=The already selected install sources will be removed from the list when changing the installation type. Do you really want to change the installation type now? AlwaysMountSource=Make CD data available when running the game. AlwaysMountSource.Wait=Adding CD images to profile... AlwaysMountSource.Copy=Copy CD image(s) to game installation folder AlwaysMountSource.Link=Link to the current CD image(s) only DragDrop.Folder=You can also drop folders on the list above to add them to the list of sources. DragDrop.Archive=You can also drop archive files on the list above to add them to the list of sources. DragDrop.FloppyImage=You can also drop disk image files on the list above to add them to the list of sources. DragDrop.CDImage=You can also drop CD images on the list above to add them to the list of sources. Insert.FirstFloppy=Please insert the first disk into the floppy disk drive before starting the installation process by clicking on "Ok". Insert.FirstCD=Please insert the CD containing the game installation program into any disc drive connected to the system before starting the installation process by clicking on "Ok". Add.Folder=Add source folder Add.Archive=Add source archive file Add.FloppyImage=Add source floppy disk image Add.CDImage=Add source CD image Del.Folder=Remove folder from sources list Del.Archive=Remove archive file from sources list Del.FloppyImage=Remove floppy disk image from sources list Del.CDImage=Remove CD image from sources list Run.Caption=Game installation Run.Source=Select active source: Run.Info.Starting=Please wait, the starting of the installation program is being prepared. Run.Info.Running=The installation process is being started. Please install the game to any directory on DOSBox drive C:. Run.Info.NewGameScan=Scanning the games folder for the new game. Run.Info.NewGameScan.Error=There is no new folder in the games directory from which a new game could be added. Do you want to start the installation program again? Run.StartGameFile1=Press return to start the installation of the game. Run.StartGameFile2=If D-Fend Reloaded has not selected the right file to start type "dir" and press return to see a list of all files then type in the name of the installation program and press return. Run.StartGameFile3=If the installation was successful, type "exit" and press return to close DOSBox. Run.NoGameFile=D-Fend Reloaded has not found out which file to start to install the game. Please type "dir" and press return to see a list of all files then type in the name of the installation program and press return. Run.InstallationStart1=Just install the game to any directory on drive C: you want. Run.InstallationStart2=When the installation program terminates type "exit" and press return. D-Fend Reloaded will add the new game to the games list then. Run.InstallationStart3=You can switch between the CD images by pressing Ctrl+F4. Run.InstallationStart4=You can switch between the disk images by pressing Ctrl+F4. Run.UpdateDirectoryInformation=Please press Ctrl+F4 in DOSBox to update the folder information available to the installer before continuing the installation. ArchiveFileCheck=The game in this archive file looks like it needs to be installed before being able to be used. Do you want to add the game using the installation support wizard? FolderCheck=The game in folder file looks like it needs to be installed before being able to be used. Do you want to add the game using the installation support wizard? ZipImport.UseSupport=Use installation support ZipImport.UseSupport.Hint=Do not add this game directly but try to run an install program from the archive file to install the game. MultiDiskError=Because DOSBox is locking the disk image D-Fend Reloaded cannot swap between multiple image files while DOSBox is running. If you want to install a game from multiple disk images, you will need to use some external floppy disk emulator and use this virtual floppy drive as installation source. [ImageFromProfile] Caption=Create image file based profile from normal profile InfoLabel=This function can create a bootable harddisk image from a profile. Running a game under FreeDOS from a harddisk image can solve some rare problems on games not running in DOSBox directly. (The original profile is not changed in any way. The new harddisk image based profile is created as a copy.) FreeSize=Additional free size on harddisk image (for saving games etc.): ProfileNameAdd=FreeDOS boot image MKDOSFSNeeded=The file %s is needed to use this feature but D-Fend Reloaded cannot find this file. Confirmation.GameDirectoryNotInGamesDirectory=The game directory %s is not a direct subdirectory of the games directory %s. In this case the extra directories cannot be added to the image. Do you want to skip the extra directories and continue creating the disk image? Confirmation.ExtraDirectoryNotInGamesDirectory=The extra directory %s is not a subdirectory of the games directory %s and therefore cannot be added to the disk image. Do you want to skip this extra directory and continue creating the disk image? [ApplyCheat] Caption=Change saved game Info=The dropdown list will show the names of the games for that files matching to the saved games file masks are found in the given game directory. GamesList=Cheats data base game record: CheatsList=Available cheats: FilesList=Saved games FilesList.SelectLastChanged=Select the last changed file Warning=Changing a save game file can corrupt the file and make it unloadable. Therefore D-Fend Reloaded will make a backup copy before changing the file. EditButton=Edit cheats data base DataBaseError=Loading the cheats data base failed. NoMatchingCheatRecord=No matching cheat records. InvalidValue=The given value is invalid. [EditCheats] Caption=Edit cheats data base Game.Name=Game name Game.Add=Add game record Game.Add.Prompt=Name of the new game Game.Edit=Rename game record Game.Edit.Prompt=New name for the game Game.Delete=Delete game record Game.DeletePrompt=Do you really want to delete the complete game record "%s"? Action.Name=Action Action.Add=Add action record Action.Add.Prompt=Name of the new action Action.Edit=Rename action record Action.Edit.Prompt=New name for the action record Action.Delete=Delete action record Action.Delete.Prompt=Do you really want to delete the action record "%s" or the game "%s"? FileMask=File mask for the selected action ActionStep.Name=Steps of the selected action ActionStep.Add=Add action step record ActionStep.Delete=Delete action step record ActionStep.Delete.Prompt=Do you really want to delete the selected action step? ActionStep.Add.ChangeAddress=Change value at address ActionStep.Add.ChangeAddressWithDialog=Change value at address with dialog ActionStep.Internal=Binary cheat ActionStep.ChangeAddress=Addresses to change (multiple values can be separated by ";" or by ",") ActionStep.ChangeAddress.Info=(Negative addresses mean seeking from file end. -1 is the address of the last byte in file.) ActionStep.ChangeAddress.NewValue=New value ActionStep.ChangeAddress.Bytes=Bytes to write HexInfo=You can enter addresses and values in decimal or hexadecimal. Hexadecimal values have to start with a "$" sign. ActionStep.ChangeAddress.DefaultAddress=Read default value from address ActionStep.ChangeAddress.FixedValue=Fixed default value ActionStep.ChangeAddress.DialogPrompt=Dialog prompt ActionStep.ChangeAddress.NewValueMin=Minimal value ActionStep.ChangeAddress.NewValueMax=Maximal value ActionStep.ChangeAddress.NewValueInfo=(You can leave the minimal and the maximal value field blank if there is no minimal or maximal value.) ActionStep.Internal.Nr=Internal cheat to apply ActionStep.Internal.PrivateerPosition=Privateer - Position ActionStep.Internal.PrivateerPosition.Prompt=Position: ActionStep.Internal.PrivateerPosition.Missions=How many active missions do you have? ActionStep.Internal.PrivateerPosition.MissionsPrompt=(0-3): ActionStep.Internal.PrivateerMoney.NotFound=The search string could not be found. ActionStep.Internal.PrivateerShip=Privateer - Ships ActionStep.Internal.PrivateerShip.Prompt=New ship (0=Taurus, 1=Orion, 2=Centurion, 3=Galaxy): ActionStep.Internal.PrivateerShip.Missions=How many active missions do you have? ActionStep.Internal.PrivateerShip.MissionsPrompt=(0-3): ActionStep.Internal.DarkSideOfXeenPosition.X=New X coordinate ActionStep.Internal.DarkSideOfXeenPosition.Y=New Y coordinate ActionStep.Internal.DarkSideOfXeenPosition.Quadrant=New Quadrant ActionStep.Internal.DarkSideOfXeenPosition.Prompt=Position: ActionStep.Internal.DarkSideOfXeenPosition.Invalid=Invalid coordinate. ActionStep.Internal.DarkSideOfXeenPosition.SkyNotSet=The attribute "Sky" is not set. Activate it now? ActionStep.Internal.DarkSideOfXeenPosition.SkySet=The attribute "Sky" is set. Keep this? ActionStep.Internal.SimCity2000=SimCity 2000 - Money ActionStep.Internal.SimCity2000.Prompt=Money: ActionStep.Internal.SimCity2000.InvalidValue=The current money value has to be in the range from 1 to 65535. SearchForUpdates=Search for updates [SearchAddress] Caption=Search for address in saved game Start=If there is no unique address found for the value a second search will be needed. Please enter a name for the new search or select a search to be continued from the list. Start.New=Start new search Start.New.Name=Name for the value to be searched (can be "game name - value to be searched" for example) Start.New.NameMessage=You have to enter a name for the new search. Start.Continue=Continue already started search Start.DeleteButton=Delete selected search data Data=You can search for a known value or even for a value you do not know exactly. In the second case you will have to do multiple searches and tell D-Fend Reloaded each time if the value has increased or decreased. When searching for an exactly known value you may also need more than one search if the value is been found at more than one addresses in the file. Data.Known=Search for known value Data.Known.Value=Value to search for Data.Known.ValueMessage=You have to enter an integer number to be searched for. Data.Unknown=Search for not exactly known value Data.Unknown.Increased=Value has increased since last search Data.Unknown.Decreased=Value has decreased since last search Data.Filename=Saved game file to search in Data.Filename.Filter=All files (*.*)|*.* Data.Filename.Title=Select saved game file to search in Data.Filename.Message=You have to select a saved game file in which D-Fend Reloaded should search the value. Result=An unique address for the value has been found. You can add this address to your cheats data base now. Result.MessageStart=The saved game file has be copied to the D-Fend Reloaded settings folder and can be compared with later versions of the saved game file to find the address of a value be defining if the value has increased or decreased. Result.MessageMultipleAddresses=Multiple matching addresses have been found. You can store the search results and continue later to find an unique address or you can create a cheat record from one of the addresses below. Result.MessageMultipleAddresses.CurrentValue=current value Result.MessageMultipleAddresses.Actions=Actions Result.MessageMultipleAddresses.Action1=Store search results and close dialog Result.MessageMultipleAddresses.Action2=Create cheat record from selected address and delete search data Result.MessageMultipleAddresses.Action3=Create cheat record from selected address but keep the search data Result.MessageNotFound=There is no address matching the search criteria. Result.Address=Address of the value Result.NewValue=New value Result.NewValue.Hint=The value can be entered in decimal or hexadecimal notation. Hexadecimal numbers have to start with a leading "$". Result.NewValue.Message=You have to enter a new value which you want to be written to the address. Result.NewValue.MessageInvalid=The entered new value is invalid. Result.Bytes=Bytes to write Result.GameName=Game name Result.GameName.Message=You have to enter a name for the game. Result.Description=Description ("Money" for example) Result.Description.Message=You have to enter a description for the address this cheat will change. Result.FileMask=Filemask ("*.sav" for example) Result.FileMask.Hint=(Last saved game: %s) Result.FileMask.Message=You have to enter a file mask for the saved games. Result.FileMask.MessageAllFiles=Using *.* as file mask for the saved games is not a good idea because in case of *.* this action will be displayed always as a suggested action when using the cheat function for a game. Do you really want to use *.* as file mask? Result.UseDialog=Let the user enter the new value Result.UseDialog.Prompt=Dialog prompt Result.Success=The new cheat has successfully been added to the cheats data base. [ImportDBGLPackage] Caption=DBGL archive file import Title=Package title Author=Author Notes=Notes Games=Games to import Progress=Importing profiles... [DOSBoxStartFailed] Caption=Starting DOSBox failed Info=DOSBox has closed upon startup. Either the program you wanted to run in DOSBox failed to start, or DOSBox itself has caused a problem. To see more information about the error, you can turn off the "Close DOSBox when program closes" option. If DOSBox itself fails to start, you can try some other render methods. ShowConsole=Show DOSBox console window TurnOff=Do not show this dialog for this profile again (not recommended) ProfileSettings=Profile specific settings GlobalSettings=Settings for all profiles RemoteInfo=When running DOSBox via a remote session using DirectX could cause problems. [DOSBoxLanguageEditor] Start.New=Start new DOSBox language file Start.New.Name=Filename (without extension) Start.New.Template=Language file to copy from Start.Edit=Edit existing language file Start.NoFiles=There is no DOSBox language file in the DOSBox program directory which could be edited or used as a template for a new language file. Start.NoName=No name for the new language file was given. Caption=DOSBox language editor Key=Name of the language string Button.Save=Save && Close Button.Cancel=Discard changes and close Button.Cancel.Confirmation=Do you really want to close the editor discarding the changes? [DOSBoxOutputTest] Caption=DOSBox output methods test Info=Using this function you can check which DOSBox output methods are supported by your graphics driver. Window=Window Fullscreen=Fullscreen Test.NotChecked=not checked Test.Failed=failed Test.Passed=working Test.Start=Start test Test.InProgress=Testing output methods, please wait.